Family Dinners :
Since the introductory speech is finally over, Flora accompanied by Rinnyu headed to a large table where a few people were already present including Callisto and Ivy but also three other little girls.
And so, they crept into the crowd, there were attentive looks the slightest of their actions. It was very persistent as it looked.
Regardless, the ride didn't last long and as she got closer to the table, Flora suddenly felt a kind of connection in her heart with the other girls. Like an invisible thread connecting them.
She strangely enjoyed this familiar of warm feeling, she didn't really understand why, but she felt more comfortable in their presence.
Her heart and mind began to calm down until they finally relaxed completely.
Once at the destination, the joint presentations began.
The first girl to introduce herself is named Lyn, very cute face, gorgeous white hair that sprawled out behind her like a stream, with bright emerald eyes accompanied by a sweet and bright smile. A skin of white jade bordering on pale.
Looking closely, we notice that she has a pair of ears and a sparkling silver, white wolf tail.
Then comes Carlotta, she's presenting herself in a very energetic way, taking both Flora's hands and hers together. His gaze transmits positive energy.
This girl looks very much like her big sister Ivy. Long, candy pink straight hair that reaches down to the lower back, a cute face, crimson eyes that shone amazingly, and slightly pointed ears.
A bright smile on her pink lips beaming like the sun, could be seen on her tiny face. She possessed a natural charm just like Ivy.
And the last to introduce herself is Luna, her facial features were exquisite, amethyst eyes shining like jewels. Jet black hair tied back in twintail with silver scrunchies that sparkle slightly. The nose is slightly smaller and higher, the ears pointy.
Cherry-colored lips, unblemished pure white skin, her smile carries a certain charm. A dignified posture with a slender figure, slender limbs, unparalleled beauty.
A distinct natural and refined aura emanated from her, like the fairy from a magical forest in the tales, not that unpleasant. Flora was much more afraid of not being able to befriend her. As if she wasn't good enough for them.
Their outfits were all very sophisticated and elegant dresses, the fabrics with which they were made also seem of the highest quality.
Having finished the presentations, which were moreover the same with a few differences. They all finished their introductions with a majestic reverence accompanied by a captivating smile, with a sign of victory formed with their index and middle fingers. It was magical, so much so that she was immediately charmed, only Luna kept a poker face.
They're so confident, really amazing!
Especially since they all have a certain inexplicable charm, these girls were certainly not ordinary people. Certainly they were all of an inhuman beauty, but on the other hand Flora felt a sensation beyond the physical aspect.
Like a strange attraction to them, almost the same feeling that connects her with Rinnyu, Callisto and Ivy.
What was even more unexpected was that they were all the same age physically, Flora didn't know by what miracle this was possible. But for her one thing was certain, it's that they certainly don't have the same mental age. That's what she thought anyway, because yes she reincarnated with her memories of her past life.
So she was overflowing with curiosity about their subjects and seemed even more confident than before. Wanting to better understand the tingling in his heart, however, it should be mentioned that dinner time is fast approaching.
Currently, the table on which they are going to dine is round in shape, slightly carved around the edges, the most visible ornament is what appears to be the representation of a rose.
The tray is also embellished with a large and beautiful rose with five petals, with symbols inscribed in each of them. Other motifs such as dragons, fairies or other fantastic beasts were carved on them. There's a strong resemblance to the Chinese typical decorations.
The sculptures of roses were specially commissioned by Morgana, several days ago. Although, this is the only table and chairs with raised patterns. It's nonetheless magnificent for the eyes even from afar.
At the end however, there's a large, robust, simple inn table. As for the chairs, they're quite similar to the table, simple and sturdy.
By deduction we can easily guess that this is the table of honored guests. Just due to its location in the middle of the room.
There are a total of eight places available around it.
In the end, it was decided that Flora would be seated at the bottom visible to all with Rinnyu seated to her left. Then between Rinnyu and Ivy settled Luna, and a place later sat Callisto.
Only two people were not yet seated, for some reason they were arguing over the right to sit next to Flora.
"Don't dream too much my dear, you don't deserve it!"
"Haha ..! Say what you want, I will have this chair no matter what it costs me!"
Why are they arguing? Could it be because they didn't sleep well last night?
The discord between Lyn and Carlotta lasted for a while, she wanted to determine who would be best suited to sit next to their little angels.
However, contrary to their expectations, the place was taken faster than expected ...
A little boy had crept in to sit quietly while they bickered. The boy in question looked breathless as if he was running from a few things or rather someone.
