Training and shopping
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don't own naruto or any naruto characters other than the OC

Well after the party and meeting the Hokage things seemed to go back to how it was before, other than the fact that Sayuri has joined our small circle of friends. 

We really were a strange group, I mean everyone of us were different but we somehow just seemed to fit in together. 

On a interesting note it looks like Sayuri stole Mito from me, I mean they are practically inseparable from each other kind of like Ino and Hinata, yeah in this world Hinata became Ino's best friend rather than Sakura seeing as I don't want to go anywhere near the Yamanaka family, mostly because of how overprotective her father is and the fact that they will realise, how different I am compared to other kids, they are masters of the mind after all and I would rather not take any chances.

Well it seemed like everyone wanted to do a party like that again, seeing as most of the party they got involved in are usually clan gatherings which is a bit boring even the Akamichi one and they are known for their festive lifestyle.

Which unfortunately led to everyone discovering that my birthday had passed without anyone knowing. In my defense I was never one of those people who couldn't be bothered to celebrate their birthday. 

Unfortunately that seemed to be the wrong answer as Mito showed me by biting my hand, and let me tell you it hurts like hell, I mean what the fuck wasn't she a Uzumaki and not a Hoshigaki(shark guy from Akatsuki), I mean I felt like she was going to bite my hand off, she only let my poor hand go after I promised to celebrate my birthday with everyone when it came.

Time skip 1 year

There wasn't much that happened this year other than the fact that Sayuri seems to spend every day with us, which wasn't bad, if not for the that the next time I saw Itachi, he was literally contemplating if it would be a bad idea to kill me. How would I know that, well the fact rather then releasing killing intent he just looked at me like I was a dead man and didn't realise it yet. After that incident I ended up begging Sayuri to spend some time with Itachi as from what Mikoto told me it seems because Sayuri was spending so much time with us, that Itachi barely sees her anymore.

On an strange note thanks to me beating a genin up who was mad that I didn't let his brother hit me, we seemed to have become a group that no one wants to mess with, my guess is that Ino had a hand in spreading that rumour farther than it should be possible.

Unfortunately, it seemed like my exercise idea weren't really helping me anymore, so I did what my brain told me to do, even if my heart was screaming at me to not do that. So I spent hours walking looking around, I tried to ask some people but they usually ran away when I answered why, but after few days I was finally able to find him the green beast of Konoha, thought talking to him was harder than you would think since if I needed his guidance, I had to keep up with his training regimen and even thought I have been training since I was a baby, I couldn't keep up, at least he told me when he was available so I could train with him. It took me months of every morning and evening trying to keep up with his training regimen that I finally was able talk to him for long enough thay I could convince him about building me a training regimen for me, I knew that his training regimen was amazing and it could show great results, but it was more for someone who specialised in taijutsu which I wasn't planning on doing. The reason I had trained my body so hard was because the body and mind were the only things I could train as I didn't want to chance it by using chakra without the proper understanding of how it worked.

So when I visited my friends, who I wasn't able to interact with much because I was trying to keep up with Might Guy. It turned that they wouldn't let me leave till I told them what was wrong, it took me a while to convince them that I didn't hate them or was planning to leave them for more normal friends, but because I wanted training tips from Might Guy. This led me to tracking Might Guy down again and convincing him of creating a training regimen, for everyone in our group, I don't think I have ever spoke and would speak about more youthful bullshit as than I did that day.

Thought I don't regret it because even if it seemed like everything would be fine like in the anime, I still didn't want to chance it. 

The worst thing to happen this year was that some merchant convinced Mito to buy the orange monstrosity that that Naruto wore in the anime.  After seeing her wear that I told her to get changed and we spent the rest of the day going store to store in the shinobi district for a store that allowed Mito to enter their store and didn't Jack up the price because of who she was. Sure I had to use the names of others from our circle of friends, but there were some idiots who tried to force us to buy some stuff that looked like it was worth shit but by acting as if it was worth it's weight in gold and claiming that since we touched it we had to buy them, of course I I remembered to write down the names of those stores for later use.

Fortunately there were some stores, where Mito would be able to buy stuff without getting scammed and after all day of travelling we went to the the best quality store amongst the stores that accepted Mito.

Interestingly enough the one who was manning the cashier wasn't the middle aged woman from before, but a girl who was about our age if not a bit older.

???:" Hey, names Tenten what are guys looking for.

Well that was interesting, I mean it kinda makes sense, after all knowing her future fighting style there was no way that she could afford all those weapons with a genin or chunin pay. 

Akira:" What kind of konoichi clothes do you have, also do you do custom symbols on the clothes." 

Mito:" Do you have anything in orange, orange is my favourite colour."

Tenten:" Hmm there be some orange, but they are closer to brown than orange."

In the end we ended up spending about an hour looking through those clothes till we realised that neither of us had any fashion sense, so we chose to give up on getting new clothes till we could get Ino to help Mito to choose some clothes, still we did end up buying all our ninja supplies for when we start going to the academy. 

Seeing as I forced her to spend the entire with me, I took her to the usual ramen stand and let her eat all the ramen she wanted, of course I ended up regretting that since it ended with my money purse completly empty and I had been saving that money  for nearly a year.

Well she seemed to be happy so everything was fine I suppose. I was kind of surprised when she fell asleep right after eating the ramen, so I piggybacked her to her apartment and changed her into her pyjamas and left her apartment after putting her to bed.

(A/N: for those whose minds seem to be in the gutter, please remember that the main character was an adult when he was reborn and as such sees Mito more like a Baby sister or daughter, it will change in the future but for now he will continue to act like an idiot without realising it)

Akira:" Huh where is the killing intent coming from and why are birds chirping at this hour."


Third character pov

As the young pink haired boy left after changing and putting his female friend to bed. 

Few buildings away from him five ANBU seem to be doing their best to hold a silver haired dog masked ANBU whose hand seemed to be coated with electricity and is just a moment away from murdering the boy .