Chapter 18. A Boy Who Comes Across a Home (Part 2)
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When Lord Fran stated his intentions to adopt me as his son, I couldn’t believe my ears. I had mixed feelings, but my initial reaction was relief. I was relieved that there was no strange or dangerous hidden agenda, and that he saw me in such a favorable light. Unlike when Uncle suddenly appeared and brought me to live in this mansion, I was excited at the idea of staying with him from now on. 

However, when he reintroduced himself as the Grand Duke of Bellux, my mind instantly stopped working.

“I must have surprised you, and I’m sorry about that. But, you know, I truly enjoy our time together and I’d love to spend more time with you.” 

He spoke slowly, his gaze never wandered from mine, and his hands remained clenched around mine. I could tell how serious he was. I, too, really loved the time I spent with him, but…

…The Grand Duke of Bellux? Is he referring to that Bellux Family? The Bellux, who are the descendants of the Mage from the legend? The Bellux, who are the highest rank noble family and one of the founding families of the Empire? …Wait, isn't the current Grand Duke serving as the Prime Minister? …Huh? Then, is Lord Fran the Prime Minister? …The Prime Minister wants me to be his son? …Someone like me?

“Theo, you’re sincere, kind, and smart. Moreover, you’re a hard worker. Talking with you motivates me to work even harder myself.”

Sincere? Kind? Smart? Hard worker? I was just trying not to upset anyone by being a burden… I just don’t want to get hit or be punished… I just don’t want to be abandoned again…

“Theo, would you allow us to stay with you from now on? I promise we won’t leave you alone no matter what.”

How could he answer my doubts without me ever voicing them? Perhaps because he was a descendant of the Mage, he knew some amazing magic to read minds?

“Are you sure you want me? I'm… not someone as great as you think I am.”

“Yes, I'm sure, and Theo, you're great. You always are.”

One of his hands reached out and I closed my eyes reflexively. I only noticed the tears as they rolled down my cheeks. He gently wiped them away for me, which only caused them to overflow instead. I bit my lower lip, desperately trying to keep my voice from breaking and then further embarrassing myself. But then he suddenly pulled me in and hugged me. Perhaps he was trying to calm me down, however that too had the opposite effect. My chest just felt so full that it hurts. I clung to him and sobbed uncontrollably.

Quite a lot of time had passed before the tears stopped. As expected, once I was back in my right mind, not only my eyes but my cheeks felt so hot as if someone had slapped them. Lord Fran, even when his shirt got wet and dirty from tears and snots, just quietly patted my head without saying a word. He also used his expensive-looking handkerchief to clean my face. 

“Theo, you don't have to give answers right now. I'll be back next month to officially declare my plan to adopt you. So, just consider it carefully, okay?”

Saying so, he stood up and was about to leave the room for real this time. But to be honest, there was nothing for me to consider.

“Lord Fran! I-I… If it is really alright with you, I would like to accept your offer! S-so, um…”

“...I see. Thank you Theo. Please take care of me from now on.”

“N-no! The pleasure is all mine! Please take care of me as well!”

Then he laughed, and it was the most cheerful one I’ve ever seen.


Since then two weeks have passed when I was suddenly called. Even though I was in the middle of doing chores, the maid told me to just leave it and hurry pack my things up before going to the reception room. As I arrived, I hesitated to enter the room. That’s because my cousins were blocking the slightly open door, busily peering in through the small gap. They were so preoccupied in eavesdropping that they didn’t notice me at all.

The sounds of conversation came out from inside. I also heard Lord Fran’s voice, but didn’t he say that he will come again in a month? I wondered if it was because I had already given him my answer, that he was able to quickly resolve those few remaining issues he mentioned before and come early. 

“Eeek!! You…!”

