Ch.2 Monkeying Around
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When I woke up all I saw was a jungle in front of me.

Me: “Not again!”

Oh wait, I knew this situation. I got up on my feet and turned my body around.  all I saw was a jungle in front of me.

Me: “That darn frog! I swear I’m gonna”
[Frog: “Gonna what, punch me? Yeah right.”]
Me: “Huhh?”
[Frog: “Stop looking around like and idiot.”]
Me: “where are you?”
[Frog: “back in ma house, duh.”]
[Foxy: “*sigh*”]
Me: “wow. Wait that’s not it. I demand an explanation!”
[Foxy: “calm down dear I will explain everything to you, okay?”]

Another grandma story time
Let’s condense it to some point this time:

Let’s condense it to some point this time:

  1. Current Situation
    • In another jungle in another world near some sort of human settlement.
  2. Mission
    • Go find the first animal spirit, the antelope.
  3. Careful of
    • Monsters
    • Bad human ( bandits, probably )
    • Simply getting lost
  4. Steps
    • Find the human settlement.
    • Gear up ( they gave me no money though )
    • Go to the big plain in the west.
    • Find the antelope.

Sounded easy enough honestly. 

[Foxy: “Now look to your left and keep walking. You will find a little village there.”]
Me: "Just go left?"
[Foxy: “Yes, do you see the sun? just follow that direction for a while.”]
Me: “Okay, grandma!”

So I started my journey towards the village. I knew that it would not be that simple but walking through a jungle is really tiring. You need to pay attention every time you take a step to avoid any animals like snakes and just avoid tripping in general. The sun is right above my head so at least I don’t have to walk in the jungle at night, that would be impossible for someone like me.

When I was busy making my way through the jungle suddenly I heard a voice in my head. Ah right for got to explain that, apparently we can communicate with each other with some sort of telepathy because we were contracted to each other (without my permission mind you). They said it was some sort of ancient Egyptian familiar contract and guess what? Yup, I'm the familiar. I didn't have any problem following Grandma and Minigo, but the frog? blehh. 

[Frog: “Hey kid.”]
Me: “What frog?”
[Frog: “Why are ya walking normally?”]
Me: “What do you mean?”
[MiniGo: “Uncle Froggy… you didn’t explain it to him again.”]
[Frog: “Huh? Ya do it then.”]
[MiniGo: “Eh?”]
Me: “Do I get some special power or something?”
[MiniGo: “Um. Since we gave you this task we thought that it wasn’t fair to just send you without anything, so since you are connected to us you can use our power.”]
Me: “Like?”
[MiniGo: “Climbing trees?”]
Me: “How?”
[MiniGo: “I think all you need to do is imagine yourself doing it and we will take care of the rest.”]

So that meant that I could use their power even when I’m a human? I looked around and found a big sturdy tree. I never climbed anything before in my life too. I just hoped that I won’t just fall and hurt myself. Standing in front of it I bent my knee and jumped. Suddenly I felt my body move on its own and before I knew it I’m already at the top branch.

Me: “Awesome!”
[Frog: “Done? Then go faster, you idiot.”]
Me: “...”

Will frogs be tastier barbecued on as a soup? Anyway it seems the darn frog really just sent me here without any explanation or anything. Thank god for the other two. 

Me: “So is climbing trees the only skill I got?”
[MiniGo: “Um. you should be able to use other characteristics from us too.”]

Interesting. With the power of a gorilla I could lift something 10 times my weight? With the power of a fox I could be stealthy? With the power of a frog I could be annoying? Really interesting.

With the revelation that I could use their powers I easily made my way through the trees. After going for half an hour or so I finally saw something resembling a village. Well the wall of the village anyway. From casual observation I could see that the wall of the village was really tall while the village itself wasn’t really big (maybe around the size of two soccer fields?). It seemed that they built the wall to keep something from jumping over it. It also kept me from doing it though. I guess the only way to get inside is through one of the two gates.

Afraid that me tarzaning around would spook the villagers I went around to the side wall and jumped down from the tree. After that I simply walked to the village gate. I felt that I forgot something though.

Guard: “Halt!!”
Me: “Wha? Yes!” (oh, I could understand him just fine.)
Guard: “Who are you? And where did you come from?”

I was stopped by a guy in leather armor. The leather armor looked like it had seen better days and he also had a sword dangling from his waist. He was definitely judging me with his eyes. Right this was the thing I forgot. I didn’t have any background story and I didn’t even know anything about this world. Also I somehow forgot this but I’m still wearing my pajamas and my comfy slippers (it got fluffy furs, yo). I didn’t know what I should say to him now…

[Me: “Guys, help?”]
[Frog: “Punch em!”]
[Me: “I wasn’t talking with you.”]
[MiniGo: “Um… we didn’t think this far.”]
[Foxy: “Hmm what are we supposed to do now?”]

I was standing there not moving and the guard was getting anxious. I could see him reaching for his sword. This could end really badly.

Me: “Ummm… that… how should I explain this?”
???: “RUUUUN!!!”
Guard: “Len? What’s wrong?”
Len: “Blood monkeys!!! Get in and shut the gate!!!”

Looking at the direction of the voice I saw a man running frantically towards us. Behind him were blood monkeys(? They looked just like normal monkeys to me), dozens of them swinging from tree to tree in pursuit. Sensing the danger the guard grabbed my arm and pulled me into the village, then he ran towards the right side of the gate and operated a mechanism.

Guard: “Hey you!! Go to that bell right there and hit it 4 times!!”

Snapping out of my daze I did as I instructed and hit the bell. Meanwhile the giant gate started to close little by little. At this rate the monkeys would enter the village before the gate is fully closed. I tried to warn the guard but then Len finally arrived, ran towards the left side of the gate and activated another mechanism. This time the gate closed at a faster speed. A few seconds later the gate finally closed shut. I could still hear the monkeys screaming right outside though. And, maybe because I hit the bell, I could see the villagers coming out of their house and asking around about the situation.

Guard: “What happened?”
Len: “I don’t know, I just went through my usual route when I heard some rustling on the trees, then they just appeared, all of them. It seems that they were following something or being chased by something. They didn’t get this close to the village in years ”
Guard: “That’s certainly weird, I need to report this to the chief immediately. You stay here with that guy, don’t let him do anything funny.”
Me: “Oh, you finally remembered that I am here.”
Len: “Who?”
Guard: “Dunno, just keep an eye on him.”

What a long day...


This is my first title so please forgive me for any amateur mistake. 

any kind of comment and critic are welcome!