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I used to live as a noble but, I was striped away from my status.

The orphanage was alot nice than in my old home. There was about 20 kids in the orphanage and 10 guardians taking care of us. They are not cruel like my parents and I was very comfortable and would even willingly call it “home”.

But, when we are allowed to play in evenings, I sneak out to train my body and magic. My guardians don’t mind if I train but the other kids might get jealous or might even interrupt me. So I train in a forest not far away and only my guardians know about it.

One day, one of the kids named Azalie, saw me.

“What are you doing on your own?”

“What the? How did you find me?” I replied.

How did he find me? Did he also sneak out to play or just saw me walking away to somewhere different everyday and decided to follow me here?

“What are you talking about? Everybody know that you have been sneaking on your own.”

What? Everyone knows I’ve been sneaking out? I thought that the guardians only know.

“What do you mean everybody knows?”

“I mean, you do stand out a bit. And when you sneak out, someone always saw you and tells everyone even the guardians. Apparently the guardians know and don’t want to tell us about it.” He said.

Oh..... That’s why. Maybe being an ex noble was is a rare scene.

“Anyway, what are you doing?”

Should I tell him? I mean, I don’t what any of them to know what I’m doing here. Maybe I should tell him, and maybe he would understand and leave me be.

“Actually, I’m training.” I replied.

“Training? Are you going to be an adventurer?”

An adventurer? I never even thought about being an adventurer. Maybe it’s for the best that I should use my skills to venture out in the world while earn some cash, I mean, Zayne Onii-chan was an adventurer too.

“Yes, I’m training to be an adventurer.”

“Wow!! Actually, I also wanted to be an adventurer.”

“Why?” I said.

“ It’s because I wanted to be like my hero, Melodias.”


“He’s a great C rank adventurer who saved my life once.”

Melodias? I think I have read about him in one of the books in my family’s library ones. Either way, I completely forgotten about it.

“Can I join you? I want to get stronger too! Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this. I promise.”

“You sure?” 

“Of course! In the name of Dragolians, I promise to never speak about any of this to anyone but our gaurdians!”

“Ok ok, just don’t scream while you make your promise.”

Wait, dragolians? I think I’ve heard of them before. Maybe because it sounds like dragon people to me. I think I can trust this guy. 

He joined me in training everyday and even brings his lunch to eat with me. It was always broutes but, I don’t mind at all, after all, it’s delicious. (Note: broutes are potato like vegetables that taste like soft, seasoned carrots).

After the training, I went back to the orphanage to rest my body and Azalie came along. The orphanage is very lively even when they are guardians in there. The guardians don’t mind that they are playing everytime since they are children after all.

After training every day, he finally unlocked his magic. His magic was electricity. I can probably make electricity with my fire magic because their both plasma but, I can’t cause of my inability to control my magic completely.

I was surprised that he got an uncommon magic affinity while I got a basic fire magic. I envy him but also proud of him. I mean electricity!?! In plasma's properties, electric is like an evolve version of fire. Nonetheless, it’s still pretty impressive.

After a few years, we are 15 years old by then, we bid farewell to the orphanage to register as a G rank adventurers. With our training, maybe we can rank up on no time.

“We will go now, bye!”

“Will you two be ok?” said ms. Grandon one of their guardians.

“We’ll be fine, besides, I got zack with me. No harm can befall in us.” Said sarcastically.

“Hey, you try to pick a fight with me?”

“Ok then, we’ll be on our way!”

“Goodbye! Take care” said by everyone while we bid farewell.

While on the road to the nearest kingdom, endro kingdom, the air feels different from training. It’s almost very relaxing enough to make me fall asleep. But that won’t stop me from becoming an adventurer with my friend azalie.

“Hey, azalie?”


“Have you been to the central kingdom before?”

“of course, I’ve been there before.”

“Is it really that big as they say?”

“Yes, it’s like 20 kilometres wide, I think?, Maybe.”

“That’s very large, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, it’s crazy big.”