My cousins jumped in shock when they finally found me standing behind them. Their yelps scared me and nearly made me trip over my own feet. Hearing the noise outside, Uncle opened the door and let me in. I wasn’t sure if he deliberately ignored his children, but he didn’t even spare them a glance. He looked dejected somehow, as did Aunt. I didn’t think that I would see her in the room since she had always avoided meeting Lord Fran before. Seeing them gloomy and downhearted like this was a first. It felt weird; unsettling yet refreshing. 

In contrast to them, Lord Fran was beaming with joy. His smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear. He was stunning in a black full dress uniform adorned with various medals, but somehow their shine still paled in compared to his blinding smile.

“It's been a while, Theo. Is that all your luggage?”

He pointed to a single old suitcase I was dragging along. I originally had very few belongings, the things I could call my own won't even fill half of this suitcase. However, now it was stuffed to the brim with the things Lord Fran gave me. That's why, seeing him casting a doubtful gaze at the nearly bursting suitcase was oddly funny. 

Suppressing my smile, I nodded as a confirmation, then a servant of Lord Fran swiftly took the suitcase. I was stunned, but it's not because he did it rudely or anything. On the contrary, I was baffled by his careful and respectful manner as he carried my luggage for me. 

Lord Fran invited me to sit with him on the sofa, but not much was said. It appeared everything had been sorted out by the time I arrived, so he quickly wrapped things up and then led me out of the room. Uncle and Aunt hastily rose up from their seats, stumbled as they followed us out. My cousins who had been crowding the door were nowhere to be seen. 

Lord Fran’s carriage was parked in front of the mansion. The moment it entered my eyes, I was once again reminded of the fact that I had been adopted into a high-ranked noble family. It was a huge, sturdy carriage drawn by four large horses. The exterior was luxurious, but not to the point of being gaudy. And it wasn’t just one carriage. Two more identical carriages as well as several smaller carriages full of goods lined up alongside it. Lastly, a dozen knights on horseback stood watch around the entire cavalcade. 

Being speechless, my gawking jaw must have looked so stupid, but instead of laughing, Lord Fran had a troubled face.

“Theo, what do you think?”

What do I think? Of the carriages? “They are wonderful carriages.”

He smiled at my response, but why were his eyebrows slightly furrowed? Did I say something wrong? 

Before I could think about it any further, he held out his hand. My hesitation was beaten by his expectant eyes, so I took his hand and we walked hand in hand towards the carriage. No one has held my hand as gently as he had since Mom’s gone. I could feel my cheeks heating up and my throat choking. I had a strong urge to pull my hand away, but at the same time, I didn't want to let go of his hand.

Being watched by the knights was too embarrassing, so I kept my head down. It was at this moment that I caught a glimpse of the mansion out of the corner of my eyes. Glancing back, the Balfour were standing by the front door a distance away, perhaps too frightened to walk any closer at the sight of the knights. The depression on Uncle and Aunt's face was far more obvious than before. My cousins had also joined them since who knows when. Hiding behind their parents’ back, they stared at me with varying expressions of awe, disbelief, and envy. 

They'd always throw me similar intense looks while I stayed at the mansion, but today there wasn't even the slightest bit of fear in me. Maybe because I no longer needed to be afraid of them since I won't live here anymore. To be honest, this moment didn’t feel bad at all, but was it alright for me to be this way? Was it ungrateful of me if I didn't say goodbye properly to them? No matter how harsh they treated me, the Balfours still had given me a place to stay for four years, so the least I could do was say “thank you” and “goodbye”. 

‘...Even if you do, you'd only receive silent cold stares in return…’ ...If that's the case, it’s best to leave without saying anything…

Lord Fran also didn't prompt me to do so. The way he finished things quickly and led me directly out of the mansion gave me the impression that he didn't want me to have anything to do with them anymore. And so I decided not to dwell on it any longer. 

