Chapter 19.5 [ First Impression(s) ]
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[ POV: Eli Lawrence ]

The cursed shrieks brought a smile to Eli’s face, as he slowly brought his long sword from his back into his hand, pushing the point of the sword into the ground. The shrieks shook the earth, as their rage-filled eyes grew closer. He can fill the bloodlust coming from the front of him - before it came from to his sides and behind. He turned his head to see the adventurers taking out their swords, axes, spears, and bows, bloodlust filling their eyes. He swept his eyes around before he landed on a certain group - being that bastard of a man, Senri. He hated the man - trying to say he’s doing the good for his family by selling slaves. Everyone knows he has no family, plus now he dragged a girl who is the key to hell like this.

His eyes suddenly widened, seeing a small figure burst from the group plunging a short sword into a cursed being that was just only a few feet away from the group. That wasn’t the thing he was shocked by - it was when the cursed being turned to ash and something went into the figure. Was that Purity?


[ POV: Senri ]

Seeing Purity take off into the horde made Senri curse, but before he could take a step the being turned to ash. He felt like something was different from her - there was some kind of an aura she was giving off as she dashed around the horde. Shaking his head to get rid of the chill he was feeling. He nevertheless charged forward - he doesn’t want to get outdone by a child!


[ POV: Unknown Girl ]

The girl smiled faintly, watching Purity jump right into battle before Eli could even say to charge. He was slow by a few seconds - even by Senri’s standards before our group charged forward. The one difference between us killing them and Purity, they didn’t turn to ash rather they absorbed into the ground. The girl turned her gaze over to Purity - maybe she was truly the key to end this hell.


[ POV: Purity ]

I smiled as I jumped into the horde, stabbing my sword short into the first being - that I thought was a zombie but I was wrong. A quiet notification sound went off as the being turned into ash - though I felt something flow into me. Another notification went off, as I went to see the blinking icon in vision.


[ Killed Cursed Being Lvl 3 | 12 exp Earned ]


[ Essence gained via Cursed Being ]


I stared at the two notifications before remembering my new skill, which I quickly opened to see how it affected me.


[ Awaken ] < Title Skill >

  Allows the host to earn essence from Cursed Beings within the Lair of the Fallen. The essence will upgrade the host’s blessing. The essence also increases the host’s speed and strength slightly.


I slowly smirked, dismissing the notifications and skill from my vision. I gripped my short sword tightly, before dashing off into combat as everyone is charging forward to clear a path into hell - makes me wonder how much they will get paid if we ever clear this dungeon. I shook my head, clearing my mind - why do I care. I can get stronger by killing these Cursed, so I’m going to do it!


I think I was late? Sorry qmq