Chapter 07 ~ Morgana POV – The young aunt.
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Morgana POV :

In the morning, after the meal, I went to the bathroom, the room is spacious, we're lucky to have such a large house in a sparsely populated place like this.

In my room, I brushed my long brown hair in front of the mirror while thinking of the crazy day ahead.

As today is a day blessed by heaven, the long-awaited birth of a new child is already echoing throughout the village. The information has also leaked as little as possible so as not to cause him a problem because his sister's none other than Saint Rinnyu known for her heroic and altruistic exploits within the kingdom.

And she's about to celebrate the birth of her little brother or her little sister, only the person concerned knows the answer to this question.

Ara… This little girl will keep the secret until the end.

Come to think of it, maybe she herself doesn't know the gender of the child, but that's unlikely.

In any case, the child in question will be cherished by the whole village so that he or she finds a comforting home in which to live. Although it is not the richest of all… This is the goal set by all the villagers present, although we are a little less than a hundred and a little eccentric, all without exception were in agreement with this.

I wonder what the future holds.

I've been thinking about it ever since I openly asked him if it was a boy or a girl, she almost nodded at the word "girl", so I started practicing more seriously on the making of women's clothing. My deduction is never wrong, even if I sometimes doubt the reality of things, all of this will not be done in vain.

I hope my son will behave as he should… I muttered while rubbing my head.

This damn kid, I hope he will be able to take his charge and find a woman to marry, otherwise he will be mocked by others at his whole life.

He is still young and his character is taking root, although he is generally still full of energy and almost always excited, I know he has a good background.

However, I do my best to make him the best man possible, therefore the least lazy possible, but his dad doesn't help me much with his education.

At least he won't take on his father's bad features, I hope ...

Besides managing the internal affairs of the village, Albert actively helps the loggers in their daily chores and I can't blame him for that. Well, I also work on several fronts at the same time, like the management of the only shop present here, although it is small, it is functional and still allows to stock up on all the necessities of life.

One of my childhood passions has become my second job, sewing is what suits me in a way. It is obviously a job which requires a lot of concentration, dexterity and motivation but I never gave up and I was able to manufacture several masterpieces for certain nobles of the region.

As far as our son is concerned, I have to work harder, so I don't hesitate to be seen as a strict mom as long as I can educate him and make him understand what is good and what is bad. If that can make him realize what a good moral person should be.

I swear to you, it's not easy every day ...

In short, an honest worker will always be rewarded in one way or another, especially in our kingdom where the majority of the population live a rather comfortable life.

Although it may seem tiny in relation to neighboring kingdoms and empires, life is more pleasant there in a way.

The kingdom to which we belong is that of Carolia, located at the end of the continent, our village is also located at the end of it. The sea can also be seen while heading east.

Our little village of Guiot is quite peaceful despite being stuck between the Devil's Forest and the Demonic Sea. The majority of visitors each year are adventurers or explorers venturing into the Forbidden Forest, the lord of the region also visits us once a year to collect taxes during the Harvest Festival.

In this kingdom of Carolia, if one wants to be an adventurer, martial or magical abilities are essential. It is not a necessity to enlist in the military, although obviously the nobility is favored with regard to the high ranking officers. In general the nobles are much more educated and can afford to enter at a young age in the magical and chivalry academies with the several specialties to choose from.

Gender can play an important role in a person's future, although we are all human, it's a patriarchal society.

Women can be successful in one way or another in society, by marrying a man and working hard.

In proceeding, Rinnyu finds the only solution not to depend on anyone, strength. In this world the strong are respected and feared more than anything.

In return, the weak are treated as waste.

Indeed, many women are known for their strength and courage, and often become the idol of many women who also aspire to their independence.

I hope Rinnyu's little sister will find the strength and happiness we all want, otherwise she can marry my son ... hahaha ...

When I had finished styling my hair cleanly with two long braids on each side, I checked my wardrobe for a suitable outfit. I finally saw a plain blue dress with a few flounces on the bottom, I find it both simple and elegant.

Perfect! I thought.

Currently, I make sure the quality of my choices, I guess it might sound weird but today is not a day like any other.


Once at the tavern, a crowd of people is waiting for me at the entrance, they all look at me intensely to make me understand that it is my turn to give the instructions to follow.

Obviously, I am responsible for organizing the welcome party, why is that?

Quite simply because Rinnyu asked me, moreover I consider her as my daughter so there is no reason not to accept her request.

I will become the aunt of the new child, just thinking about it starts to make me all excited, I hope it's a girl, I could have fun doing her hairstyles hahaha ...