While my mind was wandering about, we reached the carriage’s door. It was even more magnificent up close. After we entered the carriage, I noticed that its interior was more simple and comfy. The cream-colored seats were so comfortable that sitting on top of it felt like floating. I believed these seats were bigger than my bed at the Balfour’s… Wait, wasn't the inside of this carriage wider than it appears from the outside? I asked Lord Fran about it when the cavalcade started moving, and sure enough, this carriage was a Magic Device. It had multiple Magic Tools installed to enlarge the space within the carriage to twice its original size, to stabilize it when passing through uneven roads, and to regulate the air temperature inside. 

No wonder it’s so comfortable! Doesn't feel like we are riding a horse-drawn carriage at all! I wonder if that square thing buried into the carriage's ceiling is the magic tool that regulates the air temperature? I don't see a fan, so how do cool winds blow out from it…? The Magic Tool to stabilize the carriage must be placed outside. Perhaps somewhere near the wheels? And the Magic Tool to enlarge the carriage… Hmm, I can't see anything that looks like it in here. Oh, could it be placed under the seat?

Soft chuckles echoed inside the carriage. Absent-mindedly raising my head, I saw Lord Fran’s hand had risen to cover his mouth as he tried to stifle his laughter, seemingly very amused.

“I'm glad you like the carriage.”

Realizing how outrageous I acted, I hurriedly sat up straight; except my head which was buried between my shoulders. My ears felt like they were burning, I was sure there was smoke coming out of them.

“My apologies…” What am I doing?! How curious am I that I just carelessly look under the seats even though Lord Fran is sitting right in front of me?!

No matter how many times I reminded myself not to, I just kept embarrassing myself in front of him. Our first meeting was like a miracle, but I wasn’t so dense that I couldn’t see how rude I was to him that day. I tried to be well-mannered every time we met after that, but it either ended in failure or I became too nervous to even speak. Lord Fran couldn't stand seeing me like that, and said that I didn't have to force myself to behave with noble etiquette.

He was so kind. Even now, he just laughed at my impudent behavior of disregarding him. Still, I couldn't continue acting like an ignorant brat. If I didn't want to bring him shame, I had to learn many things and be a respectable noble. That was the only way I could repay him for taking me under his wing. 

“Why are you apologizing? I’m truly happy you have interest in Magic Items.”

“Well… I’ve always found them fascinating… How Magic Items can make it easier for people to do chores, or how they can make it possible for people to do things that would normally be impossible.”

That hint of unease disappeared from his smile as he leaned back on the seat comfortably. Perhaps influenced by his relaxed manner, I just blurted out cringey things without thinking. Even so, his delighted chuckles kept filling the carriage, helping my stiff nerves ease a bit. 

“This carriage is one of our family’s most cherished possessions. The Mage created its initial blueprint, and from there it underwent multiple modifications to reach its present state.”

“The Mage..!” Oh, right! The Bellux are the descendants of the Mage from the legend. They are experts in magic technology, no wonder they have many incredible Magic Items…

It’s like my heart just dropped with a thud, and suddenly, my body felt heavy. My ears started ringing as my head got dizzy by a whirlwind of thoughts. I believed I had fully understood what it meant to become a member of an aristocratic family, but I was too naive. 

The Bellux was not like any other noble family. They were granted the Grand Ducal rank because their existence was as important as the Royal Family itself. That fact had made me hesitate. However, since I decided to follow Lord Fran, I had prepared myself to work hard in my studies and whatever they required me to do for the sake of the family, yet now…

That won't be enough… ‘That won’t even be nearly enough…’ No way… ‘You'll shame him in the end…’ No, I don't want that! ‘But it'll happen even if you don't want it…’ Can I do something? ‘Something, or better,  nothing…’ Nothing..? ‘It's always like that, right…’ Nothing… ‘It's easier to do nothing…’ Really? ‘Really, don't do anything, don't feel anything, and everything will pass on eventually…’ Just like before? ‘Just like always…’ But, what about Lord Fran? He said he enjoyed spending time with me... ‘But that is not why he adopted a son, is it..?’ I wonder what's the reason..? ‘Will he tell you, though..?’ Will he not tell me? ‘He adopted you, but you’re still an outsider…’ An outsider—

“Theo, we still have plenty of time before we arrive at the territory. So, would you like to hear about our family?”

