2 – Cutesy World
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2 - Cutesy World


Maria: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

As Maria quickly approached the ground she found herself in a complete panic. Air and clouds whipped past Maria as her long blond hair and white robe flapped in the wind. She squinted her eyes as she saw mountains, trees, and some planes in the distance. If she hit the ground at this speed there would really be nothing left of her but a squishy pancake! Maria could not help but be scared, she had avoided high places for the last 3 years just for this exact reason! If she had been in her right mind at the time she would have remembered that she had kept Rainy safe by praying and tried to reproduce the same thing for herself. But Scary things were still scary and she could not remember anything other than 'I am going to die!"

But the ground is so far away that Maria starts to get tired of constantly screaming and the long fall is so... BORING!

Maria: "hahaha... Ha... what is that?"

Maria can't help but burst out laughing as she begins to feel tickled in places she did not know she had. Maria looks over her shoulder where she felt the weird sensation and finds her sleeve is brushing against one of her wings, which she finds is oddly sensitive to feeling her robe brush against it.

Maria: "Wait... Wings? what!? I have wings?"

Maria with no other ideas of how to get herself out of the situation she found herself in begins to attempt to flap her wings. The whole sensation is foreign to her but she manages to gain enough of a rhythm of flapping to slow her descent...

Maria: "I.. I can Fly!! I can Fly! Wait no! How do I Stop! I am going to Crash!

...Right as she crashes face-first into a tree.

After falling and crashing on 3 separate limbs Maria reaches the ground as a round blue barrier appears softening her fall... right before it disappears leaving her to fall face-first into the ground.

Maria: "Owwie..."

Taking a few deep breaths Maria opens her eyes. Maria can't believe what she is seeing. the whole world reminds her of a cell-shaded video game. there are vibrant colors everywhere. From the trees to the rocks to the grass everything looks exactly like it was drawn with as many colorful paints as possible to bring out as beautiful a picture as possible. It was all such a surreal image, that Maria could swear she could see the birds smiling at her and the flowers blooming in real-time... no wait... they are really blooming... flowers are sprouting up out of the ground around her. Suddenly the overcast sky parts and light shines down on Maria, she could swear she could hear a divine hymn playing from the sky. Well, at least they are quiet enough that its just background noise.

Maria blinks at the ridiculousness of the events that have occurred so far... There has just been too much happening since that weird guy showed up in her house. Maria was used to robbers... after all, they were a weekly occurrence for the last three years but... what the actual heck was that? While Maria is lost in her thoughts Several white doves fly down and grab her hair straitening it out before flying off.

Maria:  *sigh* "I don't care anymore..."

Maria could not find it in herself to be surprised after all the shocks she just experienced just let herself fall to the ground on her wings.


Maria: "A phone?"


Maria checks her pockets but is unable to find the phone in question and eventually they hang up.

Standing up Maria was about to dust herself off but is completely confused to see no dirt had gotten on her clothing despite the fall and the few minutes she spent laying in the dirt... Some dirt should of gotten on her clothing through all that right?

Maria: "Strange..."

Maria bends down and grabs a hand full of grass and dirt and allows it to slide through her fingers and on her dress... however none of it sticks. It is almost like trying to soak up water in a plastic raincoat. Even her hand is completely clean of dirt, not even a sign of dirt anywhere on her skin.

Maria: "I thought I was done being surprised for one day... I guess I should go find someone to help me find out where I am..."

With this thought in mind, Maria begins to set off in search of help... with the light peeking through the clouds following her around and flowers blooming at her feet.



In a room inside the castle of the kingdom of wisdom, several hooded figures stand around a magic circle as their chanting comes to an end. one woman in a white robe stands beside the king of wisdom. The woman is the current Saintess

Saintess: "Another failure? The goddess has gone silent... We are still not able to summon the hero!"

King: "Is this a ploy of the demons? Have they somehow silenced the goddess!?"

Saintess: "I am not sure my lord... this is troubling!"

King: "... let's try 1 more time! We need to summon the hero before it is too late..."



*ring* *ring* *ring*

Maria: "huh...? There is that phone again..."