Ch 2. A sweet couple (Updated)
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I was restless. Elisa is coming! She is all that binds me to the palace.

[I want to talk to her. We have really a lot to talk about but for now my main goal is to spend as much time as I can outside of the city.]

“Was there something else you wanted?” (George)

“Yes, there is. When you will exit the city take some guards with you.” (King)

“Is something wrong?” (George)

Silence was the answer. Is he thinking what to say?

“Is it mandatory?” (George)

“Yes...” Father said that with regret showing in his voice. “Something is coming. There were villages burned to the ground all across the country. Right now we don't know the reason but it could be caused by bandits sponsored by one of our neighbors…”

The kingdom is in constant state of cold war with its neighbours. Liran was established centuries ago in fertile lands near border of the known world. It has access to almost infinite amount of minerals, fresh water and forest. The only downside is the demon attacks. Demons live to the north of Liran where the border of the known world lies. Beyond castles and outposts of humankind lies barren land of death. The eastern border of the kingdom is the Patutu ocean where the largest cities of Liran were founded as trading and fishing outposts and soon flourished. The capital city of Antioch is known as the largest trade port of Kina continent and even has connections with the other continents. Just by existing Liran attracts greed and jealousy of its neighbours so border conflicts and small invasions are a common occurence.

“I got it, I got it… No need to spook me with those ‘bandit’ rumors.” (George)

All that I ask is that you are to be cautious!” (King)

I patted my Fathers shoulder and left. Before Elisa arrived I should buy her something nice.

In throne room all chandeliers were lit. The king and the first prince were sitting in their thrones with their aides standing behind. Nobles were waiting for an important guest. I, the second prince, was waiting with the rest of the royal family a bit further. The entire place was filled with gossip and rumors. This toxic atmosphere is suffocating.

[I beg you, please! Just arrive sooner!]

 My tantrum ended with the doors being opened. An old man with medals all over his chest entered the hall. A girl followed him. The announcer shouted.

The noble count of Iri has arrived!

Old man approached the throne and knelt, so did the girl.

“You did a great service to us, count Bennon. We are pleased.” (King)

“I am but a humble servant of Your Majesty” (Count)

With the ceremony concluded began the ball. I was not too interested in it but still had to attend.

What was more interesting came in the late evening and began to pound in the door of my room.

“Please come in!” I could not contain my joy.

“George, here I am!” Cheerful being known as Elisa came in and shut the door.

“Now we can talk a bit.” (George)

Wish we could talk all night…” (Elisa)

Everyone knows that noble marriage not always filled with love. But I am somewhat lucky with Elisa being so much in love with me. Since my childhood we were always together. We were playing each time she was in the capital, and when we were twelve our parents decided to betroth us. While Elisa was ecstatic I was not so optimistic. For me she was always more of a sister, a friend. But I was alright with her being close to me, not to mention how alright she was with that.

“Your sixteenth birthday is approaching, you know that?” I teased her a bit.

“Huu…” She was not too happy about it. Her birthday will be celebrated in the Iri fief and I could not attend.

Suddenly she became as happy as always but I knew why.

“Yes, yes. Just wait for a moment.” I took a small box out of the wardrobe.

“You are the best!” A cheering and laughing being jump into my hands like a kitten. Looks like she liked my early gift.

A few hours later

“You are really going to pass all the celebrations?” Elisa was dumbfounded.

“I will go tomorrow.” (George)

“How about…” I interrupted her immediately.

“It's too dangerous” (George)

“But…!” And did so again.

“Even I will be going with some guards.” She could only puff out her cheeks in discontent.

She looked at the clock and said “You are meanie! I will take my leave.” She looked offended but knowing her for so long…

[Yes, yes. Keep up the acting. You sure will become the greatest actress in the royal court.]

While she was closing the door she turned around and smiled. “Good night, George!”

“Good night.” (George)

In the morning first thing I did was preparation. The best knights of kingdom will escort me on my short trip but it doesn't cancle the need to prepare or to know what I even take with me.

[Supplies, check. Tent, check. Swords, che…]

“You are really leaving me?” Of course she was already here.

“Elisa, I really can't take you with me, not this time.” (George)

“I mean you even will not have a breakfast with me?” (Elisa)

[I am too soft on her.]

Thought I while following her. Giggle of the knight followed as I entered the palace.