Kigal-Note/Monsters/Beast: Adventure Rat
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Name: Adventure Rat
Rank: F+
Type: Beasts (Mouse)
Lifespan: 30 Years
Attribute: none
Traits: Rodent Monster


An Adventure Rat is an intelligent mouse monster who has a great curiosity and greater loyalty to its master, be it a greater mouse monster or even a humanoid who owns the Rat as a pet.

These creatures are easy for adventurers to tame and train, being able to learn a huge variety of skills easily under the tutelage of a talented teacher/tamer. It is common to see a tamed Adventure Rat having the same skill portfolio as its owner, or having been trained to assist its master through different methods.


Adventure Rats are large, brown-furred rats that have lively personalities and a somewhat cuter appearance compared to wild rat monsters. They are often dressed in clothes made by humans, and they love to dress up.


Average HP: F Average MP: F Average SP: F+
Average STR: F Average VIT: F- Average MAG: F
Average RES: F- Average SPD: F+ Average DEX: F+
Average INT: C Rarity: E- Danger Rank: G+

As mentioned, these creatures are easy to be tamed and trained by adventurers, so much that they are named after the occupation itself. These rats are also quick on their feet and can act as natural scouts if needed. They can even master several classes if that is required of them.

Zaria's comment: Yay! The race Tinkletop used to be before he evolved!

Garami's comment: I hope he's still as talented as before evolving. And that he still likes to be dressed up. I know a certain Arachne who would love to have a victim, I mean, customer like him...