Unfortunately my son being a boy does not have a fine long silky hair. I could try to do the hair of the other girls in the village but I have a bad feeling about it, they are all busy during the day working in their "groups". I haven't tried to look any further because I know it's none of my business.

As such, I have to supervise the decoration of the place, the meal and the arrangement of everything in the room to allow a smooth and unobstructed movement.

The decor is fairly neutral in style, although there is a little feminine touch, asking Rinnyu if that bothers her and she said no.

Yes !!!

Pink ribbons hung on the walls above each table, the lighting coming from several crystals of slightly subdued light. They had my permission and that of the owner to make some modifications to the building, including several wooden pillars which were been decorated with rather cute patterns.

I still set up a wooden platform at the back of the room, well placed below the lights where the whole room can hear and see.

Then there is the meal which would have been made by a cook specially come for the event, he cooks in general for the nobility, the quality is assured. Moreover, he is an old friend of my husband, so he gladly accepted the invitation.

A la carte, we will have mashed potatoes accompanied by a freshly hunted taureo steak, this meat is often said to be one of the best there is. The nobility find it difficult to get hold of it and we are going to feast by eating it.

Moreover, the meat comes from the devil's forest, although it's extremely dangerous, the taureo feed on the edge of it. Passing adventurers have kindly agreed to hunt them for us today, in exchange for letting them join in the fun.

Once everything is set up, all that remains is to wait for the main guest, unfortunately we don't really know when Rinnyu and the others will arrive.

                                         ~~ × ~~

In the late afternoon, when all the villagers were gathered in the tavern, the sky began to dim and the sun was soon replaced by a shimmering silver moon. Thousands of stars of all colors could be seen wandering in the night sky slightly tinted with red. It is the message of the advent of a catastrophe or of a more than happy event blessed by heaven. There are different complex situations that started like this in the legends.

This scene created an unprecedented uproar, many swallowed in horror as they did not understand what was going on.

"Calm down !" I was screaming from the top of my lungs, I tried to streamline them as fast as possible.

I think I understand the meaning of all this… She was born, finally!

I also don't blame the villagers for panicing when the portent signifiying Flora's "birth" happened, but you can hardly have a better start to a party than to have the heavens themselves cry out in celebration.

The uproar was quickly stopped once the sky returned to normal as if nothing had happened, noticing the footsteps coming from outside which also helped calm the room.

Unfortunately that was not enough to put an end to the noisy discussions between several villagers, I hope that she doesn't get scared when arrives.

When the door was opened, the first person to enter the room is obviously Rinnyu and then Callisto and Ivy. The newborn was nowhere to be seen, but if we look a little closer, we notice that in reality she is hanging in the shadow of Rinnyu. She doesn't want to let go anymore, the resemblance to a scared little animal is very strong.

Too cute ?! I wish I had been in Rinnyu's place…

Maybe my son could ...? Looking in his direction sharply, our eyes met and he unfortunately got scared at the second and fled from my sight. It's certainly cute too. Even my husband took a step back.

Am I that terrifying?

It's pretty depressing reactions, but we get used to it. I think about this that, but I don't know what scares them.

Fortunately, I will be able to admire this little girl a little more closely since they approach slowly in our direction.

Rinnyu started a discussion with us, my son Yoru still has not returned, too bad for him he will not be able to see this little angel.

While I berated them for his lack of wit, I knew how to keep a composed head.

I think.

And looking in the direction of the little one, she was still clinging to her back and she was totally confused about her surroundings, as I understand it must be a problem of understanding.

Either way, even if she doesn't understand or speak the language there will be no problem in this village.

Looking in his direction with a smirk as she scrutinized us, she immediately plunged her head back into Rinnyu's back. I wonder what she did to him ...

According to some people, we look enormously alike with Rinnyu, normal I consider her as my daughter and then we always say: birds of a feather flock together.

The discussion ends, they moved away to go to the platform and announce the name of the little angel.

Rinnyu at the start of her speech, although she was not very eloquent, it was very expressive and all the emotions she wanted to convey were amplified.

Next to her was a scared little angel with downcast eyes, a rigid posture with a slightly flushed face.

The image of cuteness embodied, more cuteness isn't possible, knowing Rinnyu she already had to fill up her cuteness tank.

I'm so jealous.

Finally the name announced is Flora, it's a magnificent name which in view of its appearance would make her appear to be a perfect being. The final awkward princess curtsy almost stopped my little heart and several gasps could be heard in the piece.

Night will not be long in making its appearance and mealtime has finally arrived!

Good evening, here's a chapter exclusively focused on the pov of a secondary character.

I hope you enjoy !

I wanted to especially thank Piisfun who helped me edit several chapters. (◠﹏◠)

That will be all for today, kisses 

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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