4 Disillusioned Hope
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Sorry really short one today


A harsh ringing noise presented itself before being ignored, going through his same routine the commander couldn't help but smile.

 “Yesterday even with so much going on it was still quite.... Fun” the same dark oak boarded room greeted his eyes before being committed to memory

As per usual he went to unlock the door before noticing something odd. The door which would have been resting heavily on its side was actually in fact opened a small portion.

 Opening it fully had an air of uncertainty to it. Instead of the fair haired blonde girl he had expected two of his superiors from the office of admiralty greeted him with disgruntled expressions.

 “Ahh….” the commander tried to let out but stopped due to the two men before him looking on in disappointment. “Scuffle with a Civilian, unauthorized taking of a war machine, and inflicted battery on a badly hurt civilian”

 as his superior  listed off the events from yesterday his jaw dropped. “What gives you the right to think you can do whatever the hell you want admiral?!”

 the other one said, cutting in seemingly unable to contain his anger. The commander was at a loss of words,” how was he able to have such a clear cut report of the events that transpired yesterday?. 

Then only other person who was there was….” he looked up into the amethyst colored pupils staring off into the distance.

 Huddled next to one of his admiral superiors was a lithe blonde pig-tailed girl with black and white hair beads with a shocked expression. “What?” he thought wide eyed.

 “Did she…..?” the questions in his mind didn't  get very far before the admiral in front of him slammed down the reports.

 With a grunt he huffed out an exhausting sigh. “Commander, I know about your incident with enterprise and her civilian boyfriend however don't you think I've given you enough chances?”

 the admiral next to him enraged lashed out at his partner “sir do you really think just reprimanding him is a justifiable cause anymore?!”

 “the young man went on before being silenced by the older man in front of him. “Don't get all high and mighty lieutenant , the man before you was actually one of our best commanders to have ever walked this very dock.”

 with a furrowing brow he parted his eyes towards the young man before closing them momentarily.”even better than you, lieutenant”.

 “However that doesn't  negate your comparable actions anymore commander” with a much heavier sigh than before he took a step forward  handing the commander a piece of paper with various naval personnel names written on it.

 “Commander, I'm sorry but i'm going to have to ask you to resign” taking his hat off and bowing to the admiral before he left the room  giving him  another punch to the gut.

 Also im going to have to ask you to clear this room out by tonight.” “tonight?” the commander says spinning around in even more shock than before.

 “Yes Lady Warspites Commander is coming back tomorrow and will take over your position. Before completely closing the door the man said one last parting.

 “You truly were one of  the best I had ever seen, godspeed commander” as the door behind him slammed shut, his position in the situation became intensely more apparent.

“I see I didn't expect the situation to play out like this” the last visitor who has yet to leave says before appearing before the weak kneed commander.

 “Why? Didn't we have a good time yesterday?” the commander 's voice was almost in tears from shock. 

“I had a great time yesterday commander however, some things you have no control over wouldn't  you of all people agree, no?”

 the commander wobbled over to his desk chair before his legs buckled  and gave out. “I see” he says before staring off into the distance.

 “Commander” the girl says before turning to face him again. “It's not all bad they said you would still be able to live in your naval dorm after all you played such an important role in the zoracocst conflict”

 “get out” surprised by this the girls eyes turned right back into a  mocking smile.

 “Commander make sure to have this cleared out by tonight alright?” as she said this she grabbed the doorknob and closed it right behind her.

 As soon as she left the commander couldn't hold it back anymore.

 “I guess i couldn't do it anymore after all, dear” tracing the photograph on his desk with a finger he realized something strange it's placed had moved suspiciously. The commander however,didn't care anymore.

 “so she snooped around again doesn't matter since i'm not a commander anymore” 

clasping the picture in his hand tightly she finally got up and started arranging things from small items to large ones he didn't mind giving away.

 he didn't know what time he had started and ended however he knew in the time that had transpired had turned day into night.

 Taking one last box to the door he looked back at the now empty naval office.

noticing something high up and out of view, he Walked over towards the unusually high shelf and took it down noticing the hefty  weight behind the item. 

A long  jeweled and encrusted pistol  lay in his hands, “ah yes you did always believe in me” running his finger along the long barrel of the ceremonial handgun he couldn't help but let a lone tear fall. 

Closing his eyes and looking up into his own head he visualized her figure and voice and personality before calmly opening his eyes and placing the handgun in with the rest of his boxed stuff. 

“Sure has been a long time huh?” giving the view from the naval office one last glance he made one final glance over everything before closing the heavy office doors for the last time.

Rubbing off the dust of the key hanger above him, he set the overused key set on it before turning his back to his stuff. 

“One by one i suppose” as he said this he slowly moved all his things from in front of his office into his small naval dorm.

 “Closing the door to his dorm for the last time he looked out into the windy night and took in a breath of fresh air.

 “Perhaps i should move on and discover something else to love, like you suggested”  closing the window he took out the framed photograph from before and hugged it tightly. 

“Dear, I miss you so much” if crying was a sport the commander that night, would win every competition ever planned.