As if he could read my mind, all of a sudden, he softly inquired. But being taken aback, I couldn't respond to him immediately. 

He indeed had yet to tell me anything about the family’s internal situation. After all, this was the first time we talked after he revealed his true identity and intentions. I guessed my mind was higher in the clouds than I thought it would be, since I’d never really reflected on the seriousness of this situation. Now that I was on my way to live with the Bellux, I felt scared to hear what he was going to say. 

The troubled expression returned to his face; my fear was definitely showing. I forced a smile in a hurry, but my high-pitched broken voice betrayed me when I tried to reply to him. Awkward silence quickly filled the carriage, I couldn't stand his gaze any longer and looked away. 

“Theo, do you remember your father and mother?”


That question was absolutely out of nowhere, I was forced to look back at him. It also took a while for my mind to process it.

By “your father and mother”, does he mean my real father and mother? Why does he suddenly ask about Mom and Dad? ‘…Does he want you to forget them since now you're a son of the Bellux..?’ No, no, no, Lord Fran isn't that kind of person! But then, why?

I didn’t know how to answer and was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so all I could do was stare dazedly. Our eyes continued to lock, and as time went on, I could feel my heart begin thumping wildly. However, before panic could overwhelm me, I was caught by his calm gaze. He had no expression of disapproval, as if the trouble and uneasiness didn’t exist in the first place. He just sat there and was quietly waiting for me.

Like he always did… “Um… I-I don’t remember much about my father… But my mother was a very smart person. Seems like there's nothing that Mom didn't know, she always answered all my questions, and she knew a lot about books. She worked at the city hall, and she’d always brought back a new book every day she came home. It's for us to read together before we go to sleep. Oh, they said, I mean my Mom’s coworker said that she was a strict and scary person when working, but I think she’s really cool. And also—”

His serene gaze had appeased me enough that, before I knew it, I had been gushing endlessly about Mom and our life before her passing.

Far from being upset, Lord Fran simply listened to me without saying a single word. Sometimes, he even nodded as though he understood and agreed with me. As I accounted for my memories of her, it occurred to me how it was still a mystery that he was even aware of my existence.

“...Lord Fran, um, may I ask if you were perhaps an acquaintance of Mom?”

As long as I remembered, Mom never mentioned knowing any high-ranking nobility. But it was also possible she had not simply because I was still too young back then.  

“Hmm, I'm not sure if I could be considered an acquaintance, but I've met and spoken with your parents several times.”

“With Dad too…?”

I didn't expect Lord Fran to know Dad, so my thoughts went blank for a second. When I regained my senses, my hand was already clutching it under my shirt. The words almost escaped my mouth, but I swallowed it back down at the last moment. I didn't think it would be appropriate to ask my adoptive father about my biological father.

“Both of your parents were my seniors when we were all still students at the Royal Academy. Your father once assisted me with something, and I've bothered your mother a few times. I was a rowdy kid and we didn't know each other well, but your parents were still kind to me.”

Rowdy? No way, how can someone like Lord Fran be considered rowdy? I can't even imagine it with him as a child...

“Is it really hard to believe? Unfortunately, I was the type who accepted any challenge and would go to any length to achieve my goals. Because of that, I gained friends and foes alike.”

By this point, I was convinced that he could read my mind. 

“…Are you disillusioned?”

“N-no, I’m not! I’m just surprised! I thought that—s-so, even Lord Fran has an exciting phase in his life—like that…?”

Mortified at the realization that he knew exactly what I was thinking, I blurted out some phrases I read in a book before. I didn't fully understand what it meant, but the circumstances depicted in that book seemed to be similar to what Lord Fran had said.  


