Chapter 106: Trouble in Paradise
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Absentmindedly flipping through the notebook whilst siting upon the couch, I couldn’t help but restlessly fidget.

I don’t particularly like the idea of actual turning into a woman… but keep options open is a potentially necessary precaution.

Sighing to myself as I put down the notebook, my gaze turned down to the backpack, filled with various articles of female clothing, askew on to the floor and leaking its contents.

It’s a better option than memory loss.

Still… it shouldn’t be necessary, yet. Only when I need to leave should I confirm the effects of the amulet. Before that, I should learn more about the world and strengthen myself as much as possible.

Leaning down to pick up the backpack onto the floor, I vaguely saw something carved onto the table from beneath. Crawling underneath, I realized it was words.

Tarve betrayed. Trap. -T4

I furrowed my brows, as I memorized the text.

Removing all emotion of surprise or confusion from my face, I stood up and put the clothing back into the backpack and carried it hanging over my shoulder.

There shouldn’t be another message here. The fact there is indicates many problems.

The book is definitely written by myself. There are too many consistencies with my own style to be fake.

T4… should mean Tobias 4.

According to the book, there were two Tobias that died before him. Meaning the book was written by Tobias 3. In other words, Tobias 4 isn’t the same Tobias who wrote the book.

I would write T4 to inform myself that I read the book and wasn’t the same person who wrote it.

…And somehow I found evidence of a trap and betrayal by Tarve. How? No, that’s isn’t important.

What is important is the presence of another Tobias. If another Tobias existed and arrived here… that’s an incredibly bad sign.

I could’ve written anything, but I thought the most important thing was to indicate that Tarve had betrayed us. I hadn’t noticed anything suspicious when Tarve brought me here. His behavior basically matches with what was described in the book…

Then again, I was too worried about him noticing my own suspicious behavior to be focusing on whether he might’ve been doing anything suspicious.

The only safe assumption is that Tarve was a fake, but what does that mean?

Wait… wait. I’ve missed something extremely important.

If there was another Tobias here, why is everything in the correct position?

The chicken was in the basement. Identification was in a box under the bed. The amulet was in the bedroom.

Hell, even the notebook is still here.

I definitely would’ve taken that with me.

So, why exactly is everything still here? Along the same line of thought, why did I leave a message in a location that wouldn’t be easily seen?

The most likely answer is… I knew someone would come in later and reset the place up later. If someone was fixing the place up later to make it seem like the previous me wasn’t here, they would definitely remove any messages left in visible locations.

I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on the backpack.

What if someone figured out my resurrection ability? Then, by taking advantage of the setup by the Tobias 3, created a trap.

What if Tarve wasn’t as trustworthy as I thought? Human nature is bipolar. Sometimes people are extremely fickle and at other times completely rigid.

If the message is true, this might be a worst case scenario. An infinite death loop.

Why create such a trap, though? If they figured out my resurrection mechanism, they should’ve just locked me up and prevented my death. That’s the easiest way to deal with someone with immortality.

I glanced toward the spear on my back. Weapons of power… judging by the way I described them in the book, they should valuable.

Whenever I resurrect, I create a new weapon of power.

What if someone realized that? That they had a potentially infinite amount of weapons of power at their disposal.

Judging by the smooth transition between the military soldiers and Tarve at the surrounding the forest, an extremely powerful force might be behind this trap.

In place of improving their overall strength level, any organization or government would definitely be willing to kill someone who can resurrect themselves.

Why don’t they just kill me immediately, though? Why delay? What do they gain from waiting?

No… more accurately, what exactly are they waiting for?

Coldly gazing around the room, my eyes landed on the basement.

If I’m right, that definitely isn’t the same chicken that Tobias 3 left. Tobias 3 stated he was testing various weapons on it. Yet, that chicken didn’t even seem slightly afraid of me.

Why exactly did provide a living chicken? They’ve could’ve left a dead one… No, that’s wrong.

Killing the chicken is one of the reasons that I decided to stick around. If it didn’t exist, I probably would’ve attempted to leave earlier than otherwise.

Or maybe…

Pulling out the book, I quickly flipped through to the pages describing weapons of power.

Weapon of Power.

Unfortunately, I have minimal information about weapons of power.

Normal information searches only state they are hunter’s weapons and are tools to fight against the calamity befalling humanity.

The few that I’ve studied are definitely completely out of the league of anyone on this planet to craft. I’ve managed to learn how to create various supernatural artifacts in my time, and nothing can possibly compare to them.

