09.5 Side story: A day in the Shallow Deep.
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-Queen of the Shallow Deep PoV-

The day has started like any other, the days in my territory don't change much.

My territory is fairly safe to raise my children, and ever since the deal was made with the little ones there isn't much to be done in everyday life.

The agreement was made many generations ago for the little ones.
As for me not so much, but they kept their word, so I protect them from the creatures of the deep, and they pay me tribute by offering their weak youth.

From time to time the tribute season comes bringing the young to feed me and my children.

Like any other day, I was lying in my nest watching my children play.

'Dan didn't come back since yesterday, I'm worried about him.'

Dan is one of my youngest children, he likes to follow the vine roots in the tunnels, he says they always lead him to exciting and different things.

Sigh! That kid is always worrying me.

One time he followed a rodent to his lair, he got himself stuck in a hole for several days, before one of his siblings found him and called me to get him out.

'I hope he's not stuck in a hole this time.'

Closing my eyes to get back to my slumber...


Crack, crack!

'Huh? What's that annoying noise?

"I finally got you, you worthless bug, did you really think you'd escape the amazing me?"

Slowly opening my eyes, I come across one of the young tributes.

This time of the year already? Well Whatever, if the food has come this far to offer itself to me, I will happily take it.

Or so I thought, till I saw what the little one was holding one of my children split in half, while the other half was being eaten by the young one.

'ZEB, DON'T...' Everything went red after that.
'I'm gonna kill them all...'

After sleeping buried for over a year the rocks have solidified around me, making me use a little more force to get up...


Lifting myself up caused the rocks to break apart making a loud noise, alerting the little one.

Looking at me for a second and then at his hand still holding part of my son...

"Aw shit!" He ran.

'Don't think I'm gonna let you get away, you little murderer!'

Chasing after him, tearing everything down in my path, I see two more of them right in front of me...

'I'm gonna kill all of you for what you did to my Zeb!'

The murderer knocked the little one down holding the other tribute, and managed to run through a tunnel that's too small for me to pass through.

'It's gonna take me a while to break a passage of my size, but i'll hunt you down no matter what!'

'I'll start with you two first.'

Realizing they still wanted to escape, I spit a silk web to cover their exit, now they have nowhere to run.

'I was planning on using that to create a new nest for my eggs, but now it doesn't matter.'

"I just need to put my eggs inside your corpses!" I thought by throwing my tail like a whip at the little one in front of me, making him fly away and hit the wall.

Looking at the smaller one still on the ground I decided to start with him.

'You're kind of small for my eggs, but at least they will have something to eat.

I went to get the little one...


A strong, warm light hit me, I have seen something like that once, a long time ago.
I see...
It seems I have underestimated that little one.
To think i would met a child of that woman here...
It seems that my territory its not as safe as i thought.

'Dan... I hope you're safe in a hole...'


Queen of the Shallow Deep ☆☆

Race: ???

Level: ???

Skills: ???





[Queen of the shallow deep ☆☆ defeated. 250xp gained.]