Kigal-Note/Demons: Topaz Demon
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Name: Topaz Demon
Rank: G-
Type: Demon (Monster)
Lifespan: 200 Years
Attribute: none
Traits: Low Demon, Empty Demon Vessel


The Topaz Demon is a demonic creature that is created by an amalgam of various types of aethers. These types of demons are most common in mines or caves with a high percentage of valuable metals.

Due to this, there is a superstition that the sightings of a Topaz Demon will lead to the persons in the area of the sightings will gain great wealth.


The Topaz Demon has the shape and size of a normal rat. Their fur is a golden yellow, but their hands, feet, and their seven tails are all made of a black, coal-like substans. Their eyes are simple spheres made of the same substance.


Average HP: G+ Average MP: G Average SP: G-
Average STR: G- Average VIT: G Average MAG: G
Average RES: G+ Average SPD: G- Average DEX: G-
Average INT: E Rarity: B+ Danger Rank: G-

Seen from statistics, the Topaz Demon is weak. It is more durable than other demons of its rank towards special ailments such as poison or paralyzes, but it still loses to higher-ranked demons. 

On the other hand, the Topaz Demon has a natural talent for finding valuable metals. This has made the Topaz Demon a regular companion to miners along with the Warning Canary.

Garami's comment: A Color Demon with a good reputation for once?!

Mira's comment: What's with that reaction? But a natural talent for gold and stuff... Hmm...