How They Met 1
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Shiva didn't understand how to cope up with all this information. *Heavens and hells, not only that each has seven different Lokas. It all sounds like fairy tale. Gods and demons. The things that were forgotten in the age of modern technology are now coming back to me one by one. The only image of Gods Shiva had was idols, and demons only appeared in stories.*

"Do Gods and Demons exist in this world?" ,asked Shiva.

Chief Amitabha paused for a moment and frowned. Shiva felt he may have asked something that he shouldn't. Nurse Zara mentioned about Demon King Mahisasur in reference to my dream. Is it forbidden to ask about Gods and Demons?

"Shiva, there is no specific information about Gods and Demons. But as you heard there are seven lokas, the chances of them exist is not totally impossible. We only know about 500 years ago, Lord Rudra sealed all three lokas. " ,said Officer Ray.

Chief Amitabha, "Yes, the information about these lokas are very limited. There is no other information about them, only the names exist in Puranas (ancient scripture). In Mohangar city, there is an ancient library. In my youth, I travelled there with my 'Guru Ji', and I learnt about the lokas from the Puranas. I was only Silver Rank Scholar then, that's why I wasn't able to read other Puranas in the library. One need higher ranks to read ancient Puranas. "

*Again ranking, this world revolves around ranks I guess. I should try to learn as much as I can from Chief Amitabha. – Shiva*

Shiva enquired, "Who is this Lord Rudra? And why did he seal the lokas?"

"The story of Lord Rudra sealed the three lokas has been passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. Who is Lord Rudra? And why he sealed the lokas 500 years ago is still unknown to us." ,said Chief Amitabha. 

Shiva asked again, "Is Lord Rudra a God?"

"Your assumption is not wrong, I, too have thought the same as you. Normal human beings don't have the power to seal the lokas and even if he was a mage, there should be a limitation of how much power he can wield. Many researchers investigated about the incident that took place 500 years ago. But they didn't come out anything yet and even if they do. It is impossible for normal people to know. Maybe there are some clues in the Puranas about, who is Lord Rudra? However, only high ranking Scholars and Mages have access to that." ,said Chief Amitabha.

In midst of conversation, a middle aged servant came with a tray in his hand, he placed the tray on the table and left. It was tea and snacks. Chief Amitabha served us tea and the snacks.

"Let's take a break and enjoy the tea and snacks." Proposed Chief.

Both Officer Ray and Shiva thanked Chief and picked up the cup to taste the tea.

A beautiful aroma was coming from it, it was red in colour. Shiva took a sip and his mouth filled with the taste of sweet lemon. *It tastes like lemon tea*.

"It is very refreshing." ,exclaimed Shiva and took another sip.

"I am glad you liked it," said Chief, "please try the samosa."

Shiva looked at the plate; he saw a triangle shaped food. Shiva picked up one samosa and took a bite. *It is so delicious, he never tasted something so delicious.* back in his world all the vegetables were harvested artificially and the taste of those foods are moreover same. You had to buy special seasoning to make food tasty and the cost of the seasoning was not affordable for everyone.

The fillings of the samosa tasted like potato, onion, cheese and some dried spices also mixed in it. Shiva took another bite and another and he finished it even before he realised.

"Shiva must have really liked the samosa.", said Officer Ray with a smiling face.

Both Village Chief and Officer Ray started laughing and Shiva felt a little embarrassed.

"It is really delicious and mouth watering, Officer Ray.", said Shiva.

"Hiya's cooking skill is really amazing. Her foods reminded me of her mother." Officer Ray.

Village Chief smiled and took a sip of tea, "Yes, she is a mirror reflection of her mother."

*So the tea and samosa was made by Hiya, I should give her a compliment on her cooking, the next time I see her. – Shiva*

Continued Chief Amitabha "It has been ten years since her mother died."

"It was a night terror for the villagers, it was only because of your wife that the village was saved or else the Bong Village would not have survived." Said Officer Ray with a sad face.

Shiva wanted to know what happened ten years ago and how Hiya's mother was related to it. He was in confusion whether to ask about this personal question. So he thought why don't ask for his permission.

"Chief Amitabha if you give permission, I would like to know what happened ten years ago and how did your wife die?" said Shiva.

Chief Amitabha finished the last sip of his tea, "There is no secrecy about it. Everyone in village knows about it."

"Then please tell me." Request Shiva.

Officer Ray, "Chief given the opportunity, I would also like to know how you two met."

"For that I have to go twenty years back. Jiya was a mage, a Gold Rank Mage, she was in an adventurer troop." Chief Amitabha began his story, "At that time I became the Village Chief, and the responsibility was huge. I tried my best to develop Bong Village. Everything was going smoothly until one day I was in my study room, discussing with Pandit Ji on how to increase the growth of corps, I heard someone shouting outside my house. I went outside to check who it was. He was wearing the guard's uniform. He was panting heavily and was afraid for some reason. I could hardly understand what he was saying. - Wild beasts. A lot of them. They already broke through the border defence and charging in. What… Wild beasts attacked our village. What is their rank and number? Around twenty and they were three tailed blood wolf said the guard. 

Three tailed blood wolf ranked as Silver Ranked wild beast, they are ferocious beasts who love to hunt their prey and slaughter them brutally. Usually a pack of wild beasts consist five or six and a pack is never get along with another pack. So it was unimaginable that so many wild beasts attacking together. This was not something that we could handle by ourselves. I ordered the guard to take the guards that were placed inside the village and fend against the wild beasts. I went inside study room and told Pandit Ji about the incident. He advised me to call the adventurer, only they can handle the wild beasts. Without wasting any time, I took out the communication crystal and contacted the adventurer guild. They told me it would take at least one hour time to reach here. One hour was enough for a village to disappear. But thanks to Officer Ray's father we were able to buy time.

Officer Ray that night your father demonstrated a lot of courage and might. He held his ground against the wild beasts with bravery. He killed two Three Tailed Blood Wolf by himself."

Officer Ray felt proud, his facial expression clearly reflected, noticed Shiva.

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