Chapter 1 [ The Beginning ]
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Honestly, I could have slept for a few more hours but hearing footsteps of someone coming to my room shaking me out of my slumber shot that idea out of the air instantly. The one who woke me so rudely? My little brother Ienaga, honestly my parents pick decent names for my brothers, maybe I’m adopted? 

“Sis~” My little brother spoke like a child he wasn’t really was, he was only a year younger making him ten years old and he’s way more mature then he sounds trust me. I only gave a groan as a response slowly sitting up.

“Good you’re up~” He let out a faint chuckle, turning walking over to the door before stopping seemingly remembering something. “By the way, mom wants you up to do outdoor chores~” He gave me a weak smile before leaving my room, closing the door behind him. Honestly, he’s too cute for his own good, ah well I guess I should talk about my chores due to being on the topic.

My indoor chores are rather easy, helping my mother, cleaning the house, and cooking. To be honest with you, I love my outdoor chores way better. I mostly feed the animals or take care of our cows even though my small hands make it rather hard to milk them so my big brother mostly helps.

Oh right! I need to get ready before I get yelled at by that older brother of mine, oh by the way his name is Arita. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, crawling out of my small bed well for nobles, a small bed. Walking over to my outdoor clothing which is overalls, a plain white-ish shirt that now was stained with brown and green. I sighed looking at the stains. ‘At least it could be worse..’ I slowly rolled my eyes as I went out of my room. I made my way to the dining/kitchen area before seeing my mother working.

“Your breakfast is ready then you can get to work on your chores.” My mother looked over to me, giving a warm smile before looking back at the dishes she was currently washing. Oh, by the way, her name is Akibara. Again normal name - what the hell did they have to pick my name to stand out so much in our family - again thinking I’m adopted. Giving a weak sigh I sat down onto one of the five wooden chairs, pulling my plate over before I started to feast upon my breakfast which was bacon and eggs, don’t forget the toast as well.

Eating in a timely manner, more or less in five minutes getting out of my chair pushing it in with my foot to slide it against the table before I made my way over to my mother. Handing her the dishes I had, giving her a warm smile as I started to get out of the kitchen. “Thanks for breakfast~” I called as I left the entryway, pulling on my large work boots, cracking my back and body before I left the house.

Leaving the coolness of the house to be hit by a warm breeze, the trees shaking slightly with the tone of the wind. To be honest with you, I love being outdoors. I just feel like it’s calling to me, I guess I spend too much time outside. Wait does that make me a tomboy.. Hell if I know, well more things to worry about aka the animals.

The animals of course in their barn… I think, maybe they left them out before I could get a look at them, but always have to make sure. I started to walk over to the barn where we kept the majority of the cows with the warm breeze at my back with the sun slightly peeking over the tops of the tall trees welcoming me. “Hey, Purity.” Oh right, my name is Purity anyway back on track I just entered the barn with my older brother already milking the cows. Tsk... Ruining my alone time with them… Again getting sidetracked, grabbing a bucket walking over to one of the cows. 

“Not even gonna say hi huh?” My brother spoke to me from the side, as I put the bucket down before I gently tied a rope around the cow’s neck to keep her in place. “Sorry… Hi.” I muttered weakly, in all honesty, it looked like I couldn’t do farm work due to my petty body. I bent down, to clean around the cow’s udder before looking over to my brother who was staring at me. “Did you need anything..” I asked quietly, tilting my head to the side.

He shook his head a small smirk forming as he started to milk his cow once more. “No, just can’t picture you milking a cow is all. Your small hands must do wonders.” He teased. Of course, this just highlights that I may be adopted, who says that to their sister... I shivered just thinking about that.

I shook my head looking back to my now moody ass cow trying to look at me. It seems to tell me to hurry up. My day is already ruined, why do cows hate my guts still don’t understand. I look down at my small hands once again shivering. ‘Gross... My brother is gross as hell..’ I let out another sigh, as I slowly started to milk the cow.

Let’s just say after hours of angry cows, breaks, and dumping buckets we are finally done. My hands feel like they are made out of paper plus they are cramped as hell even with breaks. At least we’re done for today... Till tomorrow comes around I guess I won’t have to worry about it. Anyway, the chores are done! Let’s go see the horses!

