25: You Again?
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[Lesser Radar] goes off in the middle of Frost complaining about how his arrowheads are trash.

"Frost," I interrupted. He stops talking and gives me an annoyed look. Before he can whine about me talking over him, I say, "Get up. There's an invader."

His eyes widened as he gets to his feet, clutching his bow. "What? Where?"

"Don't you have [Sharp Eyes] or something?" I grumbled, tromping forward. "Use that and tell me where the invader is coming from."

"Uh, uh, okay. Um..."

Frost falls silent. I look back to see him staring into the distance intently, a yellow aura hovering over his eyes. After a moment, he points to my left, shouting, "There! I can't make them out entirely but the invader is about 30 feet to your left!"

Nodding, I start toward the direction he pointed out, activating [Charge]. "Cover me!" I called from over my shoulder. I heard him yell something in response, but I'm too far away to hear.

The snow lets up just enough for me to eventually make up the approaching invader. [Battle Sense] identifies them as a level 4-6 {Archer}; nothing I can't handle.

Frost can't compete against a higher leveled {Archer} but he provided good enough cover, shooting close enough to force the {Archer} to dodge every once in a while.

Wasting arrows, I thought, closing in. We really need to work on his accuracy.

A sharp whistling sound alerts me to the arrow coming in my direction. I [Burst] towards the {Archer}, smirking as the arrow flies over my head. Only five feet stood between me and the invader who looked surprisingly similar. I recognized that haughty snarl and scratched leather armor; this was the {Archer} that killed me all those lives ago!

The phantom pain from that death almost started up again, but I pushed that feeling down. Now was not the time to get distracted.

I closed the distance between us, [Thrusting] my spear at his chest. The {Archer} dodged back, slapping my spear away with his bow. He winced as the sharp point sliced into the back of his hand, leaving a shallow cut. I pressed the attack, aiming toward his stomach while using [Double Strike]. Odd-looking words lit up across his armor and, when I struck him, the spearpoint only left small holes in the leather.

Concerned, I retreated a few steps back, warily holding my spear up in defense of an attack. It didn't look like he had any weapons besides his bow and quiver - I had his dagger, after all - but I wasn't willing to take any chances.

I don't think armor can have skills. Or weapons, for that matter, so it isn't something like [Toughen]. But those words...They're probably what keeps him safe from my spear.

His nasal voice took me out of my thoughts. "Pirate!" he yelled, raising his bow. "Je ne me laisserai plus vaincre par des tricheurs comme toi!"

I didn't know what that meant, but it sounded like a challenge. I charged at him once more, determined to make whatever those words were obsolete.