Chapter 2: Clothes and Tools
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Christiane walked to the door of the lunchroom and left after Ryan opened the door, "So we're stuck in space on a busted up spaceship. *** ******, I can’t get a break wherever I go!”

“I’m sorry,” Ryan knew it was his fault for bringing Christiane to the ship.

Christiane looked around the hallway, “Doesn’t look like nothing wrong’s here.”

Ryan “felt” around the area for some damage for Christiane to look at.

There was the partition to the right of the… uh… birthing room, but he didn’t want to open it considering he could tell there wasn’t air on the other side and also felt that he couldn’t put any in there either, at least without it leaking out. Now that he thought about it, most of his… insides… felt like they couldn’t hold air. It was pretty much this hallway, though he felt it leaked slowly, and another section closer to his “head.”

Ryan wasn’t sure what Christiane could do. Maybe if there was a space suit somewhere? She was still naked so getting anything on her would be good.

He felt that there was a place for clothes in the room across from the birthing room. Made sense to Ryan it would be that close.

Ryan looked inside the room and saw a room with drawers on the walls. He also noticed a machine in the corner and felt he could make clothes with it.

“First, we should get you some clothes,” Ryan made the light nearest to the door flash, “you can get some in that room.”

Christiane looked at the door, but walked past it and went to the closed blast door, “Don’t need no clothes. Just you and me here. ‘Sides, walkin’ in the nude is the best.”

She inspected the blast door.

Ryan gave up, it’s not like he didn’t enjoy looking at her naked body, but deep down his mind cried at something lost.

“We should look in there, anyway. We’ll need a space suit if you want to get around the ship. From what I can tell, only this hallway has air in it,” Ryan hoped there was one or repairs would be hard.

Christiane look up from the blast door and scowled, “So you mean I’m stuck in here?”

Ryan didn’t know what to say, “I guess. But I know one thing. I’m…” he let out a deep sigh, “I’m running out of fuel and I don’t see how I can get more with the way I am now.”

Christiane crossed her arms and huffed, “**** it. Let’s look for a space suit. Don’t know what I can do to fix a spaceship, but it’s better than dying.”

The memories of getting hit by a truck came into Ryan’s mind, “Hey, what were you doing before you woke up here?”

Christiane stopped in front of the door Ryan pointed out and thought, “Last thing I remember is getting plastered with my buddies. Why?”

Ryan wasn’t sure if he should say, but decided it was better to get it out of the way, “The last thing I remember before waking up here was getting hit by a truck and dying.”

Christiane slowly looked up, though not to the camera, and shook her head, “You’re yankin’ my chain. Probably got your brain stolen and put in the ship.” Christiane looked down and put her hand on her chin, “Wait, does that mean my brain got stolen and put in a chick?” Christiane squeezed her left breast with her left hand, “A hot chick.”

Ryan sighed, "Can you please stop playing with yourself? We’ve already wasted hours already because thanks to it.”

Christiane scowled and flipped off a direction that wasn’t where the camera was, “Jeez mom, it’s my body I can do what I want to it, so **** off.”

Ryan was sick of Christiane’s attitude, “I guess you can do your own thing, but you’re not getting any help from me.”

Andrew turned off all the power, excluding the air circulation. He was going to let Christiane stew for a while in the hall.

While he waited, he looked around the rest of the ship, only to find out he could only several sections. Most of the rooms in the livable hallway were bedrooms and a storage room. Occasionally he found useful things, such as one that made tools. The tool room lay in the hallway near the rear of the ship, in the room on the opposite side of the wall from the clothing room.

Ryan looked over the rooms until he got bored a few hours later and then turned on the camera to see Christiane. 

He was glad the cameras worked with no light on so he could see what Christiane was doing without letting her know he was back.

Christiane sat in front of the door with the food and looked like she was sleeping. 

Ryan opened the door behind Christiane, making her fall backward into the room.

Christiane woke up right away and said something.

Ryan hadn’t turned the audio on and didn’t want to, so he couldn’t tell what she said.

Instead, he turned on a single light next to the alcove and ordered it to make some nutrient supplement and a cup of water.

Christiane seemed to get the idea and went for the food, mumbling something the entire time.

When she finished the meal, Ryan opened the door to the hallway and to the room they would probably find clothing. He then turned off the light in the meal room and turned on the light in the clothing room.

Christiane grumbled again, but went to the clothing room.

Ryan closed the door after she entered.

Christiane looked behind her, at the door, scowled, but said nothing.

Ryan turned on the audio, “I don’t know what’s in the drawers, but the machine should be able to make clothes.”

Christiane walked to the machine and looked it over, “Finally talkin’ to me again? You’re actin’ like my wife when she’s mad but won’t tell me what I did wrong.”

