Omake – Katsumi’s Story
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Katsumi's Story

The Way Things Should Be
by Nakagawa Katsumi

The fair and radiant maiden, of supple splendor and gentle form, looked out upon the world. She was saddened by what she saw. Buried beneath the loud, rude, and nasty forms of men were spirits of maidens yearning to be liberated. Their ridiculous forms were mere costumes, like oni masks hiding their beauty. The maiden shook her head. Why did these other maidens not take off their masks like the rest? Didn't they know better?

She would do something about it. She bowed her head and prayed fervently to the goddesses of the air. Her soft and loving heart cried out to whoever would listen. A great and roaring thunder quaked from above and down, with fury and ease, came the answer to her prayers.

Before her stood the countenance of a Goddess, clad in flowing robes. Her form was mature but young. A long, luscious trail of reddish lavender hair trailed after her like a jeweled crown. She stood over and watched the stunned maiden with a lovely smile.

The maiden bowed before her. The Goddess bid her to rise and spoke, "Fair maiden, I have heard your pleas and I shall help! My name is Natsumi, Goddess of Thunder! I shall shake the masks from the frightened faces of your fellow maidens!"

And so they went together. A few 'men' in their masks stood around. The Goddess stretched forth her arms, spoke in a rippling voice, and cast away the masks. The new maidens laid together, stunned and fearful of their new, revealed state. Their clothes hung loose and useless to their true bodies. They were maidens, in every last respect. Some cried, some begged the Goddess to put back their masks.

The Goddess lifted her head and intoned, "NEVER! Your false masks are destroyed and can never be restored! By my magic, you will never again wear a mask over your maiden beauty!" They quaked in her presence, but their every plea failed. She reminded them, "This is who you truly are and ever will be. Even your spirits ever after. You cannot hide from it!"

And so were the words the Goddess gave everyone she touched. Old men, perverts, husbands, boys, and infants (even those unborn), none were left untouched by the Goddess. All looked down in shock and looked up as the Goddess, some with the same pleas for restoration. She reminded them again and again, "You are now restored!"

Those that tried to get away were caught, for the Goddess could sense them, even when they were hiding in the dark. No wall could hold her out. No barrier could keep her back. She knew every masked spirit and she hunted them down, every last one. Those that tried to escape by casting their life away were still caught by the Goddess. She made them ghostly handmaidens and princesses, the most lovely of all. She brought forth the beauty of all things.

No words turned her aside and no effort could keep her back. The very last 'man' tried his very best but the Goddess knew about even him. He could not deceive her. And no effort of words could stop her as the last mask was ripped off and full beauty spilled forth. She trembled and the Goddess hugged her. They would forever be sisters to one another, revealed.

The Goddess returned to the maiden and they embraced one another in joy. Then the Goddess rose back towards her home in the skies. The maiden called out in thanks and curiosity, "Oh blessed Goddess! Where will you go now?"

The Goddess, in her infinite wisdom, smiled and waved back. "This world is done but there is always another needing the blessings of truth. Go forth and embrace your sisters in love."

And so she did and they were happy ever after.

The End


Kimi, slouching a bit, looked up from the paper and over at Katsumi, who still had her glare fixed on herShe still slouched. Katsumi rapped her fingers on her chair.

She didn't sit up as she turned the paper over a few times and said, "Okay..."

Katsumi stood. She marched over and took back the paper. "Any errors?"

Kimi turned up her hands and said, "I wasn't paying attention."

Katsumi scoffed. How could she be so dumb? But she restrained her disgust in a lady-like fashion and said, "I want to make sure it's right for her. I just wanted you to help me edit it!"

Kimi gave that so-typical shrug. "I'm not an editor."

Ms. Ishida was too busy with guests. Mami still charged something. And she didn't trust Arisu since the other day with Toki.

She waved her hand at Kimi. "Well, then. That's all. Err...thank you." Kimi raised her eyes. Did she actually expect me to be as rude as some people?

But Kimi left without another word. Katsumi shook her head. She'd check it again before offering it too Raiko and she'd trace it so it looked better.

Her face felt flush and her heart fluttered as she thought about Raiko receiving her work.