Chapter 47: Escape Plan
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Angel Fruits contain a wisp of divinity.

As they grow over thousands of years, they slowly absorb mana and convert it into that wisp of divinity.

At that point, when the fruit’s consumed, the wisp would strengthen the body, making it near impervious to ordinary weapons. Additionally, the wisp of divinity would create a holy halo that constantly surrounds the consumer, the origin of the Angel Fruit’s name.

The result is the creation of an impressively powerful body and a halo of divinity surrounding the consumer.

However, when Bai Xiaobao ate the Angel Fruit something strange happened. Bai Xiaobao’s body instinctively interfered with the wisp of divinity.

Bai Xiaobao’s physique was strange compared to others.

While others had to kill monsters or absorb atmospheric mana to refill their mana pool. Bai Xiaobao’s body created the mana directly, refilling his mana pool without the need for outside absorption.

The demerit of such a system was the limited size of his mana pool. It wasn’t large enough to cast even a single spell.

This strange physique prevented the energy from properly dissipating throughout his body.

Instead, Bai Xiaobao’s body instinctively recognized the energy as higher level than mana. His body began storing it and slowly… copying it.

It abandoned the lower level energy called mana and began creating wisps of divinity. Although the wisps weren’t pure, they grew in number and were far more useful than the mana his body was producing before.

As wisps were created, they began reinforcing his body.

The strength of Bai Xiaobao’s body began improving at an impossibly swift pace… and, the halo of divinity, began emitting from his body.

The halo worked on a subconscious level, as the halo's divinity improved the mood and likability of the halo’s owner to those around them.

A relatively minor and passive effect of divinity, but a usage that rulers from Rin’s homeworld had been taking advantage of for millennia.

Tobias and Rin merely watched as the changes inside Bai Xiaobao’s body occurred, entirely unaware of Bai Xiaobao’s strange physique.

Their reactions differed, Tobias was surprised by the halo and the new result of analyze. Meanwhile, Rin was unperturbed, completely unaware that the effect usually wasn’t as prominent as she didn’t have a reference besides the stories her father had told her.

POV - Tobias

{Bai Xiaobao – Slightly weak, engage cautiously.}

Have I mentioned that I hate mental manipulation abilities? Cause they are really annoying.

Even being aware that Bai Xiaobao doesn’t have a good personality and seen the various havoc he has caused, I still believe him to be a saint underneath that now. Someone who would never intentionally cause trouble for someone else.

What’s annoying is I know that isn’t true.

He definitely would, and does, cause trouble for others.

This is why I dislike mental manipulation abilities. They are extremely annoying.

Apparently, this Angel’s halo seems to be similar to charm type abilities.

Although they doesn’t have contain much power themselves, they can be devastating opponent to fight because they will impact the opinions and mental states of everyone around them.

I can understand why rulers would utilize such a fruit. Keeping people in line would be far simpler with such an aura.

Also the fruit seems to have improved Bai Xiaobao’s rating from ‘Weak’ to ‘Slightly Weak’. Without fighting him, I wouldn’t have a clue how much of an increase that is… but it should be rather significant.

I do wonder whether it is worth actually giving him the fruit now… but considering he found it, I’m not in a position to rightfully take it off him.

Whatever, I wouldn’t want an ability like that anyway.

Even with potential benefits, I don’t want anything to do with a mental manipulation ability. It wouldn’t help me protect Rin, nor would it help fight monsters.

Besides, the benefit of Bai Xiaobao obtaining it is that I get to constantly practice being around such an ability to train my mental defenses.

Maybe it’ll prevent him from getting in too much trouble.

Then again, Bai Xiaobao would never purposefully cause trouble.

… I hate mental manipulative abilities.

I should find Sidney before she actually escapes.

Sighing to myself, I informed Rin of my plan. “Rin, I’m going to find our escaping companion.”

Rin visibly frowned, but didn’t say anything.

Yes, I know you don’t like her. Once she’s strong enough and she obtains the item I require, we can let her go. I already stated that I’ll train her.

Realizing I should address my other disciple, I warned Bai Xiaobao. “Don’t cause any trouble.”

Bai Xiaobao nodded eagerly, glancing between me and the distance. He seems to want to test his strength.

Once I started to search for Sidney’s trail, I heard Bai Xiaobao run off into the distance.

Turning back toward him, I shouted after him to emphasize my point. “I mean it! NO TROUBLE!”

Hearing a vague affirmative response in return. Sighed to myself, I already knew it was pointless, he’s almost certainly going to get in trouble.

He’s a protagonist. Since danger and opportunity are intertwined. Even unintentionally, they’ll constantly find trouble.

That Angel Fruit is the perfect example.

Logically, it makes no sense that he managed to find it. Yet, after finding it, he somehow managed bring it back afterward. Despite being chased by a gigantic boar creature in the process.

Refocusing on the task at hand, I found the traces of Sidney’s escape.

Alright… Let’s get this over with.

POV Swap - Stanley

The intricacies and impressiveness of the palace’s design improved as Stanley walked toward the center of the palace.

Eventually Stanley reached the throne room, despite the layer of dust inside, it contained several flags and impressive sculptures depicting past kings and queens.