"Once again, always there when we don't need you!"
A question mark hovered over his head, he was puzzled as to why they were being aggressive. On the other hand, he knew that it was not necessary to reply, not wanting to create unnecessary conflicts, so he decided to choose the only potable solution ...
"Sorry, I think… hey." He said out of breath while scratching nervously behind his head.
Of course, he didn't intentionally sit in that place. It was because he fled a situation out of reflex and when he got back to the hostel he had to walk through the crowd to be able to sit and eat a bit somewhere.
A certain discomfort was installed between them, and finally they decided to take the vacant places. Their gazes containing murder intent were fixed on the young boy who ended up swallowing in anguish.
When suddenly Aunt Morgana arrived at her destination, silently placing herself behind the little boy.
"Ara, so this is where you were a little rascal." She shouted with enthusiasm, she grabbed her son by the shoulders to scare him.
And it sort of worked since he jumped up and started sweating with all his soul.
"Damn, you're lucky that the little miss is there, otherwise I would have cuddled you hehe…"
A shiver ran through his spine at the thought, he knows how clingy his mother can be. He even thought that she would have preferred to have a girl rather than a boy.
She didn't go further to tease him, she tried to keep herself cool. Not because she wanted to leave her son quiet. But because her goal was to give Flora a good impression, her hug and hairstyle plan was taking place little by little!
Yay yay ~, I almost lost control trying to hug little Flora, but luckily I think I managed to keep a composed head. Although it looks like I'm not apparently the only one on this mission. . . She thought and she glanced briefly in Rinnyu's direction.
* Sigh * "It's okay, don't worry, I'll stop bothering you."
"Thanks…" He sighed happily, thinking he would be quiet for the rest of the evening.
"Aya!" She screams, slapping her son on the head, "Did you forget your good manners at home? Hurry and introduce yourself to little Flora."
Does she usually hit people over the head? She automatically covers her head at the thought.
"Flora…?" He was puzzled.
Following the words and especially the blow of his mother, he turned his head once to the right then by turning his head to the left, he suddenly jumped up in his seat.
Surprised that he hadn't noticed the girl he was sitting next to.
He was completely charmed by her majestic beauty, and could not take her eyes off her, he was so fascinated.
Due to his sudden reaction, she started checking her face with those hands wondering if there was something wrong. All she saw when she inspected her head was that she had smooth, soft and exquisite skin.
Am I that ugly and scary?
A true angel, a goddess of beauty.
These were his thoughts, unfortunately she hadn't caught that he admired her enchanting beauty.
After a moment of reflection, he took a deep breath and went on to say, "Oh yes… I..I am Yoru." He was quite awkward in his presentation, his face was extremely red , he must have had difficulty keeping eye contact with Flora.
So awkward! He thought.
Too cute! Thought of his mother.
Morgana sniffed following the self-introduction of her son, so she took the initiative to announce her with conviction the name of her son by pointing at him: "Yoru"
Of course, Yoru wasn't aware that Flora didn't understand their languages. Her stuttering can therefore lead to confusion in her understanding, which is why Morgana decided to confirm the name to avoid any misunderstanding in the future.
Flora herself was extremely embarrassed about this situation. Therefore, without saying a word, she ended up responding with a nod and formed a big, sweet smile with those bright pink lips.
That smile was particularly remarkable, so much so that it devastated the hearts of everyone in the room. She was gorgeous, resplendent and so feminine, a true fairy.
Anyway, there was no way to stop this complicated situation other than the arrival of a good meal, ignoring the bickering of the two children, a smiling and cheerful young waitress began to bring the plates.
Flora thought she was finally going to be able to release the stress accumulated throughout the day.
An unexpected reunion in the afterlife, a messed up reincarnation, a partial suffocation, and finally a lame presentation.
God please, tell me it's over soon ...
But contrary to his expectations, his meal took a totally different turn. She found herself without a plate or cutlery, not for want of trying to look under the table and stare at the waitress for an answer.
What worries her the most right now is the person sitting to her left.
Rinnyu had taken the plate from the waitress, then she began to cut the toreo meat into small pieces. Like a parent preparing their child's meal.
During this short span of time Flora had her eyes turned downward with her cheeks tinged with crimson red and her two little ears motionless.
She understood the significance of Rinnyu's deeds, she knew they were not trivial. She also knew that the torment of embarrassment wasn't at its peak.
Indeed, she was going to be assisted for the meal; a nuclear explosion wasn't far away.
No escape was in sight. "It's time to eat, open your mouth wide." She said happily, grabbing a piece of steak with her fork.
