Chapter 20 – Finale
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                Detective Allan Taylor did indeed have some unfinished business…  His partner Brian Keller.  Allan knew where he’d probably find him, assuming he hadn’t tried to drive home drunk…  Driscolls.  If Allan knew anything about his partner, he was probably trying to drink the guilt away.  Well, Allan wasn’t going to let him keep doing it – as far as Allan was concerned, there wasn’t anything to be guilty for.


                He pulled his car up to the bar.  It was late, but the bar was still open.  Allan locked the car, and went inside.  Driscolls was a cop bar – but right now, there were damn few cops inside.  The mess downtown had called most of the cops in to deal with it – and Brian had probably been too drunk to go.  There he was!  Taylor walked up, and found his partner half-bombed on Jack Daniels – he’d finished off a good quarter of the bottle. 


                “Hey, shouldn’t you be dead?”  Brian slurred.  “You shouldn’t have come back, Allan.”


                “No worries, partner.  Tomorrow morning, I’m going to arrest Bolivar Trask at the head of a department wide task force, and the DA is going to indict him on multiple counts of murder, attempted murder, and more.  He’s done…  And I want you to make the collar with me.”


                Brian realized Allan was being serious, and tried to sober up.  “Seriously?  For real, man?  Why would you do that after what I did?”


                “Because you didn’t have a choice.  Because we’re partners.  Because we’re friends, dammit.”  Allan replied.  “I mean it.  I want you there to get the collar with me.”


                Brian was humbled by Allan, and nodded.  “I’ll be there.  I gotta sober up first.”


                “I’ll give you a lift home.  There’s no way you’re driving like that.”


                “See, I told you…  You’re the damn hero here.  Not me.  I don’t deserve it.”


                “I don’t know about that.  If you hadn’t winged me, I’d have bled out before Virus found me and healed me.  You gave me a chance – that’s all I needed.  I’ll testify to that if it comes down to it.  I think you’ll keep your badge.”


                Brian smiled.  Like Allan, the badge was the only thing that meant a damn to him.  “Thanks, partner.”


                “Yeah, you’re welcome, Bri – now let’s get you home and cleaned up, before the Captain wants us in at 6am to clean up Trask.  You don’t want to show up for the task force smelling like a distillery, do you?”


                Brian nodded, not sure who to thank for his good fortune.  He clasped Allan’s hand.  “I meant it, Allan.  Thanks.”


                Allan smiled back.  “You’re welcome.  Now let’s get you home.”



*              *              *



                Colby woke cuddled up to the warmth of her boyfriend, Darryl.  He was still asleep, and she could tell it was still early, so she lay still and let him sleep.  Last night had been terrifying – but it had strengthened something in Colby she didn’t immediately know how to describe.  Conviction?  Resolve?  She wasn’t sure what to call the feeling, but she knew its result…  She was going to keep being Virus – keep being a heroine.  It hurt – sometimes a lot – but the feeling of helping people, of stopping a madman from hurting people just because he could…  It felt good.  It felt like she was making a difference.  She still had a lot to learn to be the heroine she wanted to be – but she had a feeling she would get there in time.


                Darryl stirred.  “Good morning, you.”


                “Good morning to you too, hon.”  Colby replied.  “You okay?”


                “As long as you’re here with me, I’m great.”  He said, kissing her on the nose.  “You scared the shit out of me last night, Colby.”


                “I know, Dar.  I was scared too, but if I hadn’t stopped him, he would have kept killing people.  I was the only one who could.”


                “I know, Colby.  It doesn’t mean I like it – but you’ve got a power that lets you help people, and I’d be pretty damn selfish if I tried to keep you all for myself, wouldn’t I?”  Darryl asked.  “Besides, I don’t think people who care about each other should give ultimatums.  Can you promise me something, though?”


                “If I can, honey.”  Colby replied.  “What?”


                “Be careful. Be careful, and come home to me. I love you.”


                Colby felt tears welling up in her eyes. “I love you too, Dar.”  They held each other for a long moment, and kissed and nuzzled each other. 


                A little while later, Colby realized it was Monday.  “Um… Dar?  Don’t you have classes today?”


                Darryl started, and then relaxed.  “I guess I’ll be late to some of them.  I’m not ready to move yet.”


                Colby smiled, and shook her head.  “I don’t want you messing up your education for me, mister.”  She replied.  “Besides, I’ll be back here tonight anyway.  We can keep cuddling then.”


                “Back here?  Where are you going?” 


                “Well, I have this awesome boyfriend…” Colby began.  “…And he found me three apartments to look at.  I thought I’d call around and see if one of them was worth taking.  If so, I thought I’d get the ball rolling, then come back here this afternoon to hang with my favorite guy.”


                “Well, I’m sure that awesome boyfriend will love to see you again.”  He grinned.  “Want to get something for dinner?  We could celebrate.”


