Chapter 19-5: The Black and White of Mecchen
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Chapter 19 - The Black and White of Mecchen (cont.)

I’d grabbed hold of a bag of something deep-fried. I dropped it when I heard that.

“She what?”

Keiko searched my face. “I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?”

I shook my head. “No, I was just surprised. How would you describe the dress?”

Keiko waited and watched me until I gave her a little smile. She bowed her head. “Well, it looked a little like Hitomi’s dress. It was simple. Cotton-candy pink. It felt really soft.”

I shut my eyes. What was that doing in Keiko’s vision? What did it mean?

“Go on…”

Keiko cross-checked the list and went down another aisle. “Hitomi was disappointed you wouldn’t wear it outside. She stomped her feet a little. You assured her you would wear it as soon as you could. She pouted and asked, ‘Why can’t we just go home?’ You told her, ‘Patience, little one.’ Hitomi didn’t seem very happy after that. She still lingered near you, but behind. I noticed… as you walked, you stepped around little weeds growing in the cracks. Hitomi flattened them with her feet. She glowered at me, and I stopped watching.”   

Keiko picked up a couple of fresh vegetables and put them in a plastic bag. “We were almost to the store when I heard a boy and girl arguing loudly. The boy had shimmering, rigid gray hair which rose in tall spokes. The girl’s hair was blue and short but pulled into a tight, small ponytail. The boy looked furious. No matter what the girl said, he didn’t stop yelling. She looked sullen. She answered in quiet half-phrases. He exclaimed, ‘We used to do everything together!’ The girl bowed her head and muttered, ‘I know. Sorry.’ He said something else, but I couldn’t make it out. It sounded especially angry.”

Keiko took a breath and gave a shudder, as though she were reliving the intensity of the moment. She continued, “Well, Hitomi looked back at them. She clenched her teeth and said, ‘I’ll fix them. I’ll make them cooperate!’ A wind started to blow. You grabbed Hitomi and the wind quickly ceased. Hitomi looked to you with wide eyes. And you said… ‘Remember what Toki has told us…’ You bent over to whisper in Hitomi’s ear, then you kissed her on the cheek.”

I tapped my hand on the railing. If only this were my vision, I would’ve heard what the vision ‘me’ whispered. Alas. I let those tidbits roll around in my thoughts, clinging to what I already knew in the hopes of discovering new answers.

Keiko put a twist-tie on her bag and checked the list again. “Hitomi held your hand the rest of the way. I remember she suddenly said, ‘Promise you’ll never leave me, sister’. You smiled and said, ‘I promise I will never leave. I’ll always be with you, my little sister.’ I promised as well, but Hitomi’s eyes only saw you. She hugged your arm tight.”

Keiko sighed. “Just one more item and we’re done.”

“So, how did your vision end?”

She walked over to a rack of spices and picked up a container of chili powder. “We made it to the store. It looked much as it does now. An older woman was running around and tending to the whole place. She recognized us, then we went over to the tank.”

She pointed to the empty tank where the blue serpent lay. “Only it wasn’t empty. There was a lovely, brown octopus in there. It curled close to the glass when we came over. The woman laughed and said, ‘It’ll give you a nice hug.’ Its tentacles slipped along. It had impressive, glassy eyes. The old woman explained that it was a pet, to give the store some character. She said, ‘His name is Inky.’ At that point, I heard a sound, like a howling wind. Then, I woke up here with Nagi-chan standing over me.”

The clerk girl, whom Keiko called ‘Nagi’, gave a slight smile as we approached. She rung up our purchases, bagged them, and looked over us and out the front window.

“The taxi is here. Good timing.”

Keiko paid with a few colorful bills. Nagi gave her the change and a little bit more.

“This is for the taxi,” she explained and waved goodbye. “Thank you for shopping at our store!”

Keiko gave her a deep bow in return.

The taxi had plenty of room for us and the groceries. Despite this, I sat close to Keiko. She blushed a little but didn’t seem bothered. I gave the taxi driver, a young guy with spiky-green hair, the directions.

The trip didn’t take long and the fare was easily paid with the money we’d been given.