Having a small smile on my face I made my way over to the opposite side of the farm. Being greeted by one of my favorite horses, Arnie. Even if she is an adult she is really cute... Well to me anyway my parents will say otherwise sadly. I mean who would hate her black and white fur, she looks like a cow from far away but up close she looks adorable.

I reach up gently rubbing her head, though I wish I didn’t do it. Just rubbing her with my hand made it hurt even more. The stabbing pain just from giving love to my favorite horse is the worst. Letting out a faint sigh, backing away from the fence to sit down onto a fallen tree trump, slowly moving my gaze up to the clear blue sky.

I don’t know too much outside of my house to say the least, but I know the standards for my household. We live in the Hidor Empire, which is the newest and fastly growing power I’ve heard. Our close neighbors Minuya and Etheasal empires, to say the least, I only know their names and not even a single kingdom or town. Talking about kingdoms, my family and I are living in the newly founded kingdom Pruteron. Weird name I know, wonder who created the name and what it means. Anyway, we live on the outskirts of the town of Calcherth, which honestly has too many bars I heard. God, I think we are better known as a drunk town than a farming town.

Luckily for us, us being the farmers are getting great deals selling our food to a new outpost located in the Squall's End. Heard it’s a valley of death of sorts, least of our worries though I heard there groups of people getting richer than us who are feeding them non-stop. Really question how many people that are over there, the price seems to be slowly getting more and more in our favor - it doesn’t matter to me as it helps our family live a good life.

Besides the countries and towns n’ whatnot, I heard there are three guides but honestly only one I really remember is the Adventure Guide, though I don’t really remember what they do but based off of the name I can guess. Ah... Back to the topic of towns, the Royal Capital is only a few miles away from the capital of Walton, lucky bastards able to live without a care in the world. Even here we have to worry about monsters but my father mostly deals with them luckily it isn’t hard for him to shoot em’ with his bow.

I let out a faint sigh, slowly standing up stretching slowly. Not having any more work to do really bores me, well mostly. I shook my head slowly heading back to the house, opening the door before taking off my work boots. Just by entering I can hear my mother humming quite loudly, dunno what the tone she is humming though never want to ask again as the first time it was quite scary as she stared at me like she would kill me from even asking about it. Ex-husband? My dad? Pfft! That would be funny to think that my brothers are actually step-siblings and I was born from an accident.

Anyway, I head to my room to get changed, throwing them to the side of the room. Honestly, I hate wearing overalls, they are too big for my god damn body but the only size they had. I sat down onto my bed, laying back staring up at the wooden ceiling. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I was adopted, I don’t look like my father nor my brothers. My father and brothers all have brown hair, my younger brother has darker hair. They all have brown eyes, while I have blue eyes and black hair. The world must be twisted because my mother has blue eyes but her hair color is brown as well. Well, at least I’m not the shortest... Not yet anyway. My older brother is about six feet already, as I’m five foot four and my youngest brother is five foot three. Sigh, I’m gonna be short for the rest of my life aren’t I.. My luck is horrible.

Looking around my small room, only being filled with a bed and a dresser that was overflowing with clothing. Let’s just say my room is dull and rather empty, which is great because I don’t have to share it with anyone for once. Looking over to the window with the sun meeting my gaze as if it was attacking my eyes. Being outside for too long also was horrible, I’m pale enough that I will burn within a few minutes of being outside. Weak, thin, and pale you would think I’m sick and shouldn’t be alive at the very least. It feels like I was born in the wrong house like I should be some noble in another town due to how I look.

Letting out a faint yawn, turning over onto my side staring at the dull wooden wall of my room, my eyes slowly getting heavier. I hate being weak you know... The weakest link in the chain always feels like I’m going to be left behind if I am sloppy with my work. All I can do is work harder, without stopping to keep my place. My world slowly darkens as my eyes close fully, snuggling into my blanket like a kitten would curling up after a few moments.

A nap seems really good right now… Stirring around on top of my bed to get comfortable letting out a faint yawn escape my thin lips. I just have to hope I wake up in time for dinner... Though being me I will sleep past and wake up tomorrow morning having to do chores. Well if that’s the case it won’t be hard; I can always ask for a larger breakfast and maybe get it. Let’s just hope tomorrow won’t kick or bite my ass for how little I did today.

Sleep quickly took over my mind as I thought about not getting to eat a large breakfast grabbing a hold of a pillow to press against myself, letting out one last quiet yawn before sleep fully captured my weak mind and body.