This time, he couldn't contain himself and laughed out loud. Seeing someone as handsome and elegant as him shaking his shoulders and holding his stomach in laughter was so bizarre that I could only look in amazement. Nonetheless, I didn't believe he was making fun of me. Certainly, he was trying to lighten the awkward situation, and he succeeded. Listening to his elated laughter, the remaining heavy feelings still wedging my body evaporated almost instantly.

Lord Fran is really too kind.

After that, he slowly began to explain the family's circumstances. 

First, he explained that in the Empire, an aristocratic family mainly used two approaches when deciding on an heir. The old-fashioned families still followed primogeniture, where the eldest son inherited the title, land, and wealth of the family. But, within the last century, many noble households adopted a merit-based system where they chose an heir based on the capabilities one has, regardless of gender. This meant a woman could become the head. However, should a daughter designated as heir wish to take her husband's family name and leave her birth home after marriage, she is allowed to do so, albeit under some additional conditions. In this case, the family would have to choose another heir among their remaining children. 

Speaking of the Bellux family, they had only one heir, Eira von Bellux, the sole young lady of the family. She recently debuted in high society and is now engaged to the Crown Prince. If she does marry into the Royal Family in the future, Lord Fran will need another heir for the family. That was why he had to adopt a son.

I see, they decided to bring in a boy since normally a son will not marry out of the family. But I'm still not sure if I'm the right one… No, it's rude to doubt his choice anymore than this. I have promised myself not to let him down, so let’s work hard from now on.

The other remaining concern was that I now have an older sister. I wondered if she, at the very least, wouldn't find me annoying… 


It took three days to reach the Capital City of the Grand Duchy of Bellux, Fairlune, from where the Balfour's mansion was located. The differences between the two cities were striking enough that I could not help but be stunned. Fairlune Capital City was livelier and busier. The shopping district was densely packed with large stores selling various goods. There was also a market with several small stalls selling street food and strange things I've never seen before. 

It was dusk, but people still crowded the central plaza. They were chatting, laughing, and enjoying the sunset around the vast pond. A majestic statue of the first Mage stood firm in the middle of the pond, looking like a guardian overseeing the citizens. Magic Lamps were carefully placed throughout the plaza, keeping the area as bright as it would be during daytime. The lamps’ warm light also further enhanced the plaza’s dreamlike view. 

Huh? There are even children still playing in the plaza at this hour? Oh, they're with their parents...

Everywhere in the capital city seemed to be merry and bright as if there was a festival going on; everyone seemed to be excited and was having a good time. If the Royal Capital is as prosperous as people say, surely it would look just like Fairlune.

The Grand Duke's estate had the largest gate I had ever seen. It was as tall and formidable as a castle gate described in the Hero’s legend. Was it because the estate was so far on the outskirts that they built such an impenetrable wall around it? I was surprised to find a forest beyond the gate, but the dense woods we passed through on our way to the front door turned out to be a garden. Lord Fran told me not to go inside alone since there was a labyrinth within it. 

After we exited the garden, the horse carriage circled a gorgeous fountain before stopping in front of a white marble stairway leading to the mansion’s front door. I couldn't tell what material the door was made of, but its smooth black surface gleamed beautifully, reflecting the golden light of the setting sun like a big chunk of obsidian. Sculptures of vines and flowers decorated a portion of the white pillars and walls surrounding the door, creating a serene atmosphere. 

Holding my hand, Lord Fran helped me get off the carriage and led me up the stairs. He released me once we reached the top of the stairs, perhaps because he sensed my awkwardness. He lightly patted my back before entering the mansion, beckoning me to follow him. 

The mansion’s interior was more extravagant compared to the elegant exterior. A giant painting greeted me the moment I entered the reception hall. I stopped subconsciously at the sight of the picture depicting the Hero's legend. I was rooted to the floor for a long time, bewildered by how realistic it was. I felt like I was there, witnessing humanity triumph over the strongest monster, the Undead Dragon. I even had an auditory illusion that a thunderous cheer was coming from the painting. 

