4: Funky Mode
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Now when you think about a school you think about a few things, learning, studying, talking with friends… but what you don’t think about when you think about school are dangerous weapons… Well that’s if you don’t live in America of course.


To my surprise I happen to stumble upon a very strange figure in the few seconds I’ve spent in class, a strange student with long black hair covering his right eye wielding a japanese katana sword on his hip around school as if it was normal.  


“Hey!” A teacher yelled as he pointed towards the unusual student.


Huh, look like he’s finally going to get in trouble, for a second I thought that-


“Where is your uniform tie!?” The teacher yelled while pointing to where his tie should be.


Out of anything to point out, you point out he’s not wearing a tie, despite that he’s wearing a dangerous weapon that could end a human life. Is this normal in web novels? How the hell do they even manage to sneak that shit inside of school?


Suddenly he turned around to face me, “Hey.” he said, staring directly towards me.


“Uhh… hi?” I awkwardly said back.


Without saying a word he then took the sprinting stance of the Armoured Titan from Attack On Titan looking into my eyes dead silent.


Nope, I’m not doing that again.


Not wanting to be tackled like a football player I quickly walk towards him, “Hey hey, you don’t have to run at me now, I’m here.”


“Mphf.” He said as he fixed his hair up. He then crossed his arms and looked at me with disgust, “So you’re the all mighty powerful dragon king’s son huh!?”


“What the fuck is a dragon king?”


“I can see it in your eyes, I’ve seen someone look that way before with those cold eyes.”

“Wha- how the hell does that make you assume I’m a dragon man.”


“DRAGON KING!” He yelled shouting like a spoiled brat.


“Jesus alright, calm down kid.”


“Kid!? Who are you calling kids!?” 


“We’re in high school, we’re all fucking kids how do you not understand that logic.”


He then gripped the handle of his katana as he dragged his food in a circular motion, “Oh you’re dead!”


If this is one way to escape this hell-hole, I’ll take it… “Yeah sure mate go for it.” I say without hesitation.


“Wha- no way!? You- you can take on my attack!?”


“No, I can’t, just fucking kill me already.”




Death Series: Alpha Omega Sweet Super Funky Rock Paper Scissors Ultra Anus Blasting Destruction Lotus Exploding-


~ Takes in deep breath ~


Highly Erotic Thunder Style Kamehameha I have a broken household and am generally depressed that I have to wake up in the morning every day to go to this messed up world we live in called life… Vibrant display of Frank Nipple Lights Giga Drill Death Super Death Omega Death Killer-


~ Takes in another deep breath ~


Monkey Ball 5000 Cheeseburger Anal Black Yugioh Trap Card Michael Jackson Probably Molests Kids Power Up Super PAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Now with new funky mode!~


He then ran away and opened up a nearby school window tossing his sword outside.


“What the fuck just happened?” I said in confusion.

“That was my ultimate attack!” He yelled posing like a six grader who watched Dragon Ball Z for the first time.


“Well uhh… I’m still standing…”

“Guh! THAT’S… THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!” He yelled as his legs began to shake vigorously, “Could it be that you have the eye’s of the dragon king!?”

“Wha? no I-” I then sighed and shook my head, “Yes… I am the dragon ma- son of dragon man.”


He then dropped to his knees in sheer shock, “God… you must have an amazing power level, I only have a power level of 1420.”


“Yes? Uh… you don’t stand a chance kid I have over 1,000,000 powers.”


Out of nowhere The Real Name Of The Writers Bully appeared holding yet another pile of sheets of paper, “Oh hey Main Protagonist, how are you.”

“Oh hey… uh… you?” I say as I’ve clearly forgotten his name.


He then hands me a sheet of paper, “It’s the start of school so you’re gonna have to join a school club.”


“So like the ones in anime and stuff.”


“Yeah basically.” He shrugged.


Huh, for someone who’s modelled after the writer’s school bully he doesn’t seem that bad of a person, he’s pretty chill actually. I then took the piece of paper he gave to me and looked at it, it displayed the list of all the school clubs that were available to join.


Well… I might as well since I’m not leaving any time soon, that’s for sure...


The Real Name Of The Writers Bully then pointed towards my sheet, "Oh yeah, if you ever want to join the club just know that we now have a brand new funky mode."


"What the fuck is a funky mode?"


Trapped In A Shitty Webnovel now with new funky mode!~