A desire to vent the air in the room came to Ryan, but he resisted it, “You know what you did wrong. Anyway, let’s see if we can find a suit so we can start fixing… uh, me. The sooner we fix me, the sooner you can… uh, enjoy yourself.”

Christiane opened a drawer, revealing a neatly folded item of clothing, “I know, I know, but if you really want things to go faster, you should see about gettin’ me some help. I may have experience working on top o’ the line aircraft, but nothing with spaceships.”

Ryan agreed with him, but felt concerned that… birthing? another person would use resources they were running low on, “It’ll use a lot of resources, but it might help.”

Christiane moved to the next row of drawers after not finding anything that looked like it would fit her, “You said when you brought me here you chose this body?”

Ryan had a feeling he knew where this was going, “Yep. You’re pretty close to what I imagined.”

Christiane stopped digging through a drawer, “Well, it doesn’t seem fair you get to be the only one choosin'. I was thinking you owed me since I didn’t get to choose what I looked like.”

Ryan wasn’t having any of it, “Nope.”

Christiane put her hand on her hip and tried looking for the camera, “Listen. I promise to help if you let me do this.”

Ryan felt he didn’t need to bargain with Christiane considering how much power he had over her, but he needed her help and things would go faster if she was cooperative, “Fine.”

Christiane smiled, “Thanks boss. Now, she’s got to have big tits. Not a guy in a chick’s body like me. Tall. Nice butt and thighs. Big hips and slim waist. Blonde… no, red hair. Green eyes. Submissive personality that is fine doin’ things, if ya know what I mean. Likes women too.”

Christiane’s wishlist both intrigued and disgusted Ryan, “I’m still not sure how it works but I’ll see what I can do.”

He was sure that it would disgust most women if they found out why they found themselves in a body like the one Christiane wished for. The remnant of the male part of his mind wanted to see what would happen if he made a body like this. He felt he would regret it later, though.

One thing he knew he wanted to change was the personality Christiane requested. He hoped he could get a woman with a personality that could help him handle Christiane and keep her in line. He also needed someone that could help figure out how to repair the ship. Maybe someone with an engineering degree?

“I’m gonna handle it while you look through here,” Ryan said to get Christiane back to looking through the drawers.

Christiane turned back to the next unopened drawer, a smile on her face, “Let me know as soon as she wakes up.”

Ryan focused on the birthing room. He thought to the machine what he wanted it to do, using his imagination to make an image of a woman fitting Christiane’s wish in his head. He then thought about what her personality would be like.

Something clicked, and he felt he succeeded.

“It’s started. She should be born in a…” Ryan felt a number pop into his mind, “three weeks.”

Christiane looked up, “That’s **** fast. From nothing to full grown chick in three weeks.”

Ryan thought back to when Christiane was growing. It hadn’t felt like three weeks, “Well, aliens.”

Christiane shrugged, "**** aliens.”

Ryan watched as Christiane went through another drawer. Whoever had worn these clothes before seemed to be bigger than Christiane by a lot. 

Good thing the machine in the corner could make clothes. At least if his “feeling” was correct.

Ryan turned the machine on, and sure enough a database of clothes in various styles and makes appeared in his mind. Most of the data was corrupt, but he felt could fix some of this data. He tried fixing the alcove data too and got the feeling it had no more corruption, but the data was much more complex, so more vulnerable to the corruption.

Ryan wondered if he should let Christiane choose her clothes, but felt that wasn’t a good idea. 

“What kind of clothes did you usually wear at your job?” Ryan felt this was the best way to choose clothes and keep Christiane satisfied?

Christiane closed a drawer and opened another, “Just overalls and whatever shirt I felt like wearing that day. Why?”

Ryan flipped through the clothing options and found the perfect set of clothes. It comprised a one piece jump suit, jacket, socks, gloves, and boots. The bottom of the jumpsuit had several large pockets and places to hang tools from, while the top was skin tight and stopped at the shoulders, leaving the arms bare. The jacket seemed designed to fit loosely and had even more pockets than the jumpsuit. There didn’t seem to be anything special about the other things.

Ryan ordered the standard blue set and immediately Christiane’s data transferred from the birthing chamber’s database. 

Five arms exited the wall and began making the suit. It reminded Ryan of a 3D printer, but much more advanced.

Christiane looked over at the machine, startled, “You figure how that **** thing works?”

“I just fixed the database and told it to make something. And no, I already tried to fix the food database. It didn’t work.” 

Christiane closed the drawer she was looking in and walked over to the machine, "****. At least we can make clothes.”

Ryan double checked the clothing database for a space suit but didn’t find any patterns. Instead, he thought about the other machine he found in the room on the other side of the wall.

Ryan switched cameras to the room. The power worked, but there was no air in the room. He felt he could fill it with air if he wanted to.

