Chapter 84 – Crypt of the Skeleton King
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Sonya: Nah, I don’t think It can be turned.

Sonya says as she tries to turn the wheel to open the door.

Sonya: We came all this way just to be stopped by a locked door.

Sonya drops down to the ground after climbing up to the wheel.

????: Let me have a try.

A armored man says while holds up his shield upfront.

????: Don’t be a fool, Kormac. The door is designed to keep King Leoric from coming out and keep outsiders from coming in.

A man who wears similarly like Eucliwood speaks.

Armored man: Shut up, Jondar. At least we give it a try.

The armored man with the shield is Kormac and the man who wears similarly like Eucliwood is Jondar. Kormac was found held down by Dark Cultists when the group found him. After helping him to fight Jondar, Shang stops Kormac from killing him, saying that at least he should hear him out. Jondar told Kormac about his forgotten memories and the latter found his story unbelievable. After recovering his memories with the help of Li-ming and Nazeebo, Kormac now wonders whether if he should also leave the Order.

Kormac charges against the door, hoping it will break open.

It does not seem to have any effect on the locked door.

Johanna: One might not be enough, Maybe two will do.

Johanna holds up her shield upfront.

Together with the armored man, they try to charge down the door but fail to do so.

Sonya: how about magic?

Sonya looks at the three classes who can use magic.

Li-ming: We have used enough magic along the way. Overusing it will do us no good when we fight King Leoric.

Sonya: Explosives?

Sonya turns to Valla.

Valla: Not enough to bring the door down but enough to destroy the wheel. There is a risk of the door being permanently locked if the wheel is destroyed.

Sonya: Let's do that and we can all go home.

Johanna: You forgot about the fallen star.

If it’s not for Johanna’s reminder, Sonya had forgotten what she originally came for.

Sonya: Cheh… If only things can be simple for us... Shang, what are you looking at?

Sonya says after being reminded by Johanna and notices Shang seems to be checking something on the wall.

Shang: Looks like the door has to do with Horadrim.

Shang has found a sign of Horadrim which is hidden away by pots after they were knocked down by the impact which was caused by the charge of both Johanna and Kormac.

Sonya: Why does the Horadrim had to do with everything? I thought sealing demons should be their forte.

Shang touches the locked door and uses Horadric magic.

Shang: Well, if you know the lores well, you know how Leoric is connected with the demons.

The wheel on the crypt door starts to push itself out and turn, unlocking the door.

Shang: There you go.

After the group enters, the spirit of King Leoric shows up in front of them.

Leoric: You’ll never defeat me! UWAHAHAHA!

Leoric says while he destroys the pathway that leads straight to him.

Kormac: You were defeated the moment you surrendered to madness!

Leoric ignores Kormac and disappears after summoning more skeletons to fight the group.

Shang looks at the broken pathway and then looks at the approaching skeletons.

Shang: Eucliwood, I have an idea...