                “I’ll try – but the last time I tried to buy nice groceries it didn’t go so well.  Stuff happened.”  Colby smirked.  “I’ll do what I can.”


                “Sounds good, beautiful.”  Darryl replied, and sat up.  “Damn – it’s 10:30.  I am late.”


                “We’d better get going then, honey.  Time to get up.”


                “Yeah, I guess so…”  Darryl didn’t want to get out of bed, but conceded defeat.  After all, Professor Denkur probably wouldn’t accept “My girl friend is a super heroine” as an excuse for missing an important lecture.  He sighed, and got out of bed to get ready for the day.



*              *              *



                Bolivar Trask was running late – after last night could anyone blame him?  At least that maniac Pierce had been taken down, and his fucking robot dog too!  Arranging for an accident to befall him in prison would be child’s play.  Now it was time to go to the office, and see what scraps he could salvage from his electronics company.  He wondered how much of the damage his insurance would pay for.


                He heard a knock on the door – and heard his housekeeper shriek as someone or someone’s barged inside.  He reached for his pistol – but before he could get it, two detectives burst into his kitchen, their guns aimed at him.  One of them was supposed to be dead.  “How… how are you?”  His mouth opened and closed like a fish in an aquarium.  “How…?”


                “Bolivar Trask,”  said Detective Allan Taylor. “You are under arrest for multiple counts of murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, as well as dozens of other charges.  Please, resist arrest.  There’s less paperwork.”


                Bolivar moved his hands away from his gun, and Detective Keller pulled the gun out of his holster and tossed it across the room.  Keller reefed Trasks arms behind him, and cuffed him, while reading him his rights.  This can’t be happening!  He thought.  I’m the boss!  He snarled.  “Do you have any idea who I am? What I can do to you?”


                “Yes, Mr. Trask.  I do.  And thanks to some information given to the DA from a friend of mine, you’ll be going away for so long you’ll forget what sunlight looks like.  You’ll be lucky if you don’t get the death penalty, asshole.”  Allan smiled.  “Take this piece of trash out of here, partner.”


                “It’ll be my pleasure, partner.”  Brian replied, dragging Mr. Trask outside for the perp walk.  “You have the right to remain silent.  If you do not, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney…”


                Allan looked around as Brian dragged Trask out of his home.  It’s hard to believe, he thought, but somehow this ended with the good guys winning.  I don’t know if I’d have called that one a few days ago.  Allan smiled, and went outside to talk to the Captain… he needed to talk to her about Brian anyway.  He was pretty sure Brian would keep his badge, but it might be tight.  He hoped he would.  The bad guys had been caught and put away, and the good guys survived another day.


                Today was a good day.



*              *              *



                It had been a few days since the high-profile arrest of Bolivar Trask at the hands of Detectives Allan Taylor and Brian Keller – and there was talk that there might be a promotion or two involved coming down the pipe soon for them.  Colby grinned.  I like happy endings, she thought.  The last few days had been positively wonderful, and she had fully recovered from her ordeals with Hazard man and Mr. Chips – and she’d received her government ID yesterday, which was awesome!  She’d spent the day updating her records and applying for new copies of records, and they should all be here soon. 


                Darryl held the door of the car for her, and she climbed out.  “Thank you, sir.”


                “You’re welcome, miss.”  He said, laughing.


                Colby was grinning from ear to ear.  She had just signed a lease for a large one bedroom apartment.  It was near to the university, and to Darryl’s place – walking distance really – and it had laundry facilities and parking and a whole lot of other amenities.  Heat and Hydro included, too, which was nice.  She could move in any time.


                “So I guess we’ll need to go shopping and get me some furniture?”  She asked. 

                “Yes ma’am.”  Darryl replied.  “After dinner.”


                “After dinner.”  She agreed.  “And then I can move in this weekend.”


                “We should have a housewarming party, hon.”  Darryl suggested.  “What about our friends?”


                “Yeah.”  She agreed.  “We should invite Martin and Sue and Donny too.”


                It was Darryl’s turn to grin.  “You liked them that much?”


                “Yeah.”  She replied.  “They were nice.”


                “Cool.  I’ll get in touch with them then.”


                “Great.”  Colby looked a bit nervous.  “Honey… I have to go out tonight to do a thing.”


                “Huh?  What do you mean?”


                “I’ve got some unfinished business I need to take care of, Dar.  I won’t be all night, but it might take a few hours.”


                Dar nodded.  “Okay, Colby.  Just come home safe, okay?”


                “I will, dear.  I promise.”  Colby smiled.  This had been put off for far too long.



