Kigal-Note/Special Classes: Esper
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Type: Special
Rank: Intermediate
Unlock Requirements:
  • INT: 115+.
  • Quest: "Supernatural Side-Effects".
  • Alters the growth of mentioned stats:
    • MP growth increase: [Small]
  • Unlocks ESP-type skills.
Skills obtained by advancing in the Esper Class:
Obtained from Main Class only: [Clear Mind Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.1: [ESP Technique Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.1: [Concentration Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.10: [Spoon Bending Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.20: [Prediction Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.30: [Psion Energy Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.40: [Parallel Thinking Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.50: [ESP Reinforcement Lv.1]


Espers. Users of supernatural abilities. ...which is pretty much just like anyone else with a skill on Terra Sol. And by extension, this piece of information greatly depresses Migrants who are fans of Espers when they discover this fact.

However, the class that is known as "Esper" is a little different. They develop their special ESP-based technique over some time before advancing the class to the Advance-tier, where they obtain a proper "ESP" that even Migrants could give a gold star. 

ESP-based abilities consume MP to be activated, but the difference between ESP and magic is that the former has no dedicated anti-skills to themselves.

However, these abilities require a lot of brainpower to be used and kept in control, so the Esper class is locked behind an INT-based requirement. The class also provides various mental-assisting skills to help the Esper in developing their ESP ability.


  • [Clear Mind]: A passive skill that grants resistance towards mental-type status ailments. For espers, their mind is their weapon. They need to keep it in one piece.
  • [ESP Technique]: The bread and batter of the Esper class. This magic skill will gradually develop into a single ESP-based technique based on the user's ability, personality, attributes, and environment. After evolving the skill to a T2 skill based on the technique developed, the Esper class can finally evolve.
  • [Concentration]: A passive skill that improves one's concentration abilities. Critical for the usage of esper-abilities. 
  • [Spoon Bending]: A common ability when talking about ESP (or so the Migrants say) is the ability to bend spoons. This magic skill (it is still an ESP-type ability) recreates the same effects to bend small objects. It's not limited to spoons, but it can only affect small objects of around that size.
  • [Prediction]: A perception skill that allows one to predict the future. Fitting for an Esper.
  • [Psion Energy]: A passive skill that allows one to further spend SP in addition to the original MP cost to improve one's [ESP Technique]. 
  • [Parallel Thinking]: A passive skill that grants positive correction to the action of thinking over multiple subjects at the same time. Quite useful when dealing with ESP.
  • [ESP Reinforcement]: An ESP-version of the classic skills such as [Weapon Reinforcement] and [Magic Reinforcement]. This skill gives a positive correction to all ESP-related abilities, and even reduces their costs a little.

Shiro's comment: WHAAAAT!!? You need to have brains to use ESP!? That's so unfair!!

Zaria's comment: I agree! You need to be either Garami or Blot if you want this class! Unfairness at the highest level!!