Chapter 15. Summoning the Great Sects to do my Homework
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What type of MC would you want to be in an isekai
  • Sage (Pervert prolly) Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Hero(Goodie two shoes) Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demon Lord (Edge Lord more like it) Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Beast Lord(Possible Furry, Definite Dog Owner Votes: 2 8.7%
Total voters: 23

The first person that needed a strength boost was clearly my father. I hadn't investigated my mother and any possible strengths she may have yet my sister and new friends had extremely rare talents that would take care of themselves even without my divine intervention, My father had an ability that was much more tricky. Everything that I knew about the Purgatory Soul Flame dictated that my father should be much stronger than he was at present based purely on the amount of people I had seen his flame absorb, the only explanation I could think of as to why he was not was that the Burning Soul Sect carried a secret technique that progressed the strength of the world inside the flame. I had once received the library of a subdivision of the Burning Soul Sect as payment for letting the Sect Master's second son be a servant of an inner disciple at my sect who showed some promise. I did this purely because I figured we needed more people with strange abilities in our sect but not once did I ever actually look in the library. It seemed that now was the time for it to be put to use. I didn't want to spend time on this so I decided to speed up the process by sending some capable people.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw a whole new world, a world where the laws of physics were not the same as in the normal world. When I looked around I could see that lush mountains and rivers surrounded me and when I looked down I saw a marble exquisite altar with hundreds of gifts littered about, when I turned around I saw a statue of my former self made of pure precious metals and gemstones. 

I suddenly heard a dainty voice from below me


I looked down and saw just the person I was looking for

"Dee Sei, How have you been?"

The veiled beauty in front of me looked towards me 

"I have a feeling that you have had a more entertaining time than me... why are you so much smaller?"

I sighed

"I decided I wanted to be younger for a change, I'm still the same god who created your world and controls literally every rule here"

The luscious beauty looked at me with a smirk on her lips that were colored as blue as the sky

"Except when it's your nap time?"  

I looked down on the one person in this world who would say her honest thoughts to me without worrying about offense

""Don't get cute with me, you're still my head priestess after all."

She stuck her tongue out innocently as I hopped down from my altar

"Tell all of the 8 great sects in this star system that I need to speak with them... they have 5 minutes"

She nodded before closing her eyes and opening her arms in reverence towards the sky and speaking in a booming reverberating voice that echoed through the heavens

"In the words of the lord of the realm. Send a message to the Sect Masters of the Shimmering Star Sect, the Bloodless Corpse faction, the Blessed Crane Commerce Chamber, the Liquid Thunder Sect, the Breathless Blade Sect, the Endless Devotion Hall, and the Bestial Heritage Land. They are to meet with the Lord of the Land within 5 minutes or vanish."

As soon as these words rang out to the heavens I saw them take physical shape in the starry sky being spelled out by the universe itself. 

'I really am glad I managed to get a priestess who holds a Heavenly Reverence soul, even though she is not part of my bloodline or at the Heaven Breaker realm she is able to enforce her will onto the universal script in my world due to her worshipping me.'

I waited 30 long seconds of being pestered by the prying and hungry eyes of this follower who had a "unique" look on her face. After these 30 seconds I noticed that 7 stars appeared to be closing in on the planet, as they got closer it was evident from their shimmering colors and elemental essence that these were not stars but were instead 7 cultivators of the Astral Ruler realm who each held unique variations in their body. They rapidly closed the distance so fast that space appeared to distort vividly around them. Once they reached the bottom of my altar they suddenly came to a stop while sweating and bowing with their heads nearly scraping the ground from a healthy mixture of fear and reverence.

They all spoke at the same time giving me an ominous feeling as it was strange for these 5 mature fogies and 2 voluptuous beauties to be bowing towards me like this


They soon looked up and saw my childish physique before adopting an inquisitive look to my priestess. 

"What? Do worms not even recognize the sky when the seasons change? This is indeed the lord of all who created this realm and countless others, in his infinite wisdom he has just decided to change his form to not intimidate small children like him... or do you weaklings doubt my judgement?"

The teasing and playful priestess from before was nowhere to be seen, what remained in her place was the demented enforcer of a powerful and flippant supreme deity. she put on a cold yet wild grin from ear to ear as she spoke to these powerhouses 3 realms beneath her

Though the fact that she was 3 realms above them would not have made a difference, she could have been a Qi Sensing realm waste and they would still be forced to bow to her in fear and awe, there may have been 3 great forces ruled by an Apex Realm overlord  yet everyone who was worth knowing knew that there was only one great force in this realm and it consisted of myself and Dee Sei, fighting against her would be like trying to fight against nature and the universe, sure some extremely powerful cultivators could defeat the universe but they would likely fall many realms and lose all of their heritage in the process.

