Chapter 24 – Twenty-one Blades
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One month later after the red potion problem….

As Shang walks down the stairs to the shop area, he finds Xiao-wan yawning to herself.

Shang: What’s wrong?

Shang says as he approaches the counter.

Xiao-wan: Nothing. After you have cut a deal with the Wang family and the Pill Academy, there are not many customers coming by.

Shang: It’s our great immortal’s decision to make everyone rich and happy. I can’t do anything about it.

Xiao-wan: I don’t see how happy I could be when I only get twenty percent cut and the other two parties get forty percent cut of the profits made.

Shang: Well. I am allowed access to the workshops and the herbal gardens of the Pill Academy.

Xiao-wan: I don’t see the profit in giving you guest access to them and not allowing you to have Pill Academy’s products for free.

Shang;s thoughts: Of course you don’t see the profit in it, all I need to do is to touch them for profits with my ability.

Xiao-wan: By the way, Shang, could you at least change the rules for buying the stuff in the shop?

Xiao-wan looks at the walls which were once bare, now covered with weapon stands and racks that have weapons on them.

Shang: What’s wrong with the rules?

Xiao-wan: It’s the first time I hear that the customer can only buy if the product chooses him or her.

Shang: Then it wouldn’t fit our shop name.

Xiao-wan: About the shop name, I had always had this question. Who came up with the name?

Shang: Our great immortal was the one. Why do you ask?

Xiao-wan: Xuan Wu Dian (Mystery Item Shop). I don’t see any mystery item in the shop. This shop is more like a Hei Wu Dian (Fraud Item Shop).

Shang: Fraud Item shop? Please, we are doing an honest business and honesty is our shop policy.


Xiao-wan’s thoughts: Shang, where’s your shame?

To Xiao-wan, the weapons do not feel any different to any normal weapon she has seen.

Knowing Shang’s laziness to explain the mysteries behind the weapons, so she did not bother to ask.

What Xiao-wan did not notice was that there are neither pole arms nor ranged weapons on the weapon stands.

The reason was that Shang could only create weapons using the Katanagatari World’s deviant blades as the base designs.

He excluded different designs of Hari, Yoroi, Kanzashi, Juu, and Hakari from being displayed as he believes he can improve them by going into other worlds.

For Hari, Yoroi and Kanzashi, Shang is hoping to enter Terminator Universe, Ghost in the Shell Universe and Warframe Universe for their technologies and metals

Similarly, for Juu, Shang would prefer Monster Hunter Universe, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Universe and the futuristic worlds of Final Fantasy Universe as he wants their unique weapons’ base designs and cartridge systems.

Finally, for Hakari, Shang was thinking of lightsabers from Star Wars Universe, keys from Tenchi Muyo Universe and lightsabres from Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO) Universe.

Having excluding the five deviant blades which are mentioned above, Shang decided to redesign Kanazuchi, The main focus of this deviant blade was not about its ability to be able to hold at both ends but more about its heaviness.

As Kanazuchi is said to be able to wield as both a katana and a hammer, Shang decided to make as it could split into two katanas.

This type of weapon is known as either known as double weapon or swallow. Shang does not have to enter Chrono Universe to get the base design. He just had to make sure the hilts are unbreakable when both ends are latched together.

These double weapons are seen held by spell breakers in Warcraft 3 and Samanosuke in Onimusha.

They are also known as thief swords in Final Fantasy IX and Mahne in Pumpkin Scissors. Shang had wondered how Final Fantasy IX’s Zidane Tribal was able to carry such a heavy weapon when Pumpkin Scissors’s Second Lieutenant Alice Lei Malvin has to rely on foot armor for weapon mobility. Shang decided to leave it at that

As for the remaining seven deviant blades, Shang only create chinese and medieval versions of them. Shang was glad that he got the scabbards for the deviant blades as they are strong enough to contain the both sharpness and the poison of the blades. He had wondered about materials Shikizaki Kiki used to make the scabbards, but he got too lazy to search for them.

Right now in the shop, twenty-one sheathed blades are being placed on the weapon stands and racks.

Shang finds that he have to find more weapons, so he made a decision to buy

Shang: Xiao-wan, tell Qishi that I will be going out.

Xiao-wan: Our great immortal has another errand for you?

Shang: Yeah.

Xiao-wan: I will inform her.

When Shang has left the shop, Nanami just enters the shop area.

Nanami: Xiao-wan, I thought you will tell him not to bring another woman.

Xiao-wan: Do you think if I say that, will he do that?

Nanami: Knowing him, his conscience won’t let him do so.

There was a short moment of silence.

Nanami & Xiao-wan: Sigh….