Chapter 7 [ Living Hell ]
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Two weeks have passed, and things are getting harder and harder. Purity grabbing her small bowl of soup for breakfast before making her way to the now-empty living room to sit. Staring down at her bowl, quietly she looked around the living room. Everything that wasn’t deemed important was sold, that was including her bed. All she has left to sleep on is a small blanket that was barely enough to not feel the cold floors when she slept. She thought everything was going to go back to normal; she was helplessly wrong.

Her parents kept getting colder, as well as her older brother - she didn’t know what she did wrong. She gets smaller rations than others, as she was dangerously skinny after two weeks of eating like this. Her father and brother got most of the food - which wasn’t a bad thing. They did most of the heavy workaround, as well as trying to make a living when they went to town to get a few extra Nurda.

Purity never did talk about what happened to her and the tree- it wasn’t something she will spill if she was going to die in a few days as to how bad everything was going. The family had sold off all the horses they didn’t need, now they only had two out of the five they had after the storm. She stood slowly, walking to the kitchen, as only two huge gulps the soup was gone - she didn’t say anything, placing the bowl on the counter before leaving the house to go back to the tree line.

Her boots were sold off, now she’s wearing ruined shoes with many holes. At least she doesn’t mind the soil anymore. Stopping at the tree line she slowly sat down onto the ground, most of the grass was now dead - she heard from the mouths of her family that the town folk are rioting and killing randomly for food. She doesn’t understand why her brother and father still goto town - are they doing dirty deeds just to get past? She shook her head, she rather not think about dark things when they won’t affect her… At least not yet.

Running her hands through the grass, upon contact it breaks apart like ash. She sighed looking up at the dying land. She doesn’t understand, was it magic? Or is it something else? Shaking her head as she slowly stood up, leaning her back against the tree that had once brought immeasurable pain. Slowly turning her head to look at the tree before gently pushing off of it using her foot. She doesn’t know what to do anymore - she could walk around kicking the grass to see it break apart into pieces or sit inside and do nothing.

Shaking her head once more, she slowly looked up into the clear blue sky. Clenching her small hands before looking down at her small body, she started to relax, closing her eyes slowly letting her arms rest. The sun slowly peaked over the trees, with the gentle wind blowing from behind her had her black hair gently flutter in the wind. At this scene, she would look like a princess wearing commoner clothing.

Opening her pale eyes slowly, her blue eyes slowly returning to look to the clear sky once more. She enjoyed the peacefulness of this day, but who would know it would turn for the worse soon. She turned on her heel to walk into the thick tree line of dead trees running her hand across the bark as it crumbled from her silk fingers. As the particles of ash fell onto the ground where she walked she started to hum quietly. The tone was gentle, with a hint of sadness as she closed her eyes as she walked till she stopped when the sunlight hit her closed eyes.

Slowly covered her eyes before she opened them, as she was now out of the treeline with a new wasteland in front of her. Almost everything that was once lush was now gone, ash littering the air being blown lazily through the air. She let out a faint sigh seeing the sight, this was once the cow’s grazing area, now bare with nothing but black-ish soil. She let in the dirty air before turning back walking back home shaking her head.

She is too weak and tired to stay out long now, staring down at her feet as she dragged them against the ground. Slowly looking up as she arrived back at the house she opened the door, taking off her ruined shoes before walking into the living room, scanning around hearing someone in the kitchen, whom she will take as her mother. Seeing her father and brother nowhere in sight, she will take it they had already left.

Walking quietly into the kitchen, staring at her unhealthy mother, who was beyond skinny - even worse then she is. You’d think she didn’t even eat daily, which she did - even more so then she did. “Do you need help mother..” Her voice was rough - she hadn’t spoken to anyone in a few days as they gave her gazes of disgust. Akibara, hearing her voice, slightly turned her head to look at her, giving her the same gaze of disgust as if she was nothing but a burden. “No.” She simply said, looking away.

She let out as silent, taking this as a prompt to leave the kitchen, which she did. Walking to the living room, which now her younger brother was sitting playing with rocks, she sat down next to him. He was the only one who is still warm to her, at least someone cares for her. “Can I play with you?” She asked gently as she sat, as her brother looked over to her giving a small smile. “Sure!” He turned back to his rocks. “I dunno what else to do though..” He muttered, seemingly pouting as he stared at the rocks.

She giggled faintly seeing him like this - if only he would act his age more then just an adult. She leaned against him slowly, closing her eyes. “I dunno either.” She faintly spoke, a small smile painted on her face. “Why are you leaninggg on mee~” He muttered, before letting out a faint chuckle. He slowly shifted before stopping. “What happened to playing with the rocks with me?” He asked, nudging me with his elbow softly. “Well find something to play then?” She muttered in response, opening her eyes looking towards the rocks.

A small smile inched onto his face as Purity leaned off of him as he leaned forward. “How about we try to see how long we can bounce the rocks between us using our palms?” He asked, turning to face me holding one of the larger rocks. “Mmmm..” She started at the rock. “Sure, sure.” She smiled, just before he would pass it a knock came at the door, echoing through the whole empty house. She looked up towards the entryway as her mother answered. “Coming, coming!” She opened the door to be greeted by a man.