Chapter 20 – Devour Them All
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After the TBV agents and their hostages boarded a couple of pollen pods, Moss sneakily caught up to them and boarded a separate pollen pod. With a rumble, they launched themselves over the vast green and into a giant blooming structure.


Once they arrived, Moss waited until the TBV agents left before exiting his pollen pod. Looking towards the direction that the enemies were heading towards, Moss could sense his agents stirring to consciousness. Without giving away his chance of ambush, Moss willed those agents to calm themselves down and stay quiet.


While he followed the enemies, Moss secretly sent a message to Lichen with their coordinates. After hearing the zombie virus agent confirm that they were on their way, Moss switched his focus back to the TBV agents. They had already traveled through five different chambers. When will they arrive?


Finally, after what seemed like seconds, the TBV agents arrived at their destination. One of the enemy elites slithered forwards and announced their arrival. A languid voice echoed in response, allowing the first-generation TBV sequents to come in. The snake-like virus agents herded their hostages into the chamber while Moss stealthily followed from behind.


While the TBV agents piled up the hostages, Moss hid underneath one of the piles and waited for Lady Tully to approach. The origin agent of the TBV had her back turned towards Moss and his agents. Her head was lowered and bobbing about. From his senses, Moss could gather that Lady Tully seemed to be…eating something?


But how was that possible? Could viruses eat? Other than Moss, but then again, he was not a typical virus. Once all of his agents have been piled up, the leader of the first-generation TBV agents slithered forward and bowed.


Lady Tully, as if finally sensing her sequent, turned around. [Good! The task is done, you may leave. We will proceed to breakthrough now.]


[But, Your Ladyship…what if they wake up and retaliate?] The leader worried.


[Preposterous! We are powerful! These puny pieces of protein and DNA cannot harm us!] Lady Tully waved her tail and slapped the TBV agent. [Now, leave. And don’t come in not matter what the circumstances are! If our breakthrough is disturbed, prepare to suffer the consequences!]


[Yes, Your Ladyship!] The TBV agent bowed before signaling the others to leave.


Once the other TBV sequents have left the premises, Moss received a communication link from Lichen stated that they were arriving soon. Moss quickly informed them that they will be battling around a hundred first-generation TBV agents upon landing. The green-spotted virus agent turned off his link with the zombie virus agent and turned his attention towards Lady Tully.


The virus origin agent nearing Subgenus rank displayed a terrifying power that Moss had never experienced before in his second life. If he had to compare, it would definitely be similar to that of a knight. As for him, he couldn’t even be compared to an apprentice knight. At best, he would be a squire.


But, he was a squire with many special abilities. Plus, he and his agents outnumbered Lady Tully. There was a chance of success…and he was willing to take it. As soon as Lady Tully was in range, Moss will have his agents ambush her and extract her DNA. He only needed one successful extraction to subdue her.


However, Lady Tully stopped just before attack range. Moss silently cursed her for stopping but then…Lady Tully spoke. [Do you think we are idiots? If you’re already awake, then get up.]


[How did you know?] Moss stood up after deliberating on what to do for a few microseconds.


Lady Tully shook with laughter. [We could sense your killing intent. It’s something we’ve developed throughout the months. You’re practically overflowing with it.]


[I see. Then, in that case…Heat Wave!] Moss shouted as he released a wave of heat along with ten other agents.


The combined waves of heat intensified to unbearable degrees. Lady Tully, suffering from the brunt of the attack, reared back in discomfort. Taking this chance, Moss led his agents to attack the TBV origin agent.


[Hmph! Not today!] Lady Tully recovered from the heat quicker than was expected and reeled back with her tail whipping away any that got too close.


Moss could tell how powerful Lady Tully was just from that attack alone. One whip, which couldn’t look even more casual, had just destroyed ten agents and severely shattered the membranes of thirty more. Moss immediately ordered his agents to spread out.


The numerous agents surrounded Lady Tully, each pulling out their DNA extractors. Moss led the attack as they charged wave after wave at the TBV origin agent. But, all was for naught. No matter how many Moss had with him, Lady Tully was just too strong. With lethality greater than a first-generation TBV agent and durability stronger than a second-generation TBV agent, the origin agent blocked and dodged all attacks without failing to deal damage of her own.


Within microseconds, the one-sided massacre was over. Lady Tully had killed off the last of Moss’s agents. All that was left was Moss. As fear took over him, there were two paths presented before him. One, he could retreat by transferring his mind back to an agent in the tomato fields and start over. Or two, he should try to escape. Both choices seemed cowardly.


Before he could make a decision, Lady Tully circled around him and cut off his only escape. Now, he could only transfer his mind away. But, was that something he should do? By retreating, he would tie a knot in his mind’s heart. As time passes, this knot would persist within his mind, building up regret and becoming near impossible to clear.


Moss did not want this to happen. No…he must not let it happen! Something began to swell up inside of him. He did not know whether if it was blind courage or cornered cowardice, but Moss glared back with increasing fighting will.


[Oh? Still got some fight left in you, eh? Any last words?] Lady Tully chuckled as she slowly wrapped herself around Moss, crushing his membranous coating bit by bit.


Moss choked as his DNA leaked from the cracks in his membrane. The virus agent looked up at Lady Tully with defiance. A thought appeared in his mind.


|<Use it. Use it now!>|


U-Use what? Moss felt his senses deteriorating as Lady Tully tightened her grasps.


|<Look at all those DNA. Consume them all and you will have strength! Consume them! Devour! Devour! DEVOUR!>|