*              *              *



                Harry staggered up the steps to his apartment on the third floor… The elevator was out again, and in his mood, he decided to just say ‘fuck it’ and walk; it didn’t hurt he was buzzed from too much booze from Clancy’s – his bar down the street. The last flight of stairs nearly defeated him, but sheer stubbornness forced him onward, and he made it to his door. It was a shame he hadn’t scored, he thought.  Maybe it would be worth dropping by Diane’s place and see if she was free.  The stupid bitch would probably try and struggle and shit, and force him to smack her until she calmed the fuck down.  Harry grinned.  If the bitch gave him any trouble, his backhand was good and ready.


                A few moments of struggle got his keys in the door, and he entered his apartment, flicking the lights on… Except nothing happened.  “…The fuck happened to the lights?” he asked, and walked a few feet further inside, trying another light on a coffee table.  It didn’t work either.  “The power isn’t out,” he said, “so what the fuck happened?”


                Suddenly, from behind him the door to his apartment swung shut – and locked.  “I did, asshole.”  A female voice called out.


Whoever she was, she sounded cute – maybe even sexy. “Look, bitch, I don’t know who you are, but you just made a big fucking mistake.”  Harry reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a rather large folding knife.  “You break into my house, that means I can do whatever I want to you bitch.  You’re mine.”  The room was oddly dark, and he realized his intruder must have drawn the shades. How long had this crazy bitch been waiting for him? 


“Big words from a small-dicked douchebag that beats up his ex-girlfriend.”  The other voice seemed peeved, and came from another part of the room.


“It was Diane who sent you, wasn’t it, bitch?  I’ll deal with her when I’m finished dealing with you.  She send one of her girlfriends over to scare me?”


“Not quite, Harold Simpson Wallace. But I guarantee, before I’m done, you’ll be plenty scared.” 


                The sound came from right behind him, and as he whirled to confront her, he felt her hand touch his back, and he collapsed like a marionette with its strings cut, as all his strength left him.  As he lay on the floor, he definitely began to feel afraid. “What did you do to me, you bitch?”  She pulled up a chair and sat within a few inches of him.  “You drugged me or something, didn’t you?”


                “Yes, or something.  I want you to stop bothering Diane, Harry.  I want you to stop hitting women in general. And you will, too, Harry, or something really bad is going to happen to you.”


                She was trying to threaten him?  That was rich!  “How?  Whatcha going to do to me?”


                “I’m going to hurt you, Harry.  A lot.  And I’m going to leave you with a reminder that if you ever touch a woman in anger again, that I’ll come back and do worse the next time.”  The woman kicked him hard, in the balls, and Harry groaned in pain as stars flashed before his eyes, and he nearly blacked out from the pain.  She kept kicking him over and over – in the face, the stomach, the chest.  He was helpless – and with the pain of his injuries rising, so was his fear.  “How does it feel to be helpless, Harry?  To be at someone else’s mercy?  Not very good I’ll bet?”


                Maybe it was bravado, or maybe it was the booze, but Harry buried his fear and spat at his assailant.  “Fuck, you bitch.  When this drug wears off, I’m going to find you and Diane and fuck you both up!”


                The woman smiled.  He still didn’t understand.  “We haven’t even started yet, Harry – this is just the warmup.  Consider it payback for all the beatings you gave her over the years.  Then she began again, kicking harder than before – this time kicking his face, leaving his nose broken and bloodied.  “Did she beg for mercy, Harry?  Did she beg for it to stop – only to let you have your way with her?  I could make it so that no woman would ever have to fear you again…” 


                Harry’s blood ran cold.  Was she talking about… was she going to cut him…it off?  Oh, Jesus!  “If its money you want, I’ll double whatever she paid you!  Just don’t take my balls!”


                “Harry,” she said, in her best scolding voice.  “This isn’t about money.  It’s about justice and human decency.  She doesn’t even know I’m here.”  She walked over to a knife block and selected a very large butcher knife, and approached him with it.  “I could cut on you, Harry, if I wanted.  It would be excruciating, and you wouldn’t die until I wanted you to.  Hell, you’d probably beg me to do it, too.”  The knife clattered to the floor.  “Good for you I don’t use knives.”


                Harry looked at the woman taunting him, and realized she wasn’t fucking around.  “Then what are you going to do to me?”


                She smiled and came back to sit next to him.  “Well, Harry, I could just kill you, but you wouldn’t learn much, and I don’t want to kill you… but there are things worse than death, Harry.  How would you like to lose your right hand?  Or maybe go blind and deaf?  How would you like a constant reminder that there is some one bigger, and badder than you will ever be – and that this person will come back to visit you again, if you ever go anywhere near Diane?  You see, I’m going to finish working you over – and then I’m going to leave you two gentle reminders – and if you EVER fuck with Diane again, I’ll come back and finish the job.”


                Harry screamed once as she did just that, and although he felt himself almost black out several times, something kept him from being able to pass out into merciful blackness. “Please… No more. Stop, please.”


