Oh lalala… Where has my dignity gone…
I inevitably felt embarrassed to be wearing a dress for the first time of my life, having no representation of myself, I imagined a man wearing a white dress walking down the street, not very attractive is it not. After each his own life, I do not judge.
Although in the end it's quite comfortable to wear, I'm even almost starting to like it.
I don't really understand how my mind works anymore, maybe it's already gone to the girly side of the force?
In addition, I got washed by my mother, besides being a girl, my first bath didn't come with the privacy. We also had several spectators in the room, I wonder what they was expecting as they smiled at the sight of this.
Hope you enjoyed it at least!
At my age it's true that it's normal to get washed by your mother, after all I've just been born but physically I'm six years old! You could have let me do it… Too bad I can only meow at the moment, I wonder when I can finally communicate. I wanted to tell her that her son, rather her daughter, has the ability to bathe on her own.
You know mom, in my old life I used to take showers on my own, I wish I could tell her but unfortunately I can't. Strangely, I'm not convinced it would have worked, even though I'd the ability.
She seemed to be having fun, with her unreasonable and quite explosive personality, I highly doubt that she would have agreed to let me do it, she reminds me of Mabel in a certain way. Always full of energy and a little childish at the same time, when they're supposed to have matured in their heads.
Actually, I don't really know how she would react, if she knew that her daughter remembered her previous life and that in addition she was a man in it. It would be extremely confusing, for her and for me, in the end I would never reveal it to her. That was my decision.
I don't know the repercussions that could have, if I spoke about it openly.
Also, I don't really know who I'm and who I want to become. Only the future will tell, my destiny isn't drawn, it's up to me to shape it according to my desires. Even if it seems that right now fate is literally laughing at me ...
I would have liked to check my status, because it seems to me that I've a translation skill, I would like to know why it's not working.
But unfortunately I cannot display the status, although I think about it strongly in my head, nothing appears. If I can't even view my status, what am I supposed to do? Find me a hole ...?
"Come on, it's time to get out." She said pulling me out of my thoughts.
Rinnyu pulls me towards her then in addition to giving me a dress, she also brought a pair of gray boots with small heels, a pink ribbon was also wrapped around the left foot. The contrast is quite nice I would say, not too flashy but still allows me to stand out. It was also very comfortable and was perfectly cut to my size.
"Rinnyu, shouldn't you find a scroll with the translation skill, since it will be hard for her to adjust to society if she can't understand a single word?", asked Callisto with a worried face. They know that in this world where in everything other than knowledge is an essential element if one is to be successful in life.
Also if it's relatively important things like speaking, understanding and counting. Even if one can adapt in one way or another, no long-lasting relationship can be forged.
"No, I do think it's not necessary to find a scroll, as my dear has not yet developed her vocals cords, so probably by that time, it will not be necessary to have one."
You should know that scrolls are very special since they allow understanding and sometimes even assimilation of certain skills, and they can also improve the quality of them. Although they are extremely practical, to save time, few people can afford a scroll every year because they're very expensive and favored by high society.
"But you could ask…"
"It's out of the question to appeal to foreigners like them," she cried in rage, with bitterness in her voice.
"Okay, but I still think it's necessary to teach her to understand the language at a minimum," she said resignedly. Continuing to argue on the matter will not help, because her choice is already made.
"Okay let's get out of here, it's lunchtime," She said, holding my hand and heading for the door.
I can't wait to experience the outdoors. I wonder what kind of people are waiting for me behind that door? Maybe I could even go on two or three adventures and end my life on the bench.
It looks like we are in a village, although it's a middle-aged fantasy type as I hoped. The houses are wooden with a nice but simple finish and some half-timbering here and there. The streets are very clean and well defined, almost all linear. They're well built according to the layout of the streets with white stone pebbles.
For many this sight would be a fantasy, even just crossing worlds, so such a village and its culture would be very interesting. Although these are simple houses where normal people live, for them it's just a day like any other.
With this view, several beautiful planters at the corners of every street makes me want to dance happily.
Maybe this world's easier to live with than I thought, you don't always have to be negative in life. Like what, we can have good surprises.
The village's very uncluttered although it's not perfect, I could possibly have spent a peaceful life in this village.
