The drive to Hankua town was short, it was the impression I had, like Flora's so cute. I couldn't take my eyes off her with those fluffy ears that were so close and every time I try to mofu mofu she starts to pout at me. What's between us too cute, plus her curious and excited look, it was simply mesmerising!
Anyway, we arrived without having seen the time go by, the typical landscape with plains and forests clearer and above all the loud noises surrounding a city. It seems that my mofu has to wait a little longer...
~~~~ × ~~~~
Hankua city :
POV Third Person :
Flora came out of her stupor and looked forward, before seeing the end of a huge wall.
Finally arrived...! My first step in a fantastic world, my dream finally comes true. she thought, letting her excitement show on the outside.
As for Rinnyu, her expression was as joyful as Flora's but not for the same reasons…
As the carriage advanced towards the city, the massive walls with several watchtowers built of stone were in sight. There was a large metal gate open to the outside similar to the gates of hell, allowing several merchant chariots to enter, there was also another entrance for people on foot.
The pedestrians all had different origins, from adventurers to simple city-dwellers or villagers passing by some mysterious individuals.
To Flora's surprise more than half of these people were half-humans, be it demons, elf, dwarfed and beastkins all queuing up quietly.
No one judged or dared to look down on these species, the only rather negative glances she could detect were lustful looks at women. Although some women had a warm look as well. Faced with this situation she could only sigh inwardly, but at the same time she felt happy because there seemed to be no major discrimination against half-humans. At least in this kingdom.
In the queue we found several half-human species, the majority of which are there representing beauty, she might think it was unreal.
However, Flora didn't want to deny it and even if she wanted to, her existence and that of Rinnyu represents the opposite of this thought.
But for her this external beauty is superficial and does not represent the inner self of a person, be it his personality or his soul. And this Flora had understood a long time ago, remembering her old shitty life.
Stop thinking about the past...! Concentrate on the future, as Aunt Rosith often told you. she thought, slamming an image of an inner self curled up on itself.
A few minutes later, the luxury car suddenly stopped to signal their arrival, unlike Flora's face, Rinnyu's face wrinkles in annoyance. But above all with eagerness.
Why do they have to piss us off...?! Flora had noticed her expression and could only shrug her shoulders, wondering what was bothering her.
Because of this, she put her hands on Rinnyu's face, giving her the feeling that everything was fine, eye to eye. This cute exchange left some redness on Rinnyu's cheeks.
Stay calm Rinnyu, it's all for my cute little sister... thought Rinnyu before resuming a smiling face accompanied by a slight redness. While her body trembled slightly with excitement.
Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle... Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...
Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle... Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle... Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle... Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle... Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...Cuddle...
Calming her furious thoughts, Rinnyu did not forget to thank her little angel on legs. "Thank you, Flora." she said, tapping her head gently.
"Mm." She nodded contentedly, her body trembled and her tail swayed, as she closed her eyes savoring the feeling.
** Touch ** ** Touch **
"It's the time."
Rinnyu slowly withdrew her hand from her head leaving a dissatisfied Flora. (I thought you couldn't be cuter but I was wrong... stop tempting me you little devil!)
"Later little sister." she said, enjoying her pout and disappointed look, after lifting her sister by her armpits before putting her on the floor of the car. Then she approached the door as Flora clung to her back, the sight of this frightened little cat brought a bright smile to her face. Well Flora's reaction was very childish but the reason being that she is always shy about meeting new people after all.
Once opened, the door revealed a sort of guard armed with a long spear, a dagger hanging from his belt with a small brown leather bag, he is equipped with a light armour made of grey mesh with a camail. His face was rough and showed years of service through his well-defined wrinkles, although he did not look more than thirty years old.
Change of job, my poor guy... She sympathizes with him in some ways but always from a distance.
As he looked up, the guard took a few seconds before his apathetic face returned. He was shocked by the presence and above all the beauty of the young woman in front of him, but what shocked him even more was the little girl from behind.
However, his eyes contained no trace of lust, it was a warm look full of admiration.
So cute ! This little girl is for sure a fairy. He thought, her beauty surpassing that of the nobles of the court and even of the princesses.
They must be nobles... Considering their carriages it seems to be a big house or a big clan, poor girl... His fatherly gaze faded away little by little before returning to his priorities.
Behind him was someone Flora knew well, a young girl with a radiant smile.
Ummmm... if I remember well her name is Callisto, her princess aura still shines even with this kind of clothes... Polar blond hair and a perfect white skin and above all a beautiful face full of confidence.
However, her outfit today is somewhat different from yesterday, it is a slightly flashy black and white chambermaid's dress. She always wears her smile at the corners and this attire doesn't seem to bother her at least not in the least, she even seems to appreciate this job.