“Don’t you think we will get lost there?”

“Don’t worry. There are signs telling which street are you in. And there are even maps of the whole central kingdom in every street. And if we ever got lost, we can just ask anybody for directions, I guess.”

“You’re right.”

As we kept talking in our way into the forest, there was a wild E class water dire wolf hiding in between the trees. We didn’t notice it at first but as we gone deeper in to the forest, it starts to go near at us.

“Wait, stop.” He said as he block my way with his hand.

“What’s wrong?”

“I sense something coming at us.”

As we stopped for a moment and everything got quiet, the dire wolf jumped at our direction.

Azalie pulled out his sword and I activated my fireball in both of my hand to prepare for it’s attack. Dire wolf intends to attack right away if it doesn’t sense any magical powers in it’s opponent. 

Azalie energized his sword using a skill he unlocked: saber and points it at the wolf.

“You come closer and I will blast you!” Said Azalie.

Dire wolf are easy to provoke with loud sounds and sometimes, when provoke, it attack instantly. But the wolf we encountered was like he got a brain big enough to understand the situation and think of a way to take advantage of the fight.

The wolf called his pack and his alpha to the battlefield. There are so many of them. They are about 20 of them. And the alpha was 2 meters tall. The alpha was different. It’s a silver wolf, a C class monster that is able to destroy towns.

“What the?!?!” I said in shock.

“Why is there a Silver Wolf in here?”

“It’s probably their alpha. Be careful! It’s a C class monster. We can’t kill it that easily. In fact, we actually can’t kill it with our abilities alone.”

“Then what are we going to do now?!?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we can run.”

As we ran away to the forest, the whole pack ran after us. They were fast. Faster us.

“It’s gaining on us!”

I use fire magic to boost my speed by heating up my blood cells to circulate faster in my body to pump my body up.

“come on circulate faster!” I screamed as I heated my body.

“What do you mean circulate? What’s that?” 

I forgot that they are not educated enough to know what’s happening in our body and how it works. This world does not know the word “science” and they only teach them about mana and magic and stuff.

“Forget about that.” I answered.

As I’m heating my body, the effect of my magic started work. I’m getting faster and I’m not getting tired at all.

“It worked!” 

“Azalie!!!” I screamed at Azalie.

“What?” he replied.

“jump on my back.”

He jump on my back as I said. We are about to out-ran the wolf until....

“Hey Azalie?” I said while getting dizzy.

“What?” he replied.

“I don’t feel so good.”


As I begun to slow down, I got fatigue and started to fall to the ground. Azalie carried me to a tree behind it so we wolf get caught by the wolfs.

“What’s happening to you?” he asked.

“Well, I think I have a fever.” I replied.

“you what?!?, At a time like this?”

I totally forgot that you’ll get a fever if you heated up your whole body. I was so focused on enhancing my physical abilities, I forgot about the consequences.

“You totally heated up. What did you do to yourself?” he asked as he put his hands on my neck.

“Well, I heated up my internal body to increase my endurance a bit to run faster. It worked but I forgot that I would collapse in a while if I keep it up for a long time.”

“We have been running for a while now.”

As we are hiding behind the trees, the wolfs sniffed us out and found our location.

The wolfs begun to attack us when we are weaked.

Azalie picked up his sword and begun defending me. 

He took down about 3 wolfs but he was badly injured. The wolfs was just too much for him. Even when I help him, we will still have no match for it.

When the alpha jumped to us, an adventurer stopped it’s attack and throws the wolf away from us.

“Who are you?” Azalie asked.

“No time for chit chat, kids.” He answered.

He was amazing! He defeated the wolfs with his bare hands. He was super buffed and was a tattoo on his back saying “the lion”.

He faced the alpha again and he was injured by the alpha's attack called: “silver slash”.

The adventurer finished the wolf with his ultimate skill: king's wrath. The wolf was badly injured but still alive. They retreated with a few casualties and victory was ours.

