Chapter 22 – Going Home
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It’s not long before we find Zee taking off their visor and holding out their arms for their incoming drone, Navi crashing against them and the thembo catching them with an oof. They wave to us with a big smile as we close in on them from the entrance of the alley way.

“Okay. That. WAS AWESOME!!” 

They’re already bouncing on their toes from excitement, the stars in their eyes having lasted through the night. It wasn’t even an hour, but it always feels so exhausting, mentally and physically. Even if they didn’t have any physical labour, I can tell from the bags under their eyes that they’re pretty tuckered. 

“So, when’s the next heist?”

“Right now,” Cat says immediately and dryly. “It’s called getting your butt back in bed and sleeping. When do you usually wake up anyways?”

“Huh? Oh, uhh, usually around 5 or 6 am?” 

My partner and I already have a sneaking suspicion about what’s about to come out of Zee’s mouth next. 

“...And when you go to sleep?” Cat asks reluctantly.

“Don’t worry about it!” They answer Cat enthusiastically, as if a suspicious sleep schedule is something to be proud of. The two of us groan and shake our heads. “Oh, don’t worry, I got some sleep on the train ride here and I’ll get some on the way back!”

“Half an hour naps do not combat sleeping for 4 hours a day, Zee,” I say plainly, crossing my arms as my tail swishes gently behind me.

“Alright, alright,” they say, waving their hands dismissively. “So if there’s no reason to take the train, then who’s carrying me home?”


We both blink at Zee, who chuckles back at us. “Y’know, like. Like picking me up and carrying me home?” 

Cat and I stand there blankly for a moment before talking over each other.

“I’ll do it--” I start.

“I can do it!” Cat chimes in, cutting me off.

“No, Cat, you’ve been through a lot tonight, you should relax.”

“I’m also really really strong and won’t let a bad night get me down!”

“You could drop them! Please, take care of yourself--”

“Carrying Zee is self care, so there.”

I can only groan as Cat sticks her tongue out at me playfully while I rub my face tiredly before shaking my head. 

“Fine, fine. Participate in self care.” 

Cat squeaks as she bounces forward, moving quickly around Zee and picking them up bridal style… Bridethem style? (Oh my) Much to their delight. 

“You might want to put that visor back on, though,” I add. “We are going to be moving fast.” 

Zee nods at me and slides it on. Even if they’re not meant to be protective goggles, they’re better than nothing. And with that, we speed off into the night, leaving the city behind us as we return to the town of Railsent.


We make it back to our shack without issue, though we seem to come across one as I open the door and look behind me at the other two.

“...You gonna, uhh…let them down?”

“Do I have to?” Cat asks playfully, causing me to sigh in response which earns a chuckle from Zee.

“It’s okay, Cat,” they begin, reaching up and around the back of her head, scritching behind her ear and watching her perk up before immediately relaxing. “We’ve got a whole day together tomorrow! I’ll make sure to get enough sleep, then I can introduce you to my friends and we’ll have a great time, all of us!” 

Cat nods lazily, lowering Zee onto their skates before shaking her head, getting out of her daze.

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Cat smiles at Zee as she walks over to my side. “Just be sure to come find us, we still don’t know where your house is.” 

The tech wiz gives a thumbs up. It’s slightly less enthusiastic than usual as a result of their drowsiness but the energy is still the same.

“It’s a date then!” 

My mind harkens back to Yombroila’s spit take from earlier this night, because that is certainly the mood the both of us are feeling, even if Zee is just playing around. 

“You two have a goooood night! Don’t let the phalanx bite!” And with that, they zoom off into town.

Cat and I get inside and I close the door behind us, stretching my arms up into the air with a squeak as Cat makes her way to her room, looking beaten and exhausted.

“...You doing alright, kitty?” I barely have time to register what came out of my mouth before Cat jolts, slowly looking back at me with a flushed face. “E-err, Kitten. Cat. S-sorry, that just kind of--”

“No, it’s alright. It’s good even!” Cat smiles at me and takes a few steps closer as I sigh, then smiling back at her. “Ah, I mean… Like… I dunno, I…”


She perks up again before huffing at herself, “...Again.”


“Could you…say it again?”