The machine in question filled the back wall, with storage shelves lining the walls on either side of the machine.

Ryan opened the machine’s database. The data was corrupt, much like the other machines, but thankfully he recovered some data. 

The recovered data appeared to be simple items ranging from metal plates to space suits, torches, and other things he could only guess. Judging from headers from some corrupt files, the data for computer parts and engine parts would need to come from elsewhere. Ryan didn’t get any suggestions this time, so they were probably out of luck for now.

Ryan queued up the machine to make a spacesuit Christiane’s size. 

With this problem solved, he needed to figure out how to get the suit to Christiane. He could tell the hallway the room connected to also had no air. At least the door opened with no problem.

The hallway appeared in relatively good shape, though several small holes marked the ceiling and the floor to the right if you were coming out of the room and seemed to be parallel to the damage behind the blast door next to the clothing room and birthing chamber.

Ryan switched to a camera by the blast door separating the hallway with air, and the hallway with no air to check for damage. He already knew the side with air leaked, but couldn’t see the holes, though judging at how fast the air leaked they weren’t that big. 

Now he needed to figure out what to do with the air in the hallway with the tool room. Maybe he could close off blast doors to the more damaged sections and pump air into the hallway long enough for Christiane to get in and out?

Ryan closed the blast doors leading to damaged sections. He then started pumping air into the hallway, only to find out it was leaking faster than he could pump it in and making it so he couldn’t pump air fast enough into the other hallway to keep the air pressure up. He felt he could only keep the air pressure up in one hallway at a time.

Ryan focused back to Christiane. Christiane wore the now finished jumpsuit, and watched as it finished the jacket, “Christiane, I found a room with a machine that builds tools. I already got it started making a space suit.”

A part of Ryan was sad she had clothes on now.

Christiane looked up from the clothing machine, "****, that was fast.”

“Only problem is it’s in the next hallway over and there’s no air. I can pump air into it, but there're leaks everywhere so you must get in and out fast. I just noticed this area has air leaks too, and…” Ryan felt a number pop into his head, “we’ll run out in about six months if we don’t fix it.”

Six months was a lot longer than he thought, though upon further thought he realized the ship could make air as needed, though it added to his hunger and need for hydrogen.

Christiane nodded, “That’s plenty o’ time. But I’ve a feelin’ you don’t wanna wait that long.” 

“Yep, apparently I can make air, but it takes away resources we could use on other things.”

The machine finished the jacket and started on the boots.

Christiane looked at the now finished jacked and picked it up, “Let’s head over once this finishes.” She looked at the jacket and put it on, “Nice choice, by the way.”

Ryan and Christiane both couldn’t help at how fast the clothing machine did its job, and the boots, socks, and gloves all took less than twenty seconds each.

Christiane put on the items, “Let’s get this **** done.”

Ryan guided Christiane to the nearest blast door and on the way he stopped the air into this hallway and started it in the other, “Give me a minute to get the air up on the other side.”

Christiane leaned against the wall, “Sure thing, boss.”

When the air got to breathable levels on the other side, Ryan opened the blast door, “I’ll make the light blink in front of the door. The air isn’t leaking in the room so you can take your time in there.”

Christiane nodded and took off in a slow jog, but no sooner had she walked passed the threshold the blast door made, she floated into the air and spun head over heel.

“Ryan!” Christiane sounded both surprised and angry, “Why’m I floatin’ in the **** air.”

Ryan hadn’t thought about it before this, but since they were in a spaceship, “Oh! I must need to turn on artificial gravity or something.”

Christiane flailed her arms, trying to find something to hold on to, “Well, turn the **** thing on! I’m startin’ to get sick!”

Like usual, the ship responded to his thoughts as he directed a command to the floor to raise the gravity slowly to normal. He also closed the blast door and began pumping the remaining air out of the first hallway so it wouldn’t leak out.

Christiane slowly fell to the floor, “You really suck at this ship thing, ya know?”

Ryan ignored the comment and raised the gravity to normal in an instant, “Just get to the room.”

Christiane wobbled a bit at the sudden increase in gravity, but got up and started jogging again, "****** slave driver.”

Soon Christiane made it to the room and went inside.

Ryan sealed the door and turned off the gravity and air everywhere but here.

The spacesuit sat on the machine already finished. It looked skin tight and reminded Ryan more of something a fighter pilot wore, rather than one of those bulky NASA space suits.

Christiane whistled, “****. That’s one nice suit.”

She walked over to the suit, stripped her jump suit off, and put on the space suit. 

Next she began rummaging through the shelves, “Look at this, I’d say this place is a tool shop. Can’t tell what most of these **** things do, though.”

“Think you can figure out what they do?” Ryan wished he had an inventory list of this room.

Christiane held up something that looked like a torch and grinned, “Oh, I’ll find out.”