Judging by the effects on Tarve, through killing, the weapons seem to cause some type of sublimation of the soul.

The process overall is extremely strange. The results, though, are extremely clear.

Almost all attributes are enhanced and, when in contact with the weapon, they can access a unique power.

The power system here seemed to split individuals into five levels. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.

To add to their devastating power, being hit by (or merely touching), another’s weapon of power will cause soul injuries (which I suppose is another possible cause for my lost memories upon resurrection).

Most of the attribute enhancements by weapons are minor enough to still be overcome by skill. Thus, if you can trap a hunter away from their weapon, they easily can be dealt with by a skilled fighter.

When someone reaches Platinum Rank, they are said to have undergone a qualitative change. From my current understanding, you can think about it as becoming something akin to becoming a deity in martial arts novels.

Apparently it’s pretty rare, though. The last time it happened the entire country went into celebration.

My eyes turned cold with the information provided from the notebook.

If someone discovered my ability to basically create a new weapon of power upon death, they’d certainly attempt to create an infinite death loop. The higher the power level of the world in that situation, the worse the potential consequences of such a possibility.

If I’m correct, whoever set up this trap should be delaying until I kill the chicken with my weapon of power. They might’ve misunderstood and thought the ability to resurrect came from my weapon of power.

Even if they have doubts, they probably wouldn’t dare to test them out.

Once I bind with the spear, they would move in and kill me. Before restarting with the next Tobias to come along.

Who knows how long this could’ve been going on for? Who knows how many weapons they’ve managed to accumulate.

This is all speculation… I truly hope that I’m entirely wrong.

Regardless, though, even the slightest possibility of this happening is enough to act as though it truly is.

An infinite death loop is too drastic a consequence to assume otherwise.

That means I absolutely cannot bind my spear here. I need to escape, ASAP.

I should operate with assumption that my resurrection ability has been completely exposed.

Utilizing the disguise has a higher chance of escape than my normal form. There’s a slight possibility that my disguise hasn’t been exposed because of my reluctance to use it. Whilst my normal identity would definitely be compromised.

As everything here could be provided by whatever organization is doing this. Almost all of it should be abandoned.

Especially that truck and the identification papers. Too easily traceable…

Actually, I might need to take the passport and other identification as insurance. Just in case I’m actually wrong about this. Still, it cannot be used carelessly.

The cash can be taken, but it could be marked and must be spent carefully.

I’ll have to cover the spear with something to prevent its immediate exposure. It cannot be left behind.

They shouldn’t be video monitoring the inside, otherwise they should’ve noticed when the message carved underneath the table was drawn. Even so, I cannot be too careful. I need to act quickly.

Immediately, I went to work.

Tearing up the sheets from the bed, I wrapped them around my spear before tying it around my back. I dumped all the feminine clothing from the backpack onto the bed.

Grabbed the tiny box with identification and cash, and I stuffed it into my new backpack.

Emptying out my other bag, I realized how much useless stuff that I was currently carrying. There’s no time to hide it or bury it outside, otherwise I would do so to allow retrieval at a later time.

I immediately took off my musket and jacket, tossing them onto the bed and planning to leave them behind. Transferring some rope into the new backpack, I gently picked up God-hunter.

Crawling under the bed, I carved a warning onto the wood with God-hunter in a normally unnoticeable location.

Res. Exposed? Escaping –T5

Hopeful, if there’s ever another version of me, I’ll be able to reach a similar conclusion from this.

Snatching up the amulet, I kicked my old bag underneath the bed. I would be leaving it behind too.

I swept up a few articles of the feminine clothing on the bed and headed into the nearby bathroom, placing them on the counter.

Putting the golden amulet around my neck, an odd sensation transpired. I felt my body physically changing.

In the mirror, I saw my facial features becoming more feminine. My hair and chest gradually grew outward whilst the lower half of my body underwent various different changes.

Before I knew it, the painless transformation was complete.

My shirt stuck outward awkwardly because of the brand-new breasts, exposing my stomach. Meanwhile, my pants also no longer fitted properly as another part of me had disappeared (along with my legs thinning considerably).

I sighed as I looked at my new feminine form. It was extremely similar to the passport photograph.

A golden eyed, dark haired, pretty woman.

Fortunately, my breast’s size wasn’t that large. I could probably get away with a tomboy look. Although that would take some work and time, as I currently just looked like a cute woman.