I carried the bags up the steps. Keiko insisted on at least carrying something. I gave her the bag of vegetables.

We were halfway up the steps before I had to stop and face Keiko.

I took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry.”

Her eyes widened. “What’s wrong?”

“I just… I feel like I’ve been neglecting you for a while. I mean… all this started because I don’t spend a lot of time with you. I should’ve. We should’ve been going out for walks all the time, like we did in your vision. I should’ve been a better friend to you than I’ve been.”

We took the last steps to the top and Keiko gave me another soft hug. “You’ve always been my friend. You’ve been there when I’ve truly needed you, when I talked about my family, when I wasn’t sure about these changes, and just now. When I've needed you around, you have been there for me. Thank you.” She gave a smile that would put Tara’s smile to shame and held my hand.

Then, her stomach gave an irritated rumble. She blushed.

I smiled. “Thanks, Keiko. Now let’s put this stuff away and get you some food.”


The girls surrounded Keiko as soon as we’d left our shoes behind and entered the hallway. Tara was first to arrive. She gave Keiko a giddy embrace. Keiko passed her the change from the taxi.

Miki and Mami took the groceries off our hands while Katsumi stayed to give Keiko a once-over. It gave me pause to remind myself that Keiko was once nine inches taller than Katsumi and now they were about the same height. Jamie crept along the side to join us.

Ms. Ishida and ‘Akiko’ weren’t far behind. The young girl only peeked out from behind Ms. Ishida in cautious dashes. Keiko leaned and watched her. She looked at me. I figured it was time to come out with everything.

Reiko kept a semi-interested distance with one arm clutching her shoulder and the other slack at her side. Sumi kept the same distance, but with a pleased look. Mami returned, notepad still in hand and her eyes on Jamie. Miki looked eager to carry more.

I could sense the lull would soon build into a storm of questions.

I set my shoulders, let in a long breath, and said, “Some of you had questions for me. I told you I would explain as much as I know and what we’ve only guessed. I offer all that now to everyone who wishes to know. Just join me over where all the couches are.”

Even Reiko and Sumi came over. Ms. Ishida, with ‘Akiko’ still behind her, put together some food on a tray for Keiko, who soon dug in with her chopsticks after saying, “I humbly receive this meal”.

I stood in the center of the room. The air felt strange. It felt like a touch on my neck. It felt near. I pulled my shirt up. The air lingered. I felt a kiss on my neck. I cleared my throat and turned around.

All eyes were on me. I felt warm. The air flowed over me again. I shook my head and traced a circle in the room. The air felt like a needy child. It kept returning to me with renewed insistence.

Before the girls thought me crazy, I coughed again and said, “I’m going to get a glass of water first.”

The air stuck as close to me as ‘Akiko’ did to Ms. Ishida. I shook a leg. Jamie gave me his usual look.

I crouched over the tap with a glass and sipped slowly. The air rose along my back and blew across my ear.

I could hear clear words.

“My sister. All this is for your sake. Don’t fret. I am with you now.”

The last words sounded as though they were spoken right beside me. The glass slipped from my fingers. I turned around.

No one was there. The glass clanged around in the sink but, fortunately, didn’t break. The water inside splashed against the wall. It was enough sound to bring both Tara and Ms. Ishida rushing to my side. ‘Akiko’ hid completely behind Ms. Ishida.

I assured them both I was fine. “It just slipped.”

The air no longer clung to me. Its presence was gone. The cool drafts were gone too. All felt still.

That left me nervous.

Looking out a nearby window, I could see the last glimmers of twilight.

Ms. Ishida and Tara were joined by Miki. They all accompanied me back to the living room. ‘Akiko’ kept Ms. Ishida as a shield between us.

The room felt especially still. I sat with Keiko and Jamie to the right of me and Ms. Ishida on the left. ‘Akiko’ tried to wedge herself on the far side of Ms. Ishida, between the cushions. Ms. Ishida held her and guided her carefully into the spot by my side, with a smile.

‘Akiko’ draped her long hair over her face and pressed into Ms. Ishida. Her hands and legs dug into the cushions. I felt a strange pang of sadness, mixing with the nervous confusion building inside.