Without even realizing it I had become much expressive than I had been in the previous life. I jump slightly on my supports, I smile stupidly and cheerfully. It's undoubtedly the age of this body which regains control of my actions, this reincarnation its my own mystery.
Not that smiling and walking happily bother me, I just find it weird not understanding what's happening to me. My mind still seems the same ...
While walking, I didn't notice any villager, I look from right to left, no one was in sight. It looked like a ghost village, the wrong flag might have been installed, I slightly panicked at this situation.
So, I clung tight to Rinnyu like a koala hanging from a branch, in response she gently patted me on the head to calm me down. Her hand was comforting and confident at the same time, I understood that as long as I was with her nothing bad would happen. That sort of allayed my concerns.
Having already adopted this village as my home, I must take my courage in both hands, that's why I decided to reincarnate myself with all the memories. It's as if I've lived there my whole life, a strangely familiar feeling comes to me.
This is how we arrived at our destination, a sort of tavern or restaurant was in front of us, still in wood with a nice finish on the sides and has three floors. I couldn't read the storefront so I decided to believe my instincts. The windows were closed and some footsteps could be heard from inside. Although this is intriguing, if I wasn't accompanied, the first idea that would have occurred to me would have been to flee permanently.
As I walked towards the front door, I hid behind Rinyu, hugging myself against them as much as possible, then pulled Ivy and Callisto to my left and right. I don't think I'm ready for social interaction, luckily I don't understand any words because I should have had trouble communicating in any case.
Today's a special day, the village has the chance to welcome a new inhabitant, no villager knows if it's a girl or a boy, only Rinnyu knows it but didn't reveal anything. So we all decided to organize a little welcome party.
So far, I'm one of the few children living in this remote village, although there's someone I can have fun with. For everyone, this is therefore very good news, thus enabling the village to be energized.
For my part, there are obviously girls with whom I would really like to speak, but they're quite special in their kind. They're part of a rather particular unit whose purpose I don't know well, personally being their age I will not be able to work as much.
Mom often yells at me to tidy my room, so I will must have had a hard time working the way as they do.
Apparently Rinnyu will take care of the child, people in the village don't know the origin of the child, so far he was in an egg. From what little I've learned from my daddy, the child will be about our age physically but mentally he does not know.
Many are drawn to Rinnyu's sovereign beauty, even my daddy looks askance at her a few times, and it doesn't go unnoticed by my mommy and so they end up arguing late at night. Although he's not the only one in this case inside the village.
Her kindness and overflowing tenderness radiates throughout the village, I even heard that rumors spread about her as a saint in several towns and villages in the region. A few influential people in high society or the sons of a great merchant tried to woo her but in the end she didn't accept anyone.
Faced with the various refusals, everyone therefore decided to protect her as best as possible, but when she announced the arrival of a new child, whom she will take under her wing, an outcry could be heard from miles around. . Wanting to know who the father is and if she's the mother, but no clear answer was given only the word "fate".
I made my choice, if it's a boy I'll try to make a friend with who play and if it's a girl, I'm not sure ...
In short, today we are all gathered at the tavern to welcome the newcomer, the room was strangely large enough to accommodate all the villagers in the same place.
When the door opened, Rinnyu walked straight ahead and behind stood a frightened cat.
But when the cat finally came forward to greet me, I was stunned. All I could see was a breathtakingly beautiful girl, a beauty that I'm sure will surpass that of any woman even Rinnyu who already plays in another category.
Her silver hair was long, down to her lower back, it even shone slightly, with cute little cat ears hanging down a bit. Her beautiful crimson eyes were deep and soft, her porcelain skin gave the impression of a fragile flower that one wants to protect from the winter cold.
As for her frightened cat attitude, makes us want to cuddle her even more.
Why can't I stop admiring her…?
Since you were already voicing so many of the main character's internal thoughts, seeing a scene from a different character's perspective actually worked quite well here. Just don't overuse it.
As for narration: this story is still very much just getting going, and speed isn't something to worry about just yet. As long as it doesn't feel like a play-by-play analysis of an entire sports competition, there won't be issues with that just yet. It should speed up naturally as the readers (and the author) become more acquainted with the story world.