The long bearded and shrewd old man with eyebrows far too thick to look anything but comical spoke first while still bowed

"These humble ones meant nothing by it your holiness, we simply were on awe of the fact that the lord is able to maintain his majesty even when confined to the body of a child."

As the shrewd old spoke Dee Sei sadistically chuckled into her hand while looking down at the old man

"It seems that the rumors of Commerce Lord Gon Moxing being more skilled with words than he is fighting are not baseless."

Just as the eyebrow man was about to give his thanks however he turned his eyes to someone I had just noticed behind him in fear with a harsh look in his eyes.

The reason I noticed this young man at all was not because the old man turned to look at him but because the reason the old man looked fearful was that this young little brat actually tried to scan me with his heavenly essence. Dee Sei also noticed this and immediately pounced like a lion seeing a young gazelle away from their herd

"It's a shame Commerce Coward Gon also has such horrible sense in guests... who is this presumptuous young bastard who dares to attempt to comprehend the lord?"

Gon Moxing did not even flinch at the remark made in reference to his name and instead took a pleading look

"I apologize greatly your holiness, I received the message in the middle of an auction where I was teaching my eldest grandson here the fundamentals of determining how to play your competitors against each other while reaping all the benefits for yourself, he is a naïve and stupid boy who has been too heavily doted on by his mother, I swear to teach him the immensity of the heavens upon returning home."

The boy appeared baffled yet did not voice his complaints as he was at least able to determine when he was out of his depths due to his grandfather. 

Dee Sei grinned even wider upon hearing this...oh no

"Well since he was doted on by his mother this could be expected, I suppose I will leave his discipline to you."

Several members of the group appeared slightly disappointed while the old man was skeptical, he had made a vast commerce organization not just through his cultivation but high intelligence and ability to judge peoples actions after meeting them once, he was clearly not foolish enough to believe this matter would be so simple to escape from. However questioning my priestess would be his worst possible move so he chose to not bring any further troubles onto himself,  this old man looked hilarious but he was obviously a very competent person.

"Then I will have to thank your holiness and your majestic divine lord for their auspicious nature."

after around ten seconds of silence however Dee Sei chose to speak with her cold smile still intact 

"Well? We're waiting... get to disciplining."

The old man finally understood the trap as the boys eyes grew as wide as saucers.

Gon Moxing was not a fool who put his family honor over their lives and immediately turned around with a solemn look on his face before yelling

"Will a fractured leg count as severe enough punishment?" 

I interjected before Dee Sei could speak as I was now a family man myself... in a way. 

"Ten slaps, ten slaps from you exerting power one major realm above him and we shall call it even."

This seemed like a minor punishment but it was substituting a fractured leg for an immense amount of pain, a slap from somebody a major realm above you would be like a normal person being hit with a steel baseball bat ten times swung by a pro athlete.

The boy took all ten of his slaps and did not fall once as that would have lost his family face in front of the other great forces. This boy made a stupid mistake but I did not hate his character.

With enough time wasted I decided to get to the business at hand

"Listen well, I chose your sects specifically because you were closest to me who could get this done, that should convey how quickly I require this task to be completed. The task itself is simple but requires effort that I simply do not wish to put in at this current moment."

Dee Sei intervened

"The Lord is basically saying it's time for you all to do the sole thing your worthless sects are allowed to live for."

I nodded as what she said was indeed true, I rarely needed to harness this realm as I was too strong on my own, this allowed them benefits other realms from lesser cultivators would not possibly receive.

"The task is a simple one, simply analyze a library I will provide you with and give me any information you learn about techniques or training methods regarding a Purgatory Soul Flame. As I am in a good mood there will be a reward for this task, complete it and you will each find your sect headquarters  main sources of spiritual energy generate 20 times more energy than usual and the energy holds a calming effect making any bottlenecks halved."

They were all shocked by my Walm*rt level deals. little did they know let lone 20, I could have given them 500 times the energy if I wanted.

I summoned the library behind me and they were shocked by the sheer quantity of books located inside of it, There were a good 50,000 books in each section making the total number of books around 350,000 large tomes containing crucial information

Dee Sei knew exactly what I was thinking

"You have 30 minutes... better hustle, if you can't find the information the Lord is looking for then you yknow... die."

And so the games began.




AN: HEY! you there! sorry for the break, actually I'm not sorry as it was really needed but I am sorry for not informing you. So in case you've been wondering where I've been... I JUST GRADUATED! between the 4 AP classes having finals AND AP exams as well as my computer being returned and having to wait for a new monitor I have been really busy. Also my dad's birthday happened last week and I always get in a weird mood because it's hard to not think about a dead loved one on their birthdays. anyways that's where I've been and I should be back to normal scheduling now that I graduated. I just started up another account on here too where I write so have fun trying to figure that scavenger hunt out. as always 15 favorites or followers for a new chapter before monday.