I swish my tail playfully, taking her by the paw and leading her into her room, sitting her slightly confused self down on her bed with myself next to her. 

“Are you alright, kitty?”

Her ears slide down and her smile returns. I bring my hand up to her shoulder and smile back at her.

“You can relax now, kitty, I promise.” My hand moves up to her head as I try to find the sweet spot, patting her head and scritching behind her ear before…


The girl begins to fall towards me, at first simply leaning on me before she comes crashing down onto my lap. God she’s so cute. I continue to indulge her, one claw for her head, the other running through her long hair. It’s so soft and well maintained, especially considering what we just went through. This is nice. Cat’s been taking care of me so much lately, it feels nice to offer her the same oh my god she’s purring. Her tender vibrations rumble through my heartstrings and I feel I could melt into her too, if I wasn’t already too busy tending to her to keep this going. Looking down at her face, eyes closed, smiling softly and happily, her tail… Moving to wrap around mine… Her arms even come to wrap around my thigh, the girl snuggling into my lap even more.

I love her. I love this girl so much. I want nothing more than to keep her happy and safe. Like we are now. Oh, what I’d give to live a quiet, happy life, together with her. Quiet still includes heists of course, but…if we could just not have to worry about anything else. If we could just…have each other…


But I have to break myself out of the trance. I don’t know why, but… I can’t have that yet, or at all, can I? Cat is probably into women, right? And I’m… I’m not a…

“Mmm… Hey, why’dnya stop…?”

I’m brought back out of my thoughts as Cat addresses me and smiles. I offer a weak smile in return.

“Sorry, we should probably be getting to bed, shouldn’t we?” I ask. My partner pulls herself up out of my lap, slowly and sleepily, reaching up to rub her sleepy eyes. Oh no. Fox don’t… “...Unless you want…to…”

“Hmm? What’s up, Fox…?”

But I shake my head. “It’s nothing.” 

It’s not nothing. It is so very much not nothing, but I’ll keep that to myself for now. We joked about it just days ago, but… I’d really love to share a bed with her. That’s probably pushing our boundaries a bit… 

“Just get some good rest, alright?” I throw myself off her bed, my feet no longer reaching the ground from just sitting on the bed’s edge. “Or else I’ll be upset.” 

Cat snorts at me before giving me a wave of her paw. “Same goes to you too then, alright? Have a good night, Fox.”

“You too, Cat. Lov--”

I have to cover my mouth before that last part comes out all on its own. Dammit. Dammit! Why does she have to be so amazing, so wonderful that I feel strong enough for these feelings to force their way out of me?! I duck out of Cat’s room without even seeing if she reacted in any way, jumping straight into bed and throwing all my clothes onto the usual chair. Wrapped around my tail, and a blanket wrapped around me, sleep comes for me and my racing heart soon enough…


It’s this forest again. Same dream as before. I’m wandering through these shimmering woods, on all fours, tail calmly swishing back and forth as I let the tranquil stroll take me. I like this, actually. At first, it was a bit odd and frightening to suddenly be…just a fox, but there’s something calming about it here, on top of the relaxing nature of this forest. Something about…not caring. Not worrying. I’m just an animal in these woods. I’m supposed to be here. I suppose it’s a bit lonely, but I’m sure I’ll find someone eventually. Maybe Cat. I’d like that. Cat and I here together. Even if Zee’s not an animal, they’d be nice to have too. Yeah. Thinking about what I want rather than everything that would worry me about wanting them… Things will work out. 

Oh, there’s someone ahead now! They’re a glowing figure, sitting atop a grave at the base of the giant tree at the center of forest. The grave is overgrown with moss, vines, and flowers. I get closer. I don’t even feel the need to be cautious, as if the light around them is inviting me. They’re a robed figure and I would imagine they’re not that tall for a humanoid person, but it’s hard to tell from my height. Their head, though, is even harder to figure out. It’s reptilian in nature, but it’s hard for me to put a claw on which reptile specifically. They have a long snout with a round-ish end, no hair atop their scales, just a pretty face.

“Komodo dragon,” they say suddenly, though, their voice does not alarm me, not with its sweet, yet steady tone. “Most have to ask what I am, I don’t take any offense