This is the painting called ‘Dawning’, right?! The real thing is even more intense than the picture I saw inside a book long ago!

The painting was so dazzling that my eyes were still drawn to it as I took a step forward. But just two steps in and I reflexively looked down as I felt something soft under my feet. Afraid of ruining the fluffy, expensive-looking crimson-colored carpet with my dirty shoes, I nearly leaped and my feet lost their footing. 

I would have fallen on my butt if the butler hadn't caught me in time. His eyes didn’t show a hint of ridicule as he helped me straighten up carefully, but I still froze in place. That's because I suddenly discovered that the butler wasn't the only one welcoming us in the reception hall. 

Dozens of maids and stewards had formed a perfect line in a respectful bow on both our right and left sides, perhaps long before we entered the hall. I only noticed their presence since no one made a sound, but I guess I was also too preoccupied with the painting. The Balfour Family only had two elderly maids to serve them, so being surrounded by this many servants was overwhelming.

Lord Fran quickly turned back to check on me. After he was sure that I wasn't injured, he signed in relief and patted my head gently to comfort me. While I was still perplexed, he swiftly took my hand again. Being surprised, my body reflexively tried to resist him, but he firmly gripped my hand, seemingly not intending to let it go this time.

…I have this feeling whenever he takes my hand, but Lord Fran is aware that I'm already 12 years old, right? 

It’s silly, but I couldn’t help but feel like he sometimes treated me like a 5-year-old kid. Was it because I was smaller compared to other kids my age? After all, two of my cousins had a much larger build even though they were two years younger than me. Still, holding hands with my parents at this age was embarrassing. 

“Parent”, that word made me realize something I had overlooked.

I suppose I have to call Lord Fran “Father” from now on.

As we walked through the center of the reception hall, all of the servants raised their heads almost at the same time. I wondered whether they had a lot of practice given they were able to execute it without a cue. 

Now that I could see all of their faces, I began to feel nervous, but none of them—as far as I could tell—looked disappointed. On the contrary, many of them smiled warmly at me, but that just made me more nervous, so I turned my face forward to avoid their gazes.

Father took me to meet a gorgeous lady with long golden flowing hair and golden eyes. She stood gracefully at the bottom of a set of twin stairs beneath the massive “Dawning” painting. When I first saw her, I thought she was a goddess. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even look her in the eyes. I lowered my head in silence the entire time while Father introduced her, and it was too late to realize that I was being impolite. I must have appeared to be disregarding the Grand Duke, like the epitome of a rebellious brat who refused to listen to anyone. 

The stares of the servants felt frightening all of a sudden, and my body stiffened as my head began to feel dizzy. I knew I must say something, but I couldn’t even think of a word to say, being disturbed by the ringing in my ears. Then I heard someone calling my name, and out of the blue, I was face to face with the goddess. 

The moment I saw her smile, I knew that the Grand Duchess, Mira von Bellux, my adoptive mother, was a kind and gentle person. She knelt on her knees without much care for her beautiful lilac dress and took my hands in hers, there was nothing in her eyes except for relief and joy.

“Welcome to the Bellux. I'm so glad that you came to life with us. Could I greet you with a “welcome home”?”

When she spoke to me, I was completely caught off guard. Not just because no one had ever asked me such a question before, but also because I felt a strong sense of deja vu. After a moment of pause, I could only nod to her in a daze, but her smile deepened. 

“Thank you. Well then… Welcome home, Theo.”

Like a lullaby, her voice was so soft and comforting it aroused a feeling that I had long forgotten. The urge to cry came crashing in, so I hurriedly lowered my head again. Seconds passed and she was still holding my hands as if she was waiting for something. It took me a while before I realized that I hadn't answered her yet.

“I… I'm home.”


