Kyuubi’s new vessel [2]
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After eleven months.

Kyuubi's POV

"What in the name of Six Paths Sage is going on here ??? Why can't I take over this vessel ?? Oi,brat,where are you ? Answer me what did you do ??" (Kyuubi)

Just outside the cage,the vessel is leaking chakra but it isn't mine.

" Of course.Did you think I would let you possess him so easily ?? " (????)

The vessel is growing exponentially.No that is not growth but an exterior made from chakra.The same appearance as the brat but without wings.For a human,the amount of control required for such a feat is close to an impossible level.But then again it is not entirely unexpected.However,

Grrrrrrrr." I see humans are as shameless as ever.They don't keep their promises.Guided only by their greed --- " (Kyuubi),remembering what humans made me do.

Now fully formed,the brat quickly flew to the Stone Face Wall and landed on Minato faced stone.

" I don't remember promising anything.Besides,if you want something, beg for it or take it by other means.For a Tailed Beast ,you are awfully law-abiding." (????)

(????)'s POV

Now then where is Danzo ? Probably on the outskirts of village.Hmmm...WTF?? Why do I have to get the attention of him of all people.I hope he doesn't find out.

Nope,no luck.

" Hello, who are you?? and what are you doing here ?? I don't think I have seen you before in the village. " (Shisui Uchiha),says in a friendly manner.

Too bad,his sharingan is too powerful.Otherwise, it might have been fun to chat with him.Right now,I didn't want to use it but if I can't make it to Danzo,there is no point.

Shisui's POV

A normal looking person but that normalness is limited to his appearance. My instincts are screaming that he is a threat,not to mention he is standing on the Great Stone Face nonchalantly during midnight like it was the most natural thing.

The second thing I noticed were his red eyes,not sharingan,but that of a beast.Yet there was no aggression,only indifference and also a little fear which means he recognizes my eyes.

I greeted him,trying to get some information out of him but blue lines started appearing on him and he disappeared.No he moved too fast that even my eyes couldn't see him.But I could feel his chakra,completely confined within his body and not a wisp leaking.What insane control..... there wasn't even a sound not any impact,yet that speed!!!

I alone cannot handle him.I will have to observe him and report to the Hokage and hope not much mess is created,since he didn't attack me.

Danzo's POV

He is getting naive,to not use the jinchuriki as the perfect weapon when the conditions are ideal.Well that aside,obtaining that accursed power while eliminating the Uchiha doesn't sound bad.But meticulous preparation will be required.For now,

" Rat!!Eagle!!Start the -----"(Danzo),before I could finish,a coldness spread in my neck.

All I see is red eyes before closing my eyes.

(????)'s POV 

Well,at least Danzo has been killed.Now for Shisui,I would need to (1)change my appearance to Danzo.(2)burn Danzo's body.(3)Take control over Root.(4)Fool Shusui at a'll costs.

Using seals,it was easy to take control and my appearance has been changed.Body burned,check.As for fooling,

"Ahh!Welcome,Shisui,have you decided to join my Root ? "(????),disguised as Danzo,I try to sound like a cult leader.Believe me I have experience.

" As if I will join you.Where is the boy ?? I saw him coming here ?? " (Shisui)

" From when have you started taking interest in my Anbu ?? " (????)

Oops!!scary,that sharingan is really scary.Oi,oi.....Seriously

Awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan," Remember this Danzo,you are only alive because of your contributions to the Village's safety.The moment you endanger the village,you will die.Now tell,where is here ?? " (Shisui)

" I don't understand what concern of yours is to look after my Anti but fear not,he is in his rightful place. " (????)

" I will report his existence to the Hokage.Now if you will excuse me." (Shisui)

With that,he is leaving.Nope,sorry,can't allow that.Sleep.

"Carry him to my room.The rest of you stand by and don't allow anyone else to enter my room." (????)

I don't have much time.Sould I remove his memory or ........