As Flora still didn't have the ability to communicate, she began to pout to convey the attention, the only response she had in return was a happy laugh from Rinnyu.
"Come on little sister♪~ " Rinnyu held the meat right in front of Flora's pink little lips, the appetizing and tasty smell of the steak making her drool.
She really treats me like a child!
Although the scent managed to lower her guard slightly, she was deep in thought. By measuring the pros and cons, after that she realized that there was no point in resisting. If we came back ten minutes sooner, she's already had a worse experience with just taking a bath.
Rinnyu's eyes contained stars that said she wouldn't give up so easily.
Moreover, in this moment Flora was mentally tired and then she would starve to death. After this short brain break, she finally opened her mouth.
"... Umph" Divine, enchanting. This cuisine's fascinating, unforgettable. The meat was tender, seasoning with a brown sauce and a touch of honey giving a pleasant feeling of sweetness in the mouth.
All the flavors blend together perfectly, Flora tried to chew as slowly as possible to enjoy the moment.
Rinnyu began to gently stroke her head, her cat tail starting to swing happily, out as she continued to cuddle it. After a few minutes Flora realized that she was purring like a real cat, and that made her extremely uncomfortable.
However, she cannot stop him, whether it's the purr or the happy movements of his tail.
While she was being pampered by the goddess of the kingdom, all the villagers present in the tavern had their eyes focused on her. They were all admiring the adorable little angel out of the corner of their eye, she was like a ray of sunshine, both cute and pure.
If only I could be in his place! Was the thought of more than one.
They hadn't had the chance to observe her properly during her arrival, due to the fact that she was hidden in Rinnyu's shadow. So watching her during her dinner was the best solution, so they got to admire the different facets she could express. Joy, embarrassment, discontent, shyness ...
It didn't take long for her to accept the glances around, the only reason she could endure this pressure was because of the delicious food.
Little Yoru threw a few discreet glances in Flora's direction, as he secretly admired her fairytale beauty. His heart was pounding furiously in his chest, he didn't really understand the significance of these feelings towards her.
Without being bothered by it, she decided to keep gobbling up what Rinnyu gave her. She also found the young boy's actions quite cute.
For some reason, she didn't expect to have so many eyes on her. Although she knows that the arrival of a newcomer always attracts attention early on, even after showing up in front of all the villagers, they continue.
In her old life when she was still a man, no one dared look at her or even even talk to her. With some exceptions.
Which was already a big test for her, yet they continued to stare at her, scrutinizing the slightest of these gestures.
Having finished the main course, the dessert appeared, it was a kind of cake with wild strawberries on it and other fruits.
The slightly sweet taste and the sweet fruits dampen the lemony acidity, the piece in her mouth literally melts.
In short, she was pleasantly surprised because she would never have imagined that he could make such a good cake in this world.
Especially since it is the best dessert she has eaten in her life, despite her small stomach she attacked her second portion.
Since she had finished her meal, she began to look around. All she saw were jovial villagers in good spirits, they ate and drank laughing with beaming smiles. Plus the music played by the troubadours to brighten the evening to its climax. Many people have started to dance.
{ Music to get in the mood: https://youtu.be/beXW5s3ZCB4 }
Following this sight, Flora began to think that it would be great to live in such an environment. Therefore, she subconsciously began to have fun and smile cheerfully.
Without even realizing it, she has already developed many facets of herself, feelings that she had not seen for a long time gradually emerged.
This multitude of expressions is what made her even cuter and pure.
This life is worth living!
Haha, the lucky boy! If she was not the protagonist and he was this would be a flag!
Indeed, what a very lucky little boy! The stars of fortune are with him apparently hehe ... ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Thanks for the chapter
You're welcome !
thanks for the chapter
You're welcome !
bro imagine the Texans invaded... and then nothing happened, because the Texans pulled out, they had to retreat for their soldiers could not overcome this enemy!
Don't let her grow up ! (Loli forever) Or if you let her grow up, don't make her tall or sexy, but cute and small.
Are you planning on that little boy being one of her friends and maybe later on something more
He will surely be her friend in the future, will he be more for her? -`ღ´-
Maybe yes, maybe no. We will see in the future.
It depends, he would can die tripping over a rock, who knows?
(ノ ಠ ∩ಠ) ノ 彡 (\ o ° o) \
He can also die from sudden heart attack (caused by author (author is the god of a world (world = novel)))
@WtfIsThis Yes it's true! I'm god hahaha
@Aliwai we serve the all mighty one