Chapter 02 ~ Reincarnation and Goddess
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"Welcome to mistress (please insert your name)"

Ehhhhh ... ?! It works ... Yatta!

The moment he saw this message posted, he was wild with joy, he leaped into the air in an utterly berserk manner, while a glimmer of hope crossed his eyes. Then he started to smile and gave a V sign of victory with his index and middle fingers.

Despite the fact that his body's entirely transparent and that none of the physical features he possessed during his lifetime are visible, whether it's the body or the face. All that can be noticed is a ghostly being, who gave the impression of being so overjoyed that he almost started to dance in the air.

While I realized that I was doing a little too much, I tried to calm my excitement, I don't really know if my reaction's disproportionate or not. From Peark's point of view, he was worried, we're still talking about his future, his memories, his life.

The saying goes, "Patience's the key to success."

In the end, this circus lasted a while before he calmed down from his trance.

Thank you my god! Little box I misjudged you, forgive me.

What are you telling me little box? Um, um .. You tell me you forgive me? I fond of you.

Anyway, after a short wave of ramblings think of irrelevant things, and dance. I was finally ready to start focusing on the present.

I didn't expect the key to this puzzle to be a simple pendant, when I say simple ... Not really. Come to think of it, maybe even the precious stone played an important role, and I couldn't keep from thinking it was mysterious.

Not she only did it start to turn into a mist and eventually absorb into my body, then suddenly a horrible headache worse than death begins to emerge. Although it didn't last long, the pain was excruciating.

Everything he has seen so far has completely overturned his life logic, although he panicked at first, he was still able to keep his consciousness awake.

Leaving thoughts unnecessary, he turned his attention to the holographic screens standing in front of him, he wondered if the owner of the office was a woman.

"Welcome to mistress (please insert your name)"

The owner's definitely a woman. However, if the owner's someone in high places like an angel or worse a goddess, I may have problems right?

He seemed to think that validating one name or another would allow them to find these traces or to cause other unnecessary worries.

Provoking the wrath of the gods doesn't seem very interesting.

Maybe if I don't put a name ...?

Miraculously, a keyboard appeared in front of his hands, it hovered like a hologram, similar to the screens hovering over the desk.

Well, I don't really know how it works, maybe the willingness to fill in the empty box has allowed some way to appears. I'll not look any further.

In the end, I decided to press confirm without entering anything in the name field, without thinking too much, otherwise my mind would turn into potato porridge.

What appeared on the main screen looked like a folder containing various and varied documents, the name of the only document present in it to immediately cause an uproar, he didn't have time to analyze the other windows calmly , because his excitement suddenly exploded.

Every person's dream!

The words [System of Incarnation] clearly made my heart leap a thousand miles an hour.

No need for explanations to understand.

He then began to leaped into the air in an utterly berserk, like a child receiving his favorite candy.

First of all, the document strongly resembles a kind of questionnaire, even if it expected some more fanciful things like for the creation of a character of MMORPG.

But hey in the end, it's still a character creation.

At the top of the form, the [name] field, I tried to touch it, but it was already filled with question marks. I don't know if this is normal, maybe it's normal since parents give their children names, right?

The next field fascinated me, it was the choice of the [race], trying to interact with it, I had a variety of choices displayed. There was only one fancy race available, it only focused on the beastkin family, although there's plenty to choose from anyway.

Honestly, the strangest thing is the fact that I already owned two races whose names I don't know, and that I couldn't interact with them at all. The only answer I've found is that I'm some sort of mutant or whatever.

The choice of the third race does not seem to be necessary, but good for this one I left for the cat! Why? Night vision, agility, and maybe even sharp claws.

I was skeptical at first, as I didn't know how this race was treated in human society.

Then the field on [age], it looks like I'm going to be born again, by interacting with this one I found a [apparent age] subfield, unfortunately it was already filled and apparently I look like a six-year-old ...

My parents, won't they find it strange? That their children are born six years in advance physically, it might be possible that it's normal for a baby in this world… There's no need to worry, anyway because the field may not change.

Regarding [sex], I don't know, probably just a mistake… Maybe I don't have any gender? Probably androgynous without any gender.

Next comes [physical appearance], a series of options are displayed.

For the hair color, I chose silver, because I always dreamed of having them of this color. Although this is extremely cliche. My next life must allow me to realize my wishes. The eyes have the color fixed on crimson, not that it bothers me too much.

The following sub-field allows me to adjust my physical attractiveness, I definitely chose to place it as high as possible. It could affect how others treat you, although I've no social skills… It's always a bonus!

The next parameter was on [attributes], so we all have what's HP, MP, VIT, STR, DEX, AGI, INT. Cannot be changed, understandable as it would be really out of balance if we could actually change them.

Further, the [competence] box, I already have several but I can't say which ones… Still question marks…

The same goes for titles.

The last option was the world I was going to be reincarnated in, just like a lot of the other options, it was stuck. The world in question is named: "Lokia"

In the end, I continued to complete and edit some minor information for a short while.

The form is finally complete, here's the full status displayed:


Last name : ????

 age: 0 Year

Breed: ???? ???? - [???? (??) + ???? (??) + Cat]

   Genre: ????

Class : ?????

   Subclass: None

Rank : ????

HP: ?? / ??

MP: ?? / ??

LIVES : ???

STR: ???

DEX: ???

AGI: ???

INT: ???

Skill :

Language comprehension

Race skill:







Special skill:


Title: ?????, ?????, ?????


Ara, I don't understand it myself.

~ 10 minutes ~

This must be the time remaining before reincarnation, since the form is completed.

Looking at the screen, you could clearly see my completed status, however the information displayed was either completely trivial or unknown. No matter how hard I tried to find a way, the system was unable to display the information I wanted.

But the fact that I don't know any essential information about my next body can be quite dangerous. Knowledge is the key to power, to wisdom. Although I don't need wisdom at all, I do need to have a minimum of power and control, to live a life filled with happiness.

I had to admit that this [reincarnation system] was too good to be true and it was a fact.

Or is it me? Am I just cursed?

As I sank slowly into deep reflection, a familiar warmth wrapped around me, bringing me back from the abyss. Aunt ... This tenderness reminds me of my aunt.

I could feel tears running down my face as she comforted me. I felt this heat getting stronger until I felt fully relaxed.

It didn't make much sense at the time, it didn't matter.

"It's okay, are you calm?" This voice as soft as marshmallow, considerate and warm.

"W-Aunt ..?!" I shouted from the top of my lungs, I couldn't believe it. She stood there before me in flesh and bone.

A thought came to my mind. (How the hell did she get here ?!)

"Yeah, you don't recognize me hehe…" she smiled at me. "You've grown up well since I left…"

"How can you see it? You know I'm pretty transparent right now." Do I say, yes, yes, but wait how come can I speak and feel my own body?

Maybe seeing my head tilted to the side with a question mark right above it.

"Ah, that's simple. I just transform your soul into a physical body, it won't last long but it will allow us to chat a little." She replied casually as if it were nothing.

Ahhhh…. Okay!

I understand better, although I don't know exactly how it works, but in order for her to disdained to materialized me, prove that she has to take risks for poor little me.

"You know I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, seeing you again was the most beautiful thing that happened to me in the last years."

"Aunt, I did some terrible things, you know, the souls ..." The tears start in my eyes.

"Oh don't worry about that, I confined them in a safe place before your aura could affect them" She say to answer.

"Th-thank you" I replied shyly.

"You are welcome." She smiles brightly.

"I'm going to be quick, because you don't have much time before your reincarnation right?" Before I could confirm, she continued on its way.

"So, as you surely have questions, I'll give a quick summary."

It was from here that she started to explain my status card to me, basically she herself doesn't really know why the informations is unknown, from what I understand it's the first time let that happen. When I told him about the stone and the pendant, and how I got here, there would be some connection between the contents of the box and the status. Because in theory I'm not even supposed to be able to use the computer on the desktop, only higher level angels and gods can. And I'm  neither. A simple soul, not so simple she retorted, apparently she's special.

In what sense, I don't understand.

To calm my concerns, I took the aunt in my arms one last time while she stroked my head. I already knew it would work this way, but losing she a second time's too difficult.

~ 3 seconds ~

~ 2 seconds ~

~ 1 second ~

~ Preparation completed ~

~ Loading the soul into the new body ~

~ Wishing you a safe trip! ~

Are we at an airport ?!

As my body slowly started to disappear,

"Be strong my princess!" She cried before my body completely faded into the light.

Huh ...? Princess ?!

                                           ~~ × ~~

Lukia's world:

Another dark place… ?! What the hell!

This chapter, took me a long time to write and yet ...

As for the passage where our MC begins to "create" his avatar, I was inspired by the shape of the reincarnated vampire. Because I stayed on such a simple thing for a long time ...

I still think there's an improvement over the previous ones chapter. Your turn to judge.

That’s all for today, kisses シ