prologue death and the throne room
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hey my first  time I hope you enjoy it

Death ....... it was sudden, one moment I am at work and then black just dark can't feel anything can't see can't hear, then I feel myself being Pulled somewhere slowly and gaining momentum, faster and faster. then I stop, looking around, looks like an abandoned throne room, the carpet looks like it's falling apart old and dirty. the walls cracked the windows smashed.

"Ahem," the voice pulls me away from my daze, 

I look towards the throne, 

Sitting on top of it is a young boy wearing black clothes that fit a high noble, 

"Well Jack, I am an evil god and you are dead," 


"How did I die ?" I ask the last thing I remember is working 

"Simple I killed you"


"Because I need you in my plan, let me explain about the world I co-administer is a world of magic and sword I rule the dark beings, demons, dark elves, werebeasts, monsters, and devils."

"The goddess rules the white races "humans, elves, beastmen, dwarves, and fairies,"

"And it is our job to keep the word balanced and encourage growth technological and magical,"

"Well I can't seem to understand were killing me relates to any of this," says jack 

"I am getting there don't interrupt me," 

  "What was I saying ....oh yes, jack what do you think the thing that encourages growth the most "

"Conflict specifically war,"jack answers

"Ding ding ding  correct answer, onto the matter at hand, "

"The current goddess is fucken stupid, racist, biased, she made the humans think themselves superior and calls them the chosen race teaching them that damned magic and having them enslave all the other white races and if that isn't enough she summons heroes and sends them to terrorize my lands !." the evil god? explains his body leaking a heavy  black smoke," 

" Calm down man I don't know what the black smoke is but it looks dangerous "

the evil god takes a deep breath absorbing all the smoke and calms himself, 

"Ah how childish of me, "

"Look war is great and all it helps  but too much destroys the chances of growth,"

''And like this, the balance me and the previous god made is destroyed normally the demon king is the one that is supposed to deal with the heroes but he does nothing but sit on  his throne until the heroes make it to his castle and kill the arrogant fool sending him to me whining  to be revived to repeat the same cycle again," 

"Here is where you come in I found a way to hijack the hero summoning ritual and send someone extra through so I will send you to receive the hero blessings from the goddess and then I will give you mine, I hear you asking why not bless you now then send you to the goddess, it's so you don't get detected"what makes you think I will accept "jack interrupts "because you don't have a choice its help me or to infinite suffering,"

"Then what do I get out of it, "

"after you helped me I will let live you forever as you like, so are you with me ?"

 "looks like I have no choice "


"well I accept" 

"GOOD BOY. "he says and hands me a black ring" Put it on It will stop the goddess from knowing any of this, "

As soon as I put on the ring everything goes black, 

"good luck" I hear his voice one last time 

prologue end hope you guys liked it