"Hello, excuse me, due to the sudden increase in monsters and demons on the outskirts of the city, could I have some confirmation before letting you in, please." he said as he bowed ninety degrees to show his respect. Commoners have to show respect according to a person's status and age, yet they almost have to kneel in the presence of one of these classes in particular, the noblemen...
Rinnyu began to speak although her tone was rather irritated. "Well don't worry, you can stop with these boring ceremonies even though I doubt you will?" For her all these formalities are embarrassing...
"Thank you for your consideration. First of all, if you could inform me about your clan or the house you belong to, you are however not obliged to answer this one, on the other hand I would like to ask you to put one of your hands on this crystal please".
He takes a crystal the size of a small fist out of his bag as he holds it out in front of him. Rinnyu put his hand on it and the only reaction was a short pink light.
The guard examined the result, his eyes about to come out of their sockets in shock.
"As for our belonging to a noble clan, I prefer to remain silent, but you can imagine I'd like the result to remain silent, can't you?" Her voice was slightly icy at the end and the soldier could only nod furiously in response.
~~~~ × ~~~~
POV Flora :
At the moment I am standing in the car hanging on Rinnyu's dress, I don't know why but my behaviour is more and more like the age of my body. That is to say five years old even if I still feel more mature than I should be.
** Touch ** ** Touch ** ** Touch **
Hmmm...I can hear the sound of the door before it opens. The gentleman seems to be some kind of guard who decides whether or not to let us through. But given his reaction after talking with Rinnyu it seems that there will be no problem. Well, it's not like we're wanted criminals. What surprised me was his attitude towards my sister, I'm almost sure to see traces of cold sweat on his forehead. It's true that at times Rinnyu can be scary, I'll grant you that.
After the "checks" he came close to me, I kind of hid a little bit more behind Rinnyu but after a few seconds I noticed his sincere smile. I have the feeling that I can trust him...
"Hold my little one" he said in a soft and kind voice, the guard put his hand in his bag pocket and took out a kind of blue candy.
I answer with a nod of my head before starting to nibble "Mmmm ~" Well, the candy is surprisingly good !
My star-filled eyes stared at him intensely and he seemed to understand my request as he gave me some more. Great! You are a golden man.
So the car continued to move through the city, the streets are classified according to status. The outer edges belong to the commoners and the further you go towards the centre the richer the neighbourhoods are, bourgeois and noble districts.
The atmosphere of the city seemed very cheerful to me, and for reasons I don't know the townspeople are all inclined when our car drives in front of them. Are we noble or something like that? That sounds very embarrassing!
After a minute, the car stopped, in front of a large building or rather monuments that look very much like a church but more grandiose. Above all, brighter and more "pure", marble statues were posted at the entrance and at each corner of this street, some of these statues looked strangely like a person I knew well.
Moreover, one could see a queue of young children of my age waiting in front of this church. They were all dressed in either very light or dark, almost black, coloured clothes, the majority of the children were dressed in fairly simple white clothes. I hope I can make a friend in this crowd of children, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? After all, they are all children.
However, when I walked towards the entrance of the church with Rinnyu, they all suddenly started staring at me with strangely bright eyes. Well all this attention is quite embarrassing... The friendship plan is falling apart, it's going to be tough.
I'm pretty sure my face is tinged with some redness.
The best I can do is to ignore this feeling but it's not easy, not easy at all.
As I walked quietly, my gaze landed on a little girl crouching over herself, tears streaming from her eyes, with I suppose her brother standing to her trying to calm her down.
This scene tears my heart out, I can't help but go and console her as best I can. Except that I had forgotten a small detail, I can't talk...
Well, after all, it doesn't matter, I have a plan!
As soon as I put a step in front of her, I hugged her while meowing incomprehensible content. I could feel her heart calming down, it was interesting to see that my hug worked.
This reminds me of Rinnyu as she uses the same technique almost all the time, once she is completely calm she raises her face. We looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before the silence was broken by her brother.
"Nice to meet you and thank you very much for your help. My name is Jin, and this is my sister Hana." So if I understood correctly, the good boy is Jin and the lovely girl is Hana, they're pretty names.
"Mm." I replied with a slight smile.
The pair of brother and sister both have instantly red faces, it's so cute that my smile gets bigger! I held one of my butterfly shaped hair clips towards Hana, she had a surprised face, at first she hesitated to take it and then finally I hung it directly into her blonde hair.
"Mm." I nodded my head in satisfaction, it fits her beautifully!
Blushing, lowering her head and playing with her fingers she whispered "T-thank you." It was barely audible to anyone, but with my fluffy ears I picked it up.
Shortly after I greeted them joyfully with my little hands, they seemed happy and at the same time sad to see me leave so suddenly, I hope to see them again one day...
I went back to Rinnyu who looked at me with strangely bright eyes.