“You kids ok?” he said to us.

“Yeah, we’re ok.” Said Azalie.

“What happened to that boy over there?” he asked as he pointed his finger at me.

“He just got a fever in the middle of the battle.” He answered.

“Seriously?, how did he got it?” 

“I tried to enhance my body with fire magic. It worked, but after a while, I started to get a fever because of the heat.”

“Hmmmm.... I never heard of this body enhancement with fire before. You are a strange one. I like it.”

“What’s your name, sir?” I asked.

“Me? I’m harbor lion. I’m a B rank adventurer.”

“Wow!! A B rank.” Azalie said while suprised.

I checked his status and I was surprised on how powerful this guy is.

Name: Harbor Lion, Lvl: 206, Magic attribute: Body enhancement magic

“Why are you two out here in the woods?”

“We are trying to get to the capital.” Azalie answered.

“Why don’t I take you two there myself.”


“Of course. I was going there by myself anyway.”

He was a really nice guy. I checked my status and, turns out, the battle's experience goes to my levels and Azalie's. Name: Zack Exavior, Lvl: 12, magic attribute: fire magic.

At the road, we encounter some ferocious beast. Sir. Lion was very powerful, he got rid of them in an instant. Guess that’s how powerful a B rank adventurer is, huh.

We arrived at the capital and it is huge.

The guard at the entrance did not let us in first because we have no identification card but sir. Lion said that we are his acquaintance and the guard believed him and let the two of us pass through.

Guess sir. Lion is pretty famous in the capital. I mean, he’s a B rank adventurer after all.

“Well kiddos, let’s part here. I got something to do, ok?”

“Thank you sir. Lion.” I said.

“Hope I see you guys become strong.” He said as he leaves with a big smile.

We looked around the capital to find the guild to register as adventurers. It took a while and we had a some distraction along the way. Azalie stopped at a viper store to buy fresh cooked viper meat. It was every disgusting. It was black and small but very soft and squishy.

While we’re looking for the guild, we found an inn to stay. We first go to that inn called “lovely cavern” and rented out a room.

“Are you two adventurers? I’ve never seen you here before.” Said by someone at the counter.

“We are still registering to be adventurer.” Said Azalie.

“Really? So that’s why I’ve never seen you guys before. What’s your name?”

“Mine’s Azalie. He’s Zack. What about you?”

“Mine’s Marionette. Nice to meet you.”

The one who’s at the counter is very polite. She’s very cute too. I don’t like her like that. It’s just, she’s very friendly, that’s all.

“Here’s your keys to your room. That’ll be 5 coppers a night.”


We rented out one room with two beds so our cash won’t go down fast. 

After we rented out a room, we continued to search for the guild. I realized that I should have ask marionette where’s the guild. After searching and searching, we finally found it.

We went inside and there are alot of adventurers inside. There are G rank, F rank, D rank and even a B rank. We quickly go to the counter and register to be adventurers. We already have the quantification to being an adventurers, so there is nothing left to do.

“Alright! You two are officially adventurers! You are G ranks!” said the one on the registry counter.

After we got registered as adventurers, Azalie cried and said: “ we finally became adventurers!!”

After that, a group called “the silver fangs” came to us.

“You guys new?” said the who has an eye patch.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m recon. The leader of the silver fangs, A C rank adventurer.” He answered.

“We’re G rank adventurers. I’m Azalie and this is Zack.”

“Care to join our party?” he said.


“Yes. We are looking for rookie adventurers and you guys are perfect. You got the strength we're looking for. So, will you join.”

“Of course. Right Zack?” Azalie said with joy.


In our first day on the capital, we encountered a bunch of nice people and already joined a party. They seem the people who are nice and reliable. Maybe we can rank up faster this way. I mean, all the two of us need is more friends.

Azalie and I are so happy about today. The “silver fangs”, I trust them. I trust them, Azalie trust them too. I’m proud to say that they are an “adventurer’s trusted party.”