Ancient Beasts and Magical Beasts(Not a Chapter)
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I will update tomorrow. Just enjoy the information of beasts in my story while you are waiting.


Magical Beast

Magical beasts have different cultivation methods than humans. They are born with a core. This core will strengthen their bodies and contain a massive amount of mana. That's why normally magical beasts are stronger than humans. Magical beasts normally weak against soul attack before reaching rank 7. When they reach rank 7 or equal to the early stage of magic core realm in human cultivation, they can choose two paths: the path of true beast and path of the monster beast.

If they choose the path of the monster beast, they will gain a natural human form and hybrid human-beast form. The beast that chooses the path of the true beast can have a chance to become an ascended beast and a sacred beast.

Ancient Beasts

The ancient beast is a title given to 10 oldest sacred beasts.  The ancient beasts have the authority of universal laws. The original 10 ancient beasts are the oldest beings in the entire multi-verse. These beings are worshipped and well-known in the entire multi-verse.

  1. Ancient Beast of Enlightenment and Knowledge

Race: Light Archive Jellyfish

Rarity: Unique

Description: This ancient beast is the oldest and the most knowledgeable. Its race is the Light Archive Jellyfish that's spread in the entire multi-verse. This creature created the system and has complete authority of a very powerful law, the will of the universe, akashic record, or spiral of truth. It's unknown from whom this creature was born.

  1. Ancient Beast of Creation and Desire

Race: Spawner Chaos Aracula

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: The mother of all, except of a few. She's the mother of every spawner. The spawner is a terrifying creature that spawns a large number of beasts in one birth. The most beautiful creature according to some weird beings.

  1. Ancient Beast of Idiocy and Void

Race: Void Devouring Kraken Dragon

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: The most idiot, but the strongest of all creations. The other information about this creature is omitted and lost.

  1. Ancient Beast of Death



  1. Ancient Beast of Dream and Fate

Race: Karmic Silk Dream Chrysalis Moth Butterfly

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: The kindest ancient beast according to human and the most beautiful creation ever.

  1. Ancient Beast of Chaos and Evil:

Race: Chaos Dark Titan

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: The master of chaos and the father of dark titan. the vilest and most chaotic creature according to humans.

  1. Ancient Beast of Immortality and Reincarnation

Race: Red Simurghal Phoenix Vermillion

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: The master of samsara in the entire multi-verse.

  1. Ancient Beast of Fundamental Forces, Elemental, Infinity, Space, and Time

Race: Black Planetary Serpent Tortoise

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: Its shell is the world itself. the only ancient beast with more titles.

  1. Ancient Beast of Infernal

Race: Red Dragon

Rarity: Unique

Description: The youngest of the ancient beasts. Putting aside the Ancient Beast of Void, this ancient beast is the strongest.

  1. Ancient Beast of Abyss and Multiverse Seas

Race: Trillion Headed Abyss Dragon

Rarity: One of a Kind

Description: Killed by the Ancient Beast of Infernal

  1. Ancient Beast of Celestial Palaces

Race: White Celestial Tiger

Rarity: Myth

Description: the most revered ancient beast. The protector of the mortal.


Maybe some of you can guess it already. Yeah, I took the inspiration from HP Lovecraft.