                The woman stopped, and considered.  “Did you stop, when Diane begged?  I guess I’ll have my way with you, then.”  She picked him up and put him in the chair – her strength was immense – she didn’t show the slightest strain.  She touched him, grabbed him roughly by the wrist, and he felt himself change… 


His skin melted and flowed, his clothing changed – and seconds later he reeled in shock as he saw himself… That bitch had somehow changed him into a woman – a very beaten woman!  He panicked. “Don’t…don’t leave me like this.”


“Why not?” she asked.  “Why should I turn you back?  Maybe your boyfriend will beat the hell out of you too?  That would be real justice.”


“I’m not into guys, lady.”


“Really?  You sure about that Harry?”  She asked.  “Scientifically, attraction is just a chemical soup involving serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine and a few other drugs.  If I can change you into a sexy woman, Harry, I can change how your brain feels pleasure, don’t you think?  Think about that for a moment, would you?”


Harry started to cry.  It wasn’t the hormones of his new body – it was from sheer terror.  This bitch had taken everything from him… his identity, his manhood, and whatever dignity he had remaining. What was worse, is that he was worried she was right. “Please… I can’t live like this.  Please.”  It didn’t matter about his pride anymore...  He begged, for his life, for his identity – for everything.


She stopped, as if considering. “Okay.  I’ll give you one chance, asshole.  When I turn you back and call 911, you tell them everything – about how you beat Diane, how you kept doing it – and you fucking demand they prosecute.  If you don’t, I’m going to come back and finish what I started, Harriet.  I don’t think a girl with no ID is going to last long in Empire city, is she?”


She touched him again, and suddenly he was back to himself – still in pain, but male and whole.  “You’re going to turn yourself in, remember – and just so you won’t forget, I’m leaving you with a much more gentle reminder.”


Harry felt her squeeze his wrist, but this time his body didn’t seem to change… but he tasted the most foul substance on his tongue… until he realized the disgusting taste wasn’t originating from his tongue.  The sensations were coming from somewhere else.  “What did you do to me?”  he asked, scared and shocked.  “What did you do?!” 


“I gave you tastebuds in your rectum, Harry.  And if you stay away from Diane and turn yourself in to the police, I MAY come back in a few months and remove them.  You need to realize actions have consequences, Harry. Don’t make me have to do this again.”  The woman picked up Harry’s phone with her free hand and dialed 911, and then tossed it onto the couch. Harry could slowly begin to feel his limbs again, even if he didn’t have the strength to move them.


“Goodbye, Harry.  I do hope we don’t have to do this again.”  The woman walked over to the door, and let herself out. 


Harry was still crying – from fear, from stress, or from relief when the paramedics and the police arrived. No one could tell which it was – but neither of the paramedics could miss the manic tone of his laughter, or his frightened jerky motions, looking to see if his assailant was still lurking about.  


Harry felt nothing but terror.  SHE might come back and do worse.  She was right… There were things worse than death.  The paramedics put him on a stretcher and began to take him to the ambulance.  As he was taken away, he turned towards the officers.  “I want to confess a crime…” he began.



*              *              *


                Virus watched as Harry got wheeled to the ambulance, singing like a canary to the police. What she had done wasn’t very nice – but it had been warranted.  Still, it made her kind of ill to consider that she did it in the first place, but what else could she do?  Beat him up?  When he healed, he’d just take it out on Diane and any other woman in his immediate area.  She could have left him as the pretty girl – but after spending her entire life until now in the wrong body, Virus couldn’t bring herself to do that to anyone, unless they were willing.  No, she thought, She had to scare him, and scare him enough he’d never bother Diane again.  It looked like she succeeded, but she was still worried about the ramifications of what she had done.  Still, it felt good to get a little justice for Diane and all the times she’d been beaten.  Maybe now the guy would think twice about raising a fist to a woman?  She didn’t know, but it was the best she could do.  She’d visit Diane later and heal the injuries he’d inflicted on her in his latest bout of abuse.


                She leapt to another rooftop and began to make her way home.  Darryl was waiting for her, and she was eager to get back to “normal” life.  Tonight had left a bad taste in her mouth, but all in all, she knew it had been needed.  She had tied up all the loose ends she could, and now, hopefully, it was time for her happily ever after.  Several blocks away from Harry’s apartment, she unfurled her wings and took flight.  The cityscape of Empire city lay beneath her – all lit like jewels in the night sky.  She couldn’t help but smile.  She might not be a perfect hero, like the ones in Paragon – but she was a good one – and really, the goodie two-shoes of Paragon would get eaten alive here in Empire City. Empire City was sick at its heart – sick and dirty.  Maybe it needed a Virus to cure it?  It couldn’t hurt.


                Virus smiled at the thought, and headed for home.



THE END...  VIRUS will return in future Tales of Empire City!