I covered my burning face. Reminiscing has made me realize how shameful my behavior that day was. I totally acted like an uncultured country bumpkin, getting excited over every little thing I saw. However, at the same time, it also served as a reminder that this was all real.

I am now a member of the prestigious Bellux Family and the Grand Duke's successor, Theodore von Bellux. As the future head of the Grand Duchy, I was responsible not only for this large estate and our expansive land, but also for the family's most precious asset, their prodigious knowledge. 

When Elder Sister first brought me to the family’s library, she told me that knowledge was more valuable to the Bellux than gold, and I completely agreed with her. If used correctly, knowledge could become the most reliable ally, the greatest weapon, and the impenetrable shield. A man might get lost in a forest, but if he knew how to gather food from plants or hunt animals, he wouldn’t starve to death. A warrior might fight a strong monster several times his size, but if he knew where the monster's weakness was, he could survive or even win the battle. A traveling merchant could be robbed of his wares by a gang of thieves, but if he knew of another safe route to take, he would escape the danger altogether. 

‘Oftentimes, simply the differences between knowing and not knowing can be a matter of life or death.’

A line flashed inside my head. It was from an old book I found in the attic of Balfour Mansion, yet it hit me so hard that I would never be able to forget it again. My neck felt like it was being gripped by an invisible hand, my chest was painful just trying to take a breath, and my head throbbed like it had been hit by a hammer. I nearly passed out, but my mind had never been clearer. I distinctly heard a voice telling me to acquire as much knowledge as I can, so that I never lose something important to me again.


I felt a swaying on my chest, it left a faint trail of metal coldness wherever it touched my skin. Suddenly, an urge to see it out in the open aroused, so after making sure no one was around, I carefully pulled out the oval-shaped silver pendant from under my shirt. Seeing the sunlight reflected on its surface made me wonder when was the last time I saw the locket clearly. 

Mom once told me it originally belonged to Dad's great-grandmother. It had been passed down until he gave it to Mom when he proposed to her, so this locket was Dad’s family heirloom. I always handled it with extreme caution in fear of someone stealing it. I’ve been hiding the locket—tightly wrapped with a cloth—inside the mattress of my bed and never took it out, except for when the Balfours went on an overnight trip. But since I moved into the Bellux estate, I've been wearing it around my neck every day. 

At first, I was anxious to find a new hiding place. Yet before I could consider my option, I was taken off guard. The day the doctor came to examine me, the maids stripped my clothes off in front of everyone. I panicked when they saw the locket, but no one said anything. The maids politely asked me whether it's alright for them to take it off for a bit, and returned it back to me after the examination as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

That’s when I realized how arrogant I was for thinking the Bellux would be interested in my humble locket. They might value knowledge more than gold, still this family’s fortune couldn’t be compared to most noble families. Although I only saw them wearing simple jewelry, I’m sure they were expensive. Also, looking at this backyard, I thought it was vast enough to be a wheatfield for a small rural village. It wouldn’t be surprising if their vault contained invaluable treasures.

Opening the locket, the smiling faces of a couple were revealed. Their slightly arched eyes and pink-tinged cheeks were still the same as they should be, the overflowing joy was obvious. This was the only picture of my parents left in this world. I’d never have known what Dad looked like and forgotten Mom’s face if it's not for it. 

Perhaps that's the biggest reason I'm afraid to lose it. But, honestly, I don't know what I feel. It’s the last memento of Mom and Dad, I'm glad I have it, but… It’s hard, just looking at it is hard… Right, that's another reason I hid it away… So I didn't have to look at it... But now… It's not that hard anymore… It’s not hurt anymore… And that's why it's scary… ‘Scary…?'

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

A stern voice abruptly sounded from behind. My head instantly turned toward the source of the voice as my hands reflexively hid the locket in a haste. The nerves of my entire body tensed up as it remembered the ill-tempered tone so vividly.