~~~~ × ~~~~
As I expected, this church is beautiful! A huge hall of immaculate white and well carved columns worthy of the Romans. What amazed me the most were the two huge statues that stood in the centres, one depicting a beautiful woman and the other a man who looked like some kind of demon in human form.
This woman is the spitting image of Aunt Rosith and as for this man, ummmm I suppose he is the devil? Although I'm not sure, one should never judge by appearances, he may happen to be nice!
Rinnyu noticed my face in full brainstorm, and like a rocket, she rushed up and pecked me on the cheek.
Why is she so energetic when it comes to doing this kind of thing! It's true that if I were in her place I would have done the same thing, but when I'm the one who looks like a stuffed toy, the urge suddenly passes me by. Not that this kind of thing really bothers me, it's even rather pleasant.
I was sure that a pout could be seen on my face as Rinnyu giggled loudly, after that my back stiffened instantly when a man approached, he moved towards us, or rather me.
Rinnyu's expressions couldn't help but get distorted as soon as she saw this priest.
To my surprise, he couldn't help staring at me for a moment, then he licked his lips before speaking: "Oh oh, what have we here!" He became excited just at the sight of this little angel, he could feel the divinity coming out of this little girl like a waterfall.
Rinnyu snapped her tongue before answering, it seems she is quite annoyed by this priest, no actually I have the impression that she has been annoyed from the beginning. I wonder why, this place doesn't seem mean, doesn't it? Apart from this man, it is disturbing.
"Hello, am I bothering you maybe?! Let's not waste time and start your magic script."
"Hello, yes of course hihihi. Bishop Sonnlaluio reporting! Then it's interesting, if you want you can leave her to me for a few days or even weeks say y--"
Before he could finish his sentence an icy intention to kill came out of my left, it doesn't seem to be a very pleasant discussion. As I glanced over to this side I noticed that Rinnyu's hair was flying even in the air and her fist was about to hit him in the face when she stopped in the middle of his action.
"It seems that you haven't understood my purpose here, if I have to repeat myself I will make sure that no god or goddess can reincarnate you, is that clear?"
"O-okay, I get it." * Sigh* I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes! "Never mind, the little one can go kneel at the statue's feet, I'll take care of the rest."
To me, however, this man looks just like a bewildered man in a clown suit and not like a religious man in a church, nevertheless I respect him, at least the minimum necessary.
Moreover, Rinnyu and this so-called "priest" started as best they could to explain to me what I had to accomplish. In spite of the lack of oral comprehension, I somehow understood through their physical gestures. It took a few minutes before I understood, I had to pray in front of the statue, nothing simpler since we are in a church which seems logical in a certain sense.
That's how I found myself in this position in front of the statue of Aunt Rosith, in spite of this rather embarrassing situation, I started to believe from the bottom of my heart in Rinnyu and this priest.
"It's time hihihi!" he said almost in a childish tone.
The priest in front of me began to sing in a different language than usual, his hand shining slightly in light gold. It must be a magic spell!
Hope it works! As for Rinnyu, she couldn't help but feel stressed, afterwards it was sort of her last chance to help him. If it didn't work, she had already planned to kill the bishop violently, but Flora didn't know anything about it.
After her magical spell, my body began to glow with an increasingly strong golden colour, the priest in front of me shook his head in surprise, hiding his shocked expression as his smile grew larger and larger.
On one side I feel relaxed and on the other I begin to feel a wave of burning energy swirling in my belly. Could it be mana or some other similar energy?!
I am almost sure that my face reflects my excitement, despite all this enthusiasm I felt my mind slowly leaving me before I completely vanished.
that was refreshing. had some rather depressing reads this week so this really helped my mood fluff up (:
Hi, I'm glad my writing was able to make your day a little better.
allowing several merchant chariots to enter
I think you mean wagons? Chariots makes no sense, since they can't really transport cargo.
It's true that at times Rinnyu can be scary, I'll grant you that.
I think that the guard would strongly disagree with Flora on why Rinnyu is scary...

Nice to see you back!
Hi, how are you doing? It's also a pleasure to see you again!

Yes, yes it's wagon and not chariot, in my language its better.
Is this Novel dropped? I would love to see more, if it's possible
Hi, no this History isn't drop
. I already have the chapters in advance but I don't like the way I wrote the first ones so I rewrite them in order to have a cleaner job. It happens next week! 
@Aliwai Is it just me or has this next week yet to come? Or did you change sites?
More Hana
And cookies
Me as a supreme God : *Send Flora old aunt (idk her name) very VERY far away from Flora* "Idk why, but I hate this situation. Not in the way of a bad feeling, but I hate it like you can hate someone who killed your entire family"
I didn't understand everything but it's ok!
What are you talking about ? I already know that
@WtfIsThis Oh, I misread your comment. sorry!