Still, the change was a far gentler transformation than I expected. I had been expecting massive pain. Part of my reluctance to utilize it came from the potential pain of doing so, as that happens to be a recurring theme for me… that and the fact that, if anyone finds out, I’ll never be able to live this down.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I silently swore an oath to myself.

Nobody can ever find out about this… Nobody.

Taking off shirt, I glanced at my body in the mirror.

At least I look cute as a girl.

The bandage was still wrapped around my upper arm from my injury earlier… Yet, I hadn’t felt any pain or noticed anything from it since wrapping it up.

Has it healed already?

Unwrapped the bandage, almost immediately, I felt a massive burst of pain.


It felt even more painful than before I wrapped it up.

Do the bandages contain some type of supernatural pain suppressant?

Damn, I’ve probably been damaging it. I’d been moving it around like normal because I hadn’t been feeling any pain and completely forgot about my injury.

Normally, my wounds heal so quickly…

Staring at the wound in the mirror, it seemed to be quite deep. I need to be far more careful to prevent it from worsening.

Rewrapping my right upper-arm up in the bandage by utilizing my left hand and teeth, the pain soon faded away again.

Although the pain had receded, I implanted the idea into my brain to avoid using my right arm as much as possible. I didn’t want to be caught in a situation where I made my injuries worse and eventually unhealable.

Picking up the black bra from counter, I struggled putting it on with one hand. After a considerable amount of time, I finally managed to get it to clip in place properly.

Speeding up, I removed my pants and underwear and replaced them with the feminine equivalents provided.

Fortunately, there was a pair of black shorts and I didn’t have to wear the skirt.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I nodded and grabbed my old clothing with my uninjured arm.

Reentering the bedroom, I tossed my old clothing under the bed.

Taking anything beyond the bare necessities (in this case, my various magical items) is liable to cause someone’s potential recognition. Whilst the risk still exists for my magic items, they are worth taking a small amount of risk.

Unfortunately, the musket with its currently useless nature (as it requires a decent amount of mana to fire) and its difficult-to-hide size is too risky.

Stepping outside, I walked over toward the truck and grabbed the medical kit. I stuffed into my relatively empty backpack and prepared to leave.

Time to go.

Now, then… how do I leave the premises without attracting attention?

The book mentioned a river.

Glancing out the front of the truck, I noticed a fast river flowing underneath the wall surrounding the property.

That’ll work.

Although… that would cause my passport and identification to get wet. I doubt that box is waterproof.

Wait, the medical kit!

Pulling the medical kit back out of my bag, I examined it careful. It was a clear plastic box with tight clasps keeping it closed.

Medical kits are usually put in waterproof containers to prevent damage. Sometimes the kits themselves are waterproofed. While it’s hard to tell whether it is actually waterproof, it’s at least more likely to than the other box.

Stuffing the notebook inside along with the identification certificates. Fortunately there was plenty of space inside the medical kit’s box.

It shouldn’t matter too much if anything else gets wet.

Heading over toward the swift river, I took a deep breath and prepared to dive into the water.

Before diving in, I noticed thick metal bars blocking anything large from passing through the wall from the river.

Frowning, I crouched down near the edge of the wall and examined the metal bars. There was no way I would fit between them.

My supernatural piercing strike might be able to create a hole in the metal bars… but that might not be the best idea.

I quietly thought, sending a glance toward my bandaged arm.

My arm would definitely be injured further from attempting such a feat. Whilst I couldn’t feel any pain, it was definitely still injured.

Damn it… Better to be injured than dead. The front exit would definitely be guarded and the walls surrounding the house are too tall to climb.

Unwrapping the spear from my back, I got into position and shot out a piercing strike toward the metal bars. The supernatural strike pierced right through the metal bars, but I immediately I ran into a problem.

I could no longer move or feel anything from my right arm.

Wrapping the spear back up with one hand and attaching it to my back, I examined my right arm.

The bandage was dyed in blood and any sensations had completely disappeared from below my injury.

At this point, I’m sort of hoping that I’m right about this infinite death loop… otherwise I just severely injured myself for no reason.

Sighing to myself, I glanced toward the opening in the grate and dived into the water. Finally beginning my escape plan.


A rare extra-long chapter today. (Hurray!) 

For anyone wondering why, it's mainly because I managed to work ahead on Monday and wanted to end the chapter with Tobias leaving instead of simply planning to leave.
