Interlude: Message from the Devs
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Dear Players,

This is the dev team of your beloved game, Raidscape! Due to many complaints from several of our users revolving around the leveling/class system, stats, weird skills, and unfair NPC advantages in certain regions, we have brought you a new server-wide update!

The first thing we'll address is the leveling/class system. We've received a ton of questions on why it's so hard getting sub-classes when other players seem to have it easy, why some classes are easier to level than others (namely, fighting classes having an advantage over crafting ones). In order to fix this, we've done away with personal levels in favor of class ones. From now on, players will gain class exp from either fighting and killing other players and NPCs or by working on their respective trade. We've also altered the way players gain attribute after receiving notice that a certain group of players had found a loophole in the game that allowed their characters to receive attribute points without taking the time to grind for levels.

Now, Players must take the time to train their stats by putting their characters through various exercises, each with a different attribute in mind. In each region, including r-18 restricted areas, there are safe zones where players can train up their stats without having to worry about being attacked by another player or mobs. Depending on the region's level, you can expect attribute gain to scale in each safe zone.

You may have noticed that your character's stats are no longer the same. This is intentional, as many players have expressed their confusion on why certain classes give certain stats and others don't. To relieve this confusion, we've scrapped the former system in favor of something simpler that every character will have. Health and Stamina (formerly known as HP and SP) are now stats you can train. The Defense and Perception stats are now open to non-melee and non-ranged classes. Magic has replaced Intelligence. Vitality now encompasses Health, Stamina, and Magic. Finally, Attack has replaced Strength.

A few people have complained about certain skills that are hard to understand and use or are just plain useless. These skills, such as [Charge] and the mastery skills have been removed. We've also taken away the skill tree as we believe it renders the level-reward skills useless if you can buy them before your character is ready. We hope this challenges our players to get on the grind and get stronger.

Lastly, the matter of NPC bugs. We've been notified that a few NPCs in the Elden Keep are too strong so we've done a basic reset of all NPCs in that area. We hope this fixes the issue!


The Raidscape Developing Team