Becoming an Incubus Ch 20
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Ch 20


The early morning light was peaking in through the windows and Abbey and Michelle were both snuggled up on either side of me. After a few more moments they began to stir and soon they were awake. “Good morning, how did you guys sleep?” Abbey as usual was chipper and did not seem to find it at all unusual that all of us had shared a bed last night. Of course, she had not even hesitated at sharing me with Ms. Moone.


            Michelle made us all a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast which I had no appetite for, following which Abbey quickly got herself ready and headed out. She still intended to go to work it seemed. I started to protest but Michelle interjected, stating that it would be fine for Abbey to go to work for now. Soon afterwards I found myself sitting with Michelle at her kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee and trying to think of what I should do next.


            “So how long have you been an incubus? From what Abbey told me it can’t be for very long.” She launched into conversation as if his entire life was not being upturned by the current goings on. “Only a few days now, not quite a week.” My voice was a bit shaky, but I managed to answer her question. “Ah so you really are new. You’ll have to pardon my curiosity but as a witch seeing a flesh and blood demon is something of a treat.”


            I was looking at Michelle, not quite sure what to say to this. “Are demons really that rare then? I got the impression from going to church when I was little that demons were pretty common.” She started laughing when she heard this. “You can go ahead and forget most of what the church taught you about demons and the like. For now, there are just a few important things to remember.


            Firstly, there are seven categories of demons, one for each deadly sin. You are a lust demon; they are pretty rare because there are only two variations and there are specific circumstances that have to be fulfilled in order for them to create new ones. Demons of sloth are the most rare because they have the least drive to do anything and so rarely procreate. The most common demons are those pertaining to wrath and greed. Any questions so far?”


            It sounded pretty simply when she said it like that but there had to be more to it. “How are demons different from humans though? And also, why does the church want to destroy me so bad?” Ms. Moone gave me a bit of a complicated look before answering my questions. “Straight into the deep end then, no getting your feet wet. Very well then.


            “The primary difference between demons and humans is that humans are extremely limited. They can only hold a certain amount of magickal energy in their body and their lives are relatively short by comparison. On the other hand, they can reproduce with far more ease. On the other hand, demons, who can become stronger as they get older and harness greater amounts of magickal energy within their bodies can eventually become strong enough to pose a threat to humans even with our large numbers.


            As a result of this and the fact that most demons need to feed on humans in some form in order to survive many humans decided that demons were a predator and needed to be exterminated. Then in the early days of the war between demons and humans the church was formed. It got to the bit about salvation and all that after the fact, but the hidden truth is that they exist first to destroy demons and second to save mankind from their sins.”


            I was trying to process all that she had told me. So, the church hunted down demons because they needed to feed on humans, even if the feeding wasn’t necessarily harmful like the case with succubae and incubae. At the same time demons could only reproduce by turning humans and had the ability to get must stronger than humans and outlive them. This added to the fear and persecution.


            “So, let me get this straight. The church only exists to hunt down demons and all that about saving people’s souls is secondary?” I needed to confirm a few points. “Yes, that’s right. As a matter of fact, the reason they wrote the scriptures was to give people a fable to believe in while they donate their money to fund the war. At the same time, too much time has passed and now even they have forgotten that their organization began as a farce.”


            “Ok, so if they are coming to kill me because they are afraid of me getting stronger and such, and they also are a major organization with connections all over the world, the only question left to ask is what can I possibly do to escape from them? Speaking of which, won’t you be in trouble since you helped me?”


            I was starting to feel a rising sense of panic at the information that she was disclosing to me. How was I supposed to escape from a group of people that literally spanned the globe? While my mind spun around with possible ways that this could end badly, I heard Ms. Moone start to chuckle and looked up to see her hiding a smile behind her hand.


            “What is so funny? I am in deep shit and so are you for helping me!” At this she laughed harder and then after a moment managed to calm herself and spoke to me again. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, you just look so cute when you are flustered.


             Firstly, calm down, this isn’t the middle ages and the church doesn’t have the power to come kicking in my front door for a witch hunt. Second, they can only act as they did in a limited fashion. You work in a fast food place so they aren’t turned away but at Abbey’s job they would be lynched for going in there, most priests aren’t so welcome at goth bars.” At the words coming out of her mouth I felt myself getting a bit hot around the ears. Perhaps I was thinking rashly but they had taken me in my home.


            “You of course cannot go back to living at your apartment or working in that burger joint you call a job, but your life does not have to be over. Here in the city I have many connections that will be willing to offer you employment simply off of my recommendation. Beyond that we will simply have to find you a new place to live and this time ward it properly so that they cannot find you. I would invite you to stay here but I only have a small space and it isn’t big enough for you, me, and Abbey.”


            I felt a giant knot unclenching from within my chest. “So, I don’t have to go into hiding then?” She gave me a serene look and then replied, “No you don’t have to go into hiding. You can help me out here at my shop for today and tonight I will make some phone calls about finding you work. As soon as we have a job secured for you, we can find you someplace to live. Other than that, I’ll teach you how to harness some of the magick that you produce so naturally by consuming lust energy and soon the church won’t have such an easy time fucking with you.”


            I wanted to cry. Not only had this lady put her life on hold in order to come and rescue me just because of Abbey but she was planning to get me a new job and teach me magick as well. It was kind of sad to say but she had already done more for me than my family had combined during my life. After a while, Michelle got up and cleaned up breakfast before leading me down into the shop below. I had expected it to be slow but there was already a small line forming at the front door, waiting for the shop to open.


            “Here, take this duster and start cleaning things at the back of the shop and work your way forward. After I have taken care of the shoppers, I’ll look for something else to keep you occupied. She handed me a feather duster and pointed to the far end of the shop away from the front door and the customers. Couldn’t be helped I guess; I didn’t know anything about what she was selling here and would not be of much use to anyone.


            As directed, I went to the back of the store and started knocking the dust off of the merchandise and shelves on which they sat. From the front I heard a customer talking to Michelle, “Do you have anymore of that sage you sold me last week? I know you said it was special because it was harvested during the blue moon, but it cleanses my energies so much better than the regular stuff.” I had no idea what they were talking about with sage and blue moons and the like, but Michelle seemed to know exactly what they wanted because I soon heard her responding in a cheerful voice.


            Oh yes, this woman knew her business, even if I did not and her customers seemed like the type who would come here religiously for not only supplies but advice as many had questions as well as a list of herbs and crystals that they wanted.


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