While they discuss various and varied subjects which made no sense to me, it bothers me in some ways.
Where's it ? Was the first question, since the first thing is to analyze the people of sovereign beauties standing in front of me. I decided to examine the room I was in following my hatching.
Although there's not much to describe other than the fact that it is a large spacious room with a ceiling height of at least five meters, it was densely lit. The surrounding walls are all made of wood, the floor also, no decorations could be seen. As for the furniture ... Either they have none in this room and are all stored in another, or we are poor ... With hindsight, it's not rare depending on the time that in a poorly developed society. That the majority of the population's extremely poor.
I deduced that we are in a small village, which continent, in which country or even kingdom? Maybe isolated from the world who knows? I've no idea…
I look towards the entrance which suggests that the place is quite poor, the door although robust is literally used to the last drop of its life. But contrary to my expectations the room was miraculously shiny, it was clean as a new penny.
Ummm ... Although it will be not easy every day, I'll make sure to live a life full of happiness with my mother. Unexpectedly, I react quite calmly, my body and mind feel in some kinds stronger.
Although I was exhausted, all my strength was used in the exit battle. I feel like I've run an entire marathon, in reality I cannot compare since I have never participated in a marathon.
Apparently, the only "furniture" is a kind of golden straw cushion placed under my eggshell, it's also placed in the center of the room. I hadn't noticed before but the shell is a shiny silver color with crimson star twinkles, it's a beautiful sight.
I just remembered it, but aren't we missing an important person in the birth of a child? You know… I looked around the room once more, however, there was no one there.
And in all of this? My father? Where is he ...?
Although my mother is present, I don't notice the presence of the father, maybe he was busy. I've a vague feeling that it's more complicated than that, and on a cosmic level. Which father wouldn't be present at the birth of his child? He would be a terrible parent anyway, but he must have these reasons. I hope so…
However, my gut told me that this was not the main place I was going to live. And I was right after all.
Wait, isn't that weird? My mind hadn't tilted that I'm indeed naked and slimy at the moment. I really need a bath and especially clothes!
Besides, I'm still a girl, no matter how I look down, I no longer notice any trace of masculinity. And then my long silver hair also complicates things …
My future may become more complex than I expected. Oh, yes ...
But strangely, I don't feel particularly embarrassed in this body, maybe the change will come more easily than expected.
* Sigh * Hoping so ...
It seems that when it comes to height, I'm about the average age of my physical appearance, obviously this is not normal for my actual age. After all, I was just born and it looks like I'm already six years old.
Looking more closely, I notice that the hair is quite silver, it even sparkles a little bit under the light, I also have fangs, a jade skin, white bordering on pale. My ears and my tail are fluffy, I look almost like a soft toy ...
As for the main element, the wings, they're silver, always in line with the rest so far. Two meters on each side, it looks nothing like bat wings and birds, I wonder what breeds they belong to. Strengths I could fly in the sky, every man's dream in the world, hair in the winds.
My young girl body now is thin and frail, the feeling of being broken just by touching it wouldn't be exaggerating. I haven't seen my face yet, because there is no mirror in this room, but I hope I'm not too ugly, even if I don't care because in the end you don't judge a person on that, but on his personality.
I've to make sure that I'm not physically weak, if this is the case in this world I might have some concerns. While you don't need to have strength to live a peaceful life, I prefer to have an exit card. Even in my old life, I was weak and didn't know how to adapt to society. I've to work the mind as much as possible.
My brain was too busy analyzing the environment I found myself in that I didn't try to look at the first thing about myself. Maybe I'm still weird even after I die.
Having finished their conversations, my mother turns to me, looking me straight in the eye with a smile on the corner of her lips, which could even be described as vicious. I've chills down my spine.
Maybe she won a battle? Am I happy for you, or happy? Am I still a man? My crotch always tells me no… And my girly appearance reminds me of that too.
My voice, my legs all remind me that I'm a girl now.
Against appearances, my mother seems to be a rather special woman, although she doesn't show it from the face, I feel that she hides her game well. She could be an professional actress.
In the end, I decided to believe in her, everyone has weird delusions, although some more than others. Besides, she's my new family, and I intend to make her happy and dear for me.
Rinnyu takes a deep breath, points to himself and says, "Rinnyu"
The only thing I can understand is that she's trying to communicate with me, "Rinnyu" must that be her first name? Or does her mean mom?