Admiring the various pieces of art, Stanley moved throughout the room pondering why the Narrator had led him here.

[Stanley sat regally on the throne, collecting his prize.]

… Narrator, the throne is covered in dust. Can’t you provide a more useful explanation? Why exactly would I sit on it?

No? Fine…

Picking up a nearby piece of cloth, Stanley brushed off the throne before sitting down on it.

Happy now, Narrator? Mind explaining why I’m sitting on this throne?

<Upload in progress… 1%>

Okay… upload that’s new.

Uploading what? Does this relate to my prize?


The Narrator stayed quiet as the percentage slowly rose.

Once it reached 100%, A familiar holographic cat projected in front of Stanley.

“It worked!” The holographic AI shouted excitedly. “It actually worked, I’m free!”

Stanley attempted to figure out the situation, but quickly gave up. “I’m confused.”

“The tablet had copy of my program installed on it.” The cat explained, “I used that to bypass the safety protocols that trapped me in that pocket dimension.”

The tablet? Reaching into his backpack, Stanley took out the tablet.

The tablet was now dead, no longer turning on.

Stanley turned back toward the cat and questioned, “Safety protocols?”

“The other AI’s thought I had a ‘bad personality’ and locked me away in that pocket dimension. Jokes on them. They got completely wiped by the system reset. Meanwhile, I survived on a separate server.” The holographic cat smugly said.

System reset? AI’s? Narrator, what did you get me involved in?

Wait… “Why didn’t you teleport me directly to the throne room then?”

The AI corrected, “It’s a system access port, not a throne room. I attempted to, the protocols prevented direct portal access because you had a copy of my program.”

Well, I am less confused now... But, is this a good thing?

If this AI was locked away because of its bad personality, was releasing it a good idea?

Actually, more importantly, “Why are you even telling me any of this?”

The AI cat floating up slightly, before running about the room. Speaking as it ran about, it replied. “I have been trapped for almost a thousand years, excuse me if I want to brag about finally escaping. It’s lucky my plan finally worked. That pocket dimension was about to collapse.”

A thousand years?

Fine... I can’t exactly do anything about helping him escape now. I’ve already done it.

The holographic cat, stopped running and stated. “I haven’t forgotten about your prize. Pulling up the system interface, now… There we go.”

<Talent creation available.>

<10 Decima Game Points>

Stanley stared at the screen briefly before questioning, “Talent creation? What can I create?”

Having potentially the smuggest grin a cat could possibly have, the AI replied, “This is my magnum opus, my greatest work. You can create anything you want, within reason… as long as you can afford it. I hardwired it so only points from the Decima Game can create talents, so the other AI’s ended up locking the system down and completely refused to utilize it.“

Staring at the screen more interested than before, Stanley asked, “So I do what? Create a superpower?”

<Acquire Talent ‘teleportation’>

<Cost: 30 Decima Game Points, limited version for variable amount of points available>

“Limited version?” Stanley asked for clarification.

Still joyous about finally being free, the AI answered, “That means exactly what it says. A limited version of that talent is available. In this case, limitations on how often it can be used or distance. For a special treat, I’ll let you choose if you want a specific limitation.”

Stanley inquired, “So I could spend 1 point on it and get unlimited distance teleportation, but with a long cooldown?”

“Normally, no. However, I can program in an exception. If that’s what you want to do. Be aware, the cooldown time would be extremely large and based on distance traveled.”

“Yeah, but it would be worth it, having an potential escape from dangerous situations would be a nice change.” Stanley said, confirming the acquisition.






<Talent: Teleportation acquired.>

Not feeling any different, Stanley asked. “How does it work?”

The AI sighed in melancholy and stated. “Talents don’t work as instinctively as abilities, unfortunately. Abilities can be passive, even activating and deactivating on a subconscious level. I never figured out how to do that for talents.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Stanley pointed out.

“I was getting to it. I programmed them to respond to the name of the talent. Simply think it, while willing it to activate.” The AI continued, slightly frowning from the interruption.

Trying it out, Stanley teleporting across the room.

After succeeding Stanley tried to teleport again and failed, he asked about the cooldown time. “How long is the cooldown?”

“The interface system still needs a bit of work, it wasn’t designed for this type of distance based cooldown system. For now, just think cooldown-teleportation.”

{6 days, 23:59}

Upon thinking the command, a countdown timer popped into Stanley's brain.

7 days for around 10 meters? I already knew the cooldown time would be large, but I hadn't expected it to be this large. I’ll have to restrict its use to emergency’s only.

I still have 9 points I can use for other talents.

Create an ability… What should I create?

This is my chance to gain a proper power. A power that can allow to actually be useful for once.

Could… could I resurrect Lina and Laura?

<System Error 400-44... Talent not found.>

Ha... of course it’s impossible. What was I thinking? Resurrection is obviously impossible.

Even if it was possible, I wouldn’t have been able to afford it. Not with the amount of points I have.

*Sigh…* I need an offensive and defensive talent. I don’t want to always be relying on the Narrator and Scarlet.

I should spend some time thinking…