17. Genocide
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Over the following days, the Deep One shrunk his body to average size.

While it significantly decreased his strength, it allowed lots of mobility and versatility. One of them being tool use, like the smartphone he currently held.

It allowed him to pick any kind of technology from the list. Since he was dying to observe his opponent, he picked the [Ishtar Satellite].

With a beep, the screen showed a giant landmass, surrounded by ocean—but there's more to it. The satellite could detect any life signatures on the planet, no matter how remote it was.

It could even pierce through his dwelling and showed himself using the phone.

The subsequent search results caused him to frown.

"A lot more competition than I thought."

He thought about leaving them be to nurture his kinsmen through diplomacy and war, but he's unsure if it's the best way.

"Wouldn't it be better, if we didn't have to fight?"

While he lived in a peaceful era, he knew the terrors of war.

Especially in this village, with no trained soldiers.

"Nah, it's for them to decide."

He gathered his kinsmen in front of his dwelling.

"In my vision, we have potential allies or enemies out there.

...but if you don't wish to fight, I can end them all. We will become the only civilization of this world without having to dirty your hands."

The villagers just stood blankly, and the Elder said, "Your will is our aspiration."

He half-expected it would turn this way.

...but he had a dilemma.

"What if these civilizations actually didn't harbor any malicious intent?"

He thought about coming there personally to visit each civilization and ask for peaceful coexistence in a polite manner

If they refused or didn't show respect, it will be the end.

The Ishtar Satellite came with Death Ray. An invisible laser that could wipe every living being, even accounting their bloodline.

It was convenient, to wipe out any trace of resistance. They wouldn't be able to exact revenge if they're all dead.


The Deep One ventured to the closest civilization, the Insect men. They lived within the marshy region.

Their buzzing was annoying; they even tried to bit him. Add that with their incapability of speech--there was no room for negotiation.

The translator couldn't even pick up their gibberish; nor could he understand their body language.

As such, returned with a sigh. Tapping the button on his smartphone, he watched as the laser swiftly vaporized them from existence.

"To think it was all due to the language barrier."

It's also the fact he hated insects in his past life, especially mosquitos and roaches.

His next stop was the frogmen and the amphibian alliance.

"I am the leader of the Fishmen, I would like to pay a visit to your sovereign."


It was even more confusing since they didn't show hostility, but it's not like they could understand him. Their actions weren't any different from animals, even if they stood on two feet.

He decided to leave them be, for the time being.

There was a civilization in the abyssal sea. It was filled with scary and malicious-looking fishes.

As someone who ventured there, he knew how lawless it was.

"Instant purge."

No need to negotiate with a den of criminals. He shuddered to thought, what kind of cruelty they would cause if they were let be.

Purging every 'malicious' faction and leaving the rest be, he stretched his arms and laid on the couch.

No alliance was formed—neither sides could achieve mutual understanding.

There's still the higher civilization behind the Crystal. So far, they're only observing his tribe, but who knew what they'd do next.

He wasn't confident the Death Ray could deal with them.

At that moment, there's a knock on his dwelling, and the Elder came in.

Somehow his air was different.

"You are the reincarnation of citizen..." he mentioned a serial number, "You have violated the law of Voronezh Empire."

"Fuck off."

He immediately pulled a laser gun and vaporized the Elder, before he could react. It tore through the energy shields; leaving not even a speck of ash behind.

"Nobody talks rules with me. On this planet, I am the sovereign."

Since the higher civilization made their stance clear, he wouldn't hesitate to retaliate with all his power.

From what he knew, the Voronezh Empire ran the social caste system, based on their bloodline. The pure-blooded ones enjoy boundless privilege, even if they're good for nothing.

It didn't mean the half-blood or minorities were innocent. A lot of them became criminals and rebels who committed atrocious things.

He started rubbing his head, "I wasn't especially smart, even in my past life."

In Voronezh Empire, he was born a second-class citizen. His family sold him to slavery to pay for his debt, where he ended up having his soul forcibly extracted and put for an experiment.

So the corrupt and evil government officials could live forever, and enjoy their oppressive regime.

...and how their scientists mercilessly experimented on him, no matter how much he begged for mercy.

He remembered that his uncle was sent to life imprisonment for speaking against the government.

Someone got a death penalty for vouching for equality for the minorities, and they're a pure-blood.

While a pure-blood enjoyed lots of privileges, it's only so if they went along with the government agenda.

A lot of people could live easy lives, just by being born in the right bloodline and saying yes.

In their school, they do not teach equality. Just that they are roles in society, and the pure-blooded ones were the King, while the rest were just sad livestock and should accept their fate.

Even if they could move to another galactic civilization, the costs were enormous, as was stated by the government.

They made the price so high, it was impossible for second-class citizens to legally travel.

At first, they would try smuggling themselves in an international cargo ship, but their goods were always heavily inspected. The inspectors were so greedy and tried to squeeze every bit of extra money if even a minor thing displeased them.

More so, if they found the stowaways.

Being minced to death while conscious, was the most lenient 'punishment' the gave.

...and yes, the human butchery was a legal business in there.

It was worse if they were sold into slavery—as he did.

He remembered reading about human rights, but it was a forbidden topic in the Empire.

In a place, far far away, there was a primitive civilization that couldn't even colonize their satellite planet.

A lot of them had a corrupt government, with politicians who deserved the worst death.

...but most people were free to voice their opinions and live as equals.

It was a famous ideology that's spread orally, for every written excerpt would be burned and its possessor gave the death penalty.

The more he remembered, the greater his desire to purge the Empire once and for all.

Still, Death Ray couldn't differentiate good and evil. Even if it was, there's no telling what these 'good people' do once they assumed a position of power.

...but thinking positively, the evil ones had their head far up their ass, while the good ones suffered. If he could just end both of them, wouldn't it be a win-win solution?

Clicking the button, everything went silent. While millions; probably billions died because of him.

"It was all for my own family."

Of course, he didn't refer to ones in his past life, who sold him to slavery.

He only felt a tinge of guilt, since their destruction was instant.

...but he's relieved when he saw their government office melting down, and their hateful politician crying and screaming, as their flesh burned.

It's even more satisfying when their scientists suffered much worse.


Stretching his arms and feet, he finally went outside.

He thought, "It's probably time to pick a hobby."

To gloat over his enemies, he knew it's time to dance and sing.

...and a few days later, they had their first festival.

I guess I had a thing for evil protagonists, especially if they're overpowered as hell.

I decided to not drag this arc for too long since I wasn't too interested in kingdom building.

For the next arc, it might be something cozy and lax.