‘Akiko’s head drifted up and she looked at me. She didn’t press as close to Ms. Ishida. Her eyes soon turned to Reiko, who wore an expression of irritation.

Reiko rose, looked to Sumi, and said, “We have better things to do than sit around waiting.”

Sumi stayed seated. “Actually, I was hoping for a little ‘fun-time’ later. So, I’m sticking around.”

Reiko glared back at her, then over at me. “You annoyed me slightly-less today, so I’ll give you one more minute. Get on with it.” Reiko sat back down.

She was right. No more delays.

I stood and began, “There’s a lot to say. There are so many things I don’t understand. And I wish Nana was here.”

A prickly feeling rushed through my stomach, accented by the next word uttered by Miki.


“Nana. Your roommate.”

Miki’s eyes were devoid of recognition.

Ms. Ishida leaned forward and inquired, “Do you mean Reiko’s suggestion of ‘Nanashi’ for Akiko?”

I shook my head. Was this some sort of joke on me?

“Don’t you remember Nana…?” I looked at Katsumi. “You gave her name during the vote. Miyakami Nana.”

Katsumi narrowed her eyes at me. “I said no such thing. I’ve never heard that name before in my life.”

My heart pounded in my head.

I turned to Tara. “You remember Nana, right?”

My spirit leapt at some small flash in Tara’s eyes, but she shook her head and bowed. “Sorry, Kelly-kun. I can’t say I remember anyone with that name.”

Reiko wouldn’t even dignify my question with a response. Sumi shrugged. “I know all the girls in this place. I don’t know a ‘Nana’.”

Reiko lashed out, “Is there a point to this game?”

I looked to Keiko and Jamie. Both were shocked.

Jamie’s mouth hung open. “Of course I remember that creepy, computer-loving girl!”

Keiko also remembered her.

But the three of us were the only ones.

Mami remarked, “I don’t remember her. Did she have a lot of money?”

I felt on the verge of tears.

‘Akiko’ was standing right beside me.

Ms. Ishida brushed my arm. “Are you okay?”

I took a deep breath. “Then who is the girl in the room at the end of the third-story hall?’

Ms. Ishida blinked at me and stated simply, “Hitomi.”

I felt my throat tighten. “Who?”

“Her room is the one at the end of the third floor. She was the first resident. She inspired Mecchen House. I’ve told you all this before, haven’t I?”

I clutched my head. “No! It was Nana! She was the one who did all that!”

Wasn’t she? I would suspect I was going mad, but Jamie and Keiko both remembered things the way I did.

‘Akiko’ held my leg. I felt woozy.

Ms. Ishida asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Keiko set her half-finished meal aside. “I remember Nana as well. She had long, grayish hair and blue eyes. She often spoke in riddles. Her room was full of computers.”

Miki scratched her hair. “That almost sounds like Hitomi. But Hitomi’s eyes are purple. Her hair is a light gray, almost white. And so far as computers…”

Miki paused, as though straining to remember something. I encouraged her on but she eventually shook her head and said, “Sorry.”

I turned a few times, ‘Akiko’ still close behind me, and asked the girls, “Okay…so where is Hitomi?”

Ms. Ishida seemed to have an answer. But, before she could speak, I heard the front door sliding open. A pair of shoes ‘thud-swoop’ed against the ground and footsteps sounded one after another.

A girl appeared in front of me, panting gently.

Her eyes twitched ever so slightly. They were a vibrant shade of purple. Her hair was lighter than Nana’s, just as Miki had said. She was dressed in the Azako High uniform. She had Nana’s face and body.

[Hitomi by MysticSwordsman]

Tara waved and greeted, “Hi, Hitomi-chan!”

A few others waved as well.

‘Hitomi’ didn’t respond to them. Her violet eyes were locked on me.

She ran to me with her arms outstretched and clutched me tightly. Her head buried in my chest. Her eyes trembled but no tears fell from them.

Her hold seemed desperate. I could still feel ‘Akiko’ lingering behind me.

‘Hitomi’ looked up at me and said, “Finally, my sister. Finally… I am with you now.”