There is a critical problem, however. He, She, It, Them: there are numerous places where the wrong pronouns are used, and it will cause confusion for the readers.
Thanks for the advice and suggestions! It helps me a lot on the writing work. I'll try to correct the pronoun problems as much as possible.
@Aliwai I had time to do a bit of an editing pass.
The contrast is quite nice I would say, not too flashy but still allows you to stand out. It was also very comfortable and was perfectly cut to my size.
Change "you" to "me"
"Shouldn't you, Rinnyu find a scroll with the translation skill, it will be hard for her to adjust to society if she can't understand a single word." , they know that in this world where in everything other than, knowledge is an essential element if one is to be successful in life.
Rinnyu, shouldn't you find a scroll with the translation skill, since it will be hard for her to adjust to society if she can't understand a single word?", asked Callisto with a worried face. They know that in this world where in everything other than<no comma here> knowledge is an essential element if one is to be successful in life.
No, I think it's not necessary to find a scroll, my dear has not yet developed it's vocal cord, so the probability that in time, it will not be necessary to have one. "
"No, I do think it's not necessary to find a scroll, as my dear has not yet developed her vocal cord, so probably by that time, it will not be necessary to have one."
You should know that the scrolls are very special since they allow the understanding and sometimes the assimilation of certain skills, they can also improve the quality of it.
You should know that scrolls are very special since they allow understanding and sometimes even assimilation of certain skills, and they can also improve the quality of them.
Although it's extremely practical, to save time and money, few people can afford a scroll every year because yes they're very expensive and very favored by high society.
Although they are extremely practical, to save time, few people can afford a scroll every year because they're very expensive and favored by high society. <How do they save money? Removed this statement.>
"It's out of the question to appeal, to foreigners like them." She cried in rage, bitterness can be heard in her voice.
"It's out of the question to appeal to foreigners like them," she cried in rage, bitterness in her voice.
"Okay, but I still think it's necessary to teach him to understand the language at a minimum." She said resignedly, she knows that continuing to argue on the matter will not help, because her choice is already made.
"Okay, but I still think it's necessary to teach her to understand the language at a minimum," she said resignedly. Continuing to argue on the matter will not help, because her choice is already made.
"Okay let's get out of here, it's lunchtime." She said holding my hand and heading for the door.
"Okay let's get out of here, it's lunchtime," she said, holding my hand and heading for the door.
I can't wait to experience the outdoors, that kind of people are waiting for me behind that door, maybe I could even go on two or three adventures and end my life on a bench.
I can't wait to experience the outdoors. I wonder what kind of people are waiting for me behind that door? Maybe I could even go on two or three adventures and end my life on the bench. <Putting "the" instead of "a" here to strengthen the idea being conveyed. This is kind of case specific, since "on the bench" is an idiom.>
In the end, we're in a village very well. Although he's as I hoped, in middle aged fancy type. The houses are wooden, with a nice but simple finish and some half-timbering here and there, the streets are very clean and well defined, almost all linear. As for the roads, they're well built according to the layout of the streets with white stone pebbles.
It looks like we are in a village, although it's a middle-aged fancy type as I hoped. The houses are wooden with a nice but simple finish and some half-timbering here and there. The streets are very clean and well defined, almost all linear. They're well built according to the layout of the streets with white stone pebbles. <fancy type or fantasy type?>
For many this sight would be a fantasy, even just crossing worlds, so such a village and its culture would be very interesting. Although these are simple houses where normal people live, for them it's just a day like any other.
<no changes here>
With this view, several beautiful flower floors at the corners of every street makes me want to dance happily.
<"floors"? Do you mean "planters"?>
@Piisfun Oh thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are saving my life. It's now fixed ツ
And again thank you very much!
Wait is this one of those man becomes a girl falls for boys
@Piisfun I agree hopefully it is one of those and I think we already have a candidate for a fuewcher love interest
bro black hair, and orange eyes ARE THE BEST!!! i learned this from the show "Maid-sama" i think is what it is called!
How tall is the MC?
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter
You're welcome !
I suggest if your making a change in pov you should put it as a side chap? With this the chnage of pov will not affect the current set up of your story!
Ok thanks for the suggestions, I'll try for the next POV.