"Nyaa?" The only way for me to express myself, I hope my vocal cords will come back soon because it's not easy to communicate.
However, I could only respond with a cute meow and a puzzled face. I'll leave it open, I'll clarify things as needed.
"C-cute ?!" She said and hugged me as she began to suffocate me again under her mass.
Is death so common in this world?
I was quite taken aback by this attitude, doesn't she react as if she's the age that she's in physical appearance. Although I highly doubt this is the case.
After calming down, she let go of me and then motioned to the two young women behind to introduce themselves as well, so they approached and then presented each in turn while also pointing the finger at each other in the same way.
The first one to show up was the polar blond haired girl, she had a confident face and a smile in the corners, not sure why but hey.
"Callisto" She said proudly, after making a graceful curtsy.
A real princess…
Next is the girl with the candy pink hair, the color is quite unusual I would say, in my old world it is quite strange to wear a dye of this color because yes hers looks natural more. She also wears a charming smile, and keen eyes.
She points to herself and finally says, "Ivy"
For some reason, she's also started to do a curtsy that has nothing to envy to Callisto's. I was shocked by the presence that they have, it makes me want to get started too.
The main problem now being that I'm still naked and slimy ...
In the end my mom started to quickly come out of nowhere a large tub.
Is ... this ... a bath ...?
I was totally amazed, a large bath that she began to fill with hot water with the tips of her fingers came out of nowhere. But given the lack of feedback of all, it doesn't seem unusual here. The magic is awesome!) I want to learn, mom please teach me ...
Looking more closely at his left hand, a jet black ring with a dragon motif carved into it and a tiny blue bead placed on it. Seems to me his rings are some sort of inventory, right? If so I would like to buy one! If I can't, I'll make it myself.
It was shining brightly, I couldn't help but have eyes sparkling with curiosity on it as I entered into deep thought.
"Too cute ?!" Rinnyu shouted in excitement, as Callisto and Ivy held her by the arms.
"You need to calm down, I think it's necessary to give him a bath before you get gooey too."
"Ohhhh, you're right. It's okay you can let go of me." She replied casually as if her previous expression was nonexistent. A change like that is really scary.
Perhaps by having seen clearly in his game ...
"I'm warning you, don't do it again or you'll be deprived of dessert. Got it?" Does she threaten Rinnyu to make him understand that it wouldn't work with her.
“Argh ?! Ok, ok. I'll be quiet you can let go…” She said frustrated that she's discovered the truth about her plan of action.
"Good" they said in unison.
Waking me up from my thoughts, she took me by force and put me in the bath. It was inevitable that that precise moment would come one day or another.
"Come on, it's time to wash my darling."
She started washing me up and down, she started washing my hair, which got silkier and silkier the more she cleaned, it was a nice feeling. At the same time she was using some kind of magic which made water flow between her fingers shining with a bright light, then she started to make soap bubbles, I absolutely have to learn how to do it.
It was quite spectacular for someone who has never lived with magic, but to them it mustn't be really anything special given their reactions, when out of the tub.
Then finally, she got to the body she rubbed carefully, I couldn't stop a few moans by if by there when she reached the sensitive parts which made me die of embarrassment. My face must have been bright red, but in response to that they all had smiles on their faces…
She finally dried it off with a blast of hot air tickling my skin.
My skin was shiny and smooth, it was also soft to the touch, I'm afraid, I'll never be able to go back ...
In the end, she made me put on panties and a white dress in two or three movements with some lace here and there.
While I thought the dress was maybe a bit short to let in drafts, I felt pretty comfortable with it. I'm not used to wearing dresses so I don't know the standard size…
While trying to hold the dress as low as possible by pulling on it, my mother smiled, she was like an angel falling from the sky.
I can't help but be moved to tears, having such a cute little girl was my dream! Thank you fate!
Is there any male on this page? there's a lot of "him"s that make it very confusing. Seems like Rinnyu is the big sis (mom)?
I think they are referencing the mc. Though I say again the grammar and sentencing is still really bad
@UppishTheReaper This was clearly ewriten since the first time I read this, though an editing pass is definitely in order.
I'm confused...
Thanks for the chapter
"You need to calm down, I think it's necessary to give him a bath before you get gooey too."
I'm pretty sure its supposed to be a girl..
Or was it somebody else?
him -> her
Although my mother is present, I don't notice the presence of the father, maybe he was busy.
can't find* or can't feel* the presence
Thanks for the chap!
No one is commenting so here I go!