When she had arrived at the university's gate, a certain individual was present there. Kit stood around the entrance, standing alone. His hands were in his pockets, his gaze flitting around as if waiting for someone. When he noticed her, his gaze immediately trailed up to her bracelet. She bit back a curse and hoped she could walk past him without any encounters.
"Nice knick-knack." He nodded in her direction.
Luck wasn't on her side today.
She managed a smile. "T-Thanks…are you not going to attend the morning run?" As long as he went to the tracks, Zhao would be there. Somehow, she was already relying on someone she didn't know that well. It was frustrating.
He shrugged, "Seems like a waste of time when I'm in shape…" Without waiting for any reply, he continued. "Did you manage to tell that lousy bastard I said hello?"
He was more talkative now than yesterday. Had it all been a facade? She wanted to walk away now and forgo the plan, but he wasn't going to do anything drastic in front of many people, right?
"Who are you to him really?" Fear etched in her heart but she had to ask this question. It was better that she did it now before involving Xue and Zhao. She didn't want any fight to break out. And she wasn't willing to let him get near Xue so easily.
"I told you, he's an old friend of mine." His eyes narrowed at her. "Are you humans that forgetful?"
She stayed silent.
His nose scrunched up, "You didn't smell so terrible yesterday with his aura around you, now you reek of death."
"It's like you weren't the one who sent those undead to me." She felt her gaze narrow, her blood boiling.
"Are you accusing me?" His lips twitched slightly. "Of attacking you?" He looked like he wanted to break out into laughter.
"I-I got attacked yesterday night for the first time—it's your fault isn't it?" She stared at him blankly. Coldness washing over her. "Why else would I get attacked for no reason?"
He clicked his tongue, eyeing her. "I have no desire for petty squabbling, blame your talisman from yesterday."
The talisman's fault? Z-Zhao's fault? "W-why?" She asked.
"I told you that it was a caricature. If you plan on staying undetected while hosting a being like him and then encountering me?" He sauntered to her, leaning closely that she could feel his breath over her face. "You should be more prepared." He smirked slightly before shaking his head."It's no surprise that qi seeking creatures would come after you. Time has made humans even more foolish than before."
She frowned. "If we're so foolish, why are you even here? Why trouble yourself among us humans, o great mighty one?"
He leant back and moved away from her. "Five days ago, the heavens showered the sky—and out of them, was an impact that sent shockwaves throughout the entire realm. I came here to investigate and then I managed to narrow down the location here."
It had been the meteor shower?
She blinked.
A ghost of a smile made its way to his face. "And I could tell who it had been, its qi's purity—I recognized it. I can assume you adopted him, he always manages to get away by being cute."
He eyed her and shook his head. "You can't deny it really—shame. It would have been interesting to ensnare you, I wonder how he'd react to that."
"You could consider my opinion too." She glared at him.
"A-ah, a bit temperamental aren't you?" He chuckled and turned away from her. "Too troublesome to deal with." He began walking away.
If he left, Xue's effort of going here would be put to waste. She chewed on her lip. "D-don't you want to see him?"
He stopped in his tracks. "You brought him here?"
She felt a smile curl up on her lips, "You wanted to see him eh?" He had been acting too cold and detached but it seemed like he really was Xue's friend.
He shrugged nonchalantly. "I wouldn't mind it, lead the way."
It didn't take long for them to reach the tracks, in time to see a group of girls gathered around the two. Xue stood behind Zhao, as if hiding from the girls.
Kit raised a brow, "Huh isn't he—"
"I'm going ahead of you, catch up." She jogged up towards them, not exactly liking how the women were treating them like some kind of display. Couldn't the girls leave them alone?
"This is...Hua Xue, my cousin!" Zhao introduced Xue with a laugh.
She stared at him… did he really name Xue as his cousin? She didn't know if that was a good choice or a very bad mistake. That was rather careless for him, then again this was the man who forced her to wear the pendant he gave her by being annoying.
"Miss Chan Lee!" Xue's voice called out to her, his shoulders relaxing. "You're here."
And now he revealed that they knew each other.
She couldn't stay mad at him for that though.
"Y-Yeah." She waved at him and smiled back. Some of her fellow university students let her through with both reluctance and also questioning looks. It felt like prickles on her back—she pushed it down and strolled forward. "I got kind of hold up—"
"It's been awhile." A familiar voice spoke up.
She glanced back to see that Kit had already caught up to her.
"Ah, a reunion. Seems like we'll have to do this somewhere more private." Zhao eyed the man in front of them. His gaze was smoldering, his last word enunciated precisely in the air.
"O-oh, they all know each other?" A young woman spoke up a little bit too loud.
"That makes sense." Another whispered though it was still audible. "But let's go now."
Chan Lee sighed inwardly, at least they had some sense in them to leave.
"Lee?" Zhao's voice brought her attention back to him. "I think it'll be a men's conversation, why don't you get going as well~?" His voice was now in a sing-song tone...but it felt even more threatening than the last one.
She frowned, she had been the one who brought Kit here. "Zhao—" Her head now felt heavier.
"Pfft, don't worry too much." Kit's tone now dripped with honey, his voice sensual. His arm rested over her head. "I'll at least see you later, Lee-Lee."
He strolled past her and stood in front of Zhao and Xue. "Now gentlemen, where shall we go?"
"I know a good place, follow me." Zhao curtly nodded and led the way. Xue tossed her a look, a frown etched on his face. It didn't seem directed at her, but he shortly followed after the younger man without much of a word.
"That was interesting." Kit chuckled and tossed a look at her, "Thanks, doll." He winked at her and then walked after the two.
Did she really just let them walk away without her? She rubbed her face. She was being too passive right now—
"Chan Lee?"
She turned around to meet a young woman. Her long dark hair framed a beautiful round face and enhanced her pale skin. She looked pretty...if not for the obvious lack of a smile. Instead, the woman's brows were knotted together. "I want to talk with you."
She didn't sound happy. Not happy at all. It felt like her gaze was an icy glacier. Cold icicles raining down on her.
Chan Lee tried to keep her expression calm. "U-uh… who are you? I'm sorry that this is the first time I've encountered you before." What was her name again? She'd seen her for several times already but for the life of her couldn't remember the name.
The woman sighed, as if talking to her was such a bother. As if this was all a chore that she'd be more than happy to get over with already. There was annoyance in her voice, but it was pushed down quickly."I'm Ning Bi, let's follow after those three and I want an explanation on how you met Hua Zhao."
She blinked.
"W-what?" Did she hear this girl correctly? She wanted to stalk after the three? The two spirits and one martial artist? Did she have some sort of death wish?
"You don't mean to follow them?" Ning Bi lifted a brow, a bit mockingly if Chan Lee could guess. "That's surprising. I suppose I'll leave by myself and interrogate you sometime else." She walked away from her without much hesitation.
And she had been very serious.
Chan Lee grimaced and watched her retreating figure. "Wait up please, Ning Bi!" She didn't want this girl to get into too much trouble. It also seemed like she had an idea of where Zhao would be holding the private meeting.
"Hurry up!" The woman kept walking, not even slowing down a beat.