Chapter 01 ~ Afterlife
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Afterlife :

How long has it been?

In the dark, endless and silent, there was nothing around that couldn't be felt, his body if he still had one wandering constantly aimlessly.

When a beam of light suddenly pierced the darkness, silent and formless. Inorganic howls could be heard during that short moment.

The void was finally filled little by little with a vision that seemed almost banal and at the same time extraordinary. After taking a quick look at its surroundings, it seemed to be in a sort of gigantic shopping center where there are several large shops and hotels, with a large fountain in its center, several benches for resting, and a playground…

Was it a dream after all? Maybe a lucid dream.

What he found special here wasn't necessarily the place itself, although he highly doubted that a place like this could exist on earth.

By looking carefully, he couldn't determine the number of floors, in comparison this place's similar to a dark bottomless forest where we don't really know where's the exit.

Maybe the witch's waiting for me at the end?

Finally, as he wandered to the center, where the fountain's located. His gaze turns to the wisps of flames filling the place, although it's only a simple purple pink flame more or less large, one can easily guess that they're souls. They lined up on both sides of the fountain where opposite were doors decorated with gilding and formed by a pure white arch in marble. It's clear that they led to an even more mysterious place.

(Approximately representation:

To tell the truth, he himself felt strange from the start, as if his body no longer existed, he now understands why ... It's not a dream. Too real.

As he examined his body to confirm, he seemed to notice that he was the only one to have a spiritual body although it was still fairly hazy and always transparent, the color was clearly crimson more vivid than the others. However, a general truth has just struck his heart.

I'm dead...

I'm dead...

I'm dead...

All emotions mix, sadness, resentment, regret, anger ... The undeniable pain penetrates his soul which could tear at any time. The environment suddenly became surrounded by a kind of mystical and spiritual emanation.

This emanation began to stir and then an icy cold capable of freezing to the bone, spread, more and more violently around until reaching souls extinguishing them one by one. He'd lost his mind, he could barely maintain his conscience awake.

However, when he tried to calm down, he felt the same warmth, the same feeling of tenderness that he so hoped to experience again in his life.

It didn't take long before he calmed down, the radiant heat will start by mixing in him to allow him to regain full consciousness. Perhaps by complementarity, it's often said that opposites attract each other. On one side we've the day and on the other side the night.

I can do it ... I don't know what's going on, but first of all I've to calm down.

At first glance, I suppose that I'm in the afterlife, if it's paradise it's not very happy and if it's hell ... It doesn't look like it. This situation didn't make much sense.

The last thing I can think of is that maybe we're in the reincarnation system? If that's the case, I'm glad I'm still alive, not really, but as if I were alive.

Basically, this place's filled with what seems to be souls, why am I the only one with a spiritual body? Honestly, at this point, I'll not complain about being different from everyone here.

Anyway I lack information.

First, my death? How did i die I've no idea how I died… It's obvious after all, no one would really want to remember their own end, right? And with the accompanying regret, it would leave souls tormented for their next life.

Is it a memory loss, yet I don't feel like I've lost any memories. For example my name: "I, I ... I don't know ... ?!"

How's it that I clearly remember my life in general but anything but main information like my name. At least, emotions are always ingrained in my soul, memories are also present ... Anyway, Mabel and Auntie you can be sure that I'll never forget you! So why the hell does my name not appear ?!

I've thought about this question deeply, and the only answer I've found is that it must be the entry ticket for the afterlife. Of course, I feel extremely lucky to have kept the majority of my memories, compare to other souls, I'm the only one with a specific spiritual form. Maybe unlike me they had all lost their own identities.

It would be extremely already seen for an isekai that the protagonist reincarnates by having all these memories right ...? I've to find a way to keep them.

After a brief wandering moment, I started to develop a survival plan, I need an overview to investigate my situation, maybe find documents and information about this place.

In addition, it shouldn't be forgotten that I mustn't be the only one at this time, if there's a police force of the paradise and the hell and that they come to arrest me for the actions of a while ago …  I have literally the goosebumps. I don't think that being able to affect souls as I do them is normal and legal from a legal point of view here, at least that's what I suppose.

Starting from the opposite side, it didn't take long before arriving in a seemingly bottomless corridor, there were countless identical doors as far as the eye could see in oak wood. If one day you find yourself in an oak wood forest ... Leave quickly, before the whole forest burns down!

Despite everything, my body could no longer stop advancing faster and faster, my mind was as if hypnotized, charmed by a strong energy which was released further down this corridor.

As if this energy's calling me, it starts by blowing my regrets, my anger and to alleviate everything, it says sweet words in my ears. Offering me the power to change things my way. As I've wished for a long time. This pretty and clear voice which attracts me seems so familiar, I've the impression that it's the missing part to my happiness.

It have be a long time that I started to move, and it may continue for a while ... But I'll certainly find her, the one who calls me. My destiny.

After an unknown duration, my body stops in front of the last door of the interminable corridor, why do I've a bad premonition concerning this last? Simply because it's in a style totally different from any other door so far. It was majestic, colored in the most obscure black, and detailed with decorations in all the smallest corner.

I felt that a great wave of energy was emanating from inside this place, although the doors near the fountain also emit a rather intimidating energy, nothing can overcome the picturesque monster in front of me. Well, it's like heaven and earth in comparison.

So ​​what should I do?

When I take a closer look at the doorknob, the strangely familiar signature in the shape of crescent moon… And even almost all the stories told by the engravings are familiar to me, as if I'd personally participated in them.

To calm my doubts, I decide to check the surroundings one last time. Even if it's absolutely useless, everything is in the mind. But maybe ... maybe my concerns are unfounded.

In any case he has no other options and unfortunately this door is the best way for him to get out of it, for good or for bad…

Come on, be brave!


Office :

"Wow, beautiful…" It was my first thought upon entering, the worries I had previously had almost disappeared from my mind.

Basically it's a desk of billionaires, the interior's too wide, a beautiful sky blue carpet with beautiful embroidery, huge book library located to the left and right of the room and in the center, an office majestic. Oak fabrication...!

Now that we're there, go read!

While I was trying to decipher some books, which was impossible to read because the language doesn't belong to any language listed on Earth.

I go quietly towards the office since the books are unusable. Turning towards it, I found a wheelchair in the center, placed on top of some mundane things, heaps of leaves piled in heaps in every corner while we found some green plants at the end. (Maybe to awaken a sense of serenity?)

The main element that interests us here's none other than the computer, however I don't really know if we can call it a computer ... It's just a translucent blue screen resting on a dark gray support. For someone who's foreign to this technology, this screen has taken all my concentration.

Reacting to my touch, it immediately lights up with the appearance of several other screens floating in the air like holograms, then ends up displaying an announcement:

"Please enter your password."

What does it is password? Am I not in shit ?!

Now, right now, I was squirming in panic. The only way I could count for my fucking life was blocked by a damn password ...

And yet, I continue to search in vain on the desk, I was on the verge of shouting, it's my fate that's being played out at the moment.

While I was in the midst of a nervous breakdown, the mystical energy that drew me here again pulled the chord. My desire to survive beyond reason, there's still a part of me that I don't understand, how's it that I manage to feel this wave of energy.

Although I still don't know how it works and I don't want to die, and I don't want to forgot the people I cherish the most in this world. I stubbornly refused to believe that it was all over.

By focusing on the environment, I try to get a sense of where the energy pulse's coming from, I don't know exactly how long I've been sitting in a lotus position but ultimately the fruits of my efforts have paid.

The key to my little life's in a box sandwiched between two books in the library.

After taking the box in my hands, I felt a refreshing feeling, as if this box had always belonged to me. That she was missing from my existence.

I wonder, how I managed to not perceived it rather, I mean, it shines brightly. Rather than a big box, it's more like a small jewelry box, sparkling night blue wrapped in a silver satin bow.

Carefully unwinding the knot that flows slowly between my hands, I prepare to open it, in truth, I try to prepare myself mentally.

Eh, if it was all a farce? If it had all been done for nothing? I….?

These are my thoughts, untidy and ineffable, that have unleashed butterflies in my stomach. Here's truth time,

** Click ** I narrowed my eyes, it's not really what I wanted to find, although it was quite logical when you think about it right? Who in the world would place a piece of paper with a computer password in an invaluable jewelry box.

In the end, I held the box open on the desk before my eyes, I still don't understand the meaning of my actions ... Assuming they've a sense.

Checking the room one last time I land on the chair opposite the desk. I start to take the contents of the box, the first thing is an amethyst colour gemstone, cut perfectly with a half adult fist. Then, the second's a pendant necklace, represent a sparkling silver crescent moon. Very detailed.

Reacting to the touch, the gemstone turned to mist and headed towards Peark body.

"Argh! That sudden headache feeling ..." he growled furiously in his head.

He then went to the pendant, to wear it around his neck and finally once worn. A silver beam of light comes from the necklace from all sides, then immediately:

"Welcome to mistress (please insert your name)"

Ehhhhh ... ?! It works ...

Writing with the tired brain allows you to write better and faster, method's tested and approved!

Here's chapter 01! Yessss ! I hope you enjoy it. Maybe our MC isn't advancing enough for a first chapter, I even hesitated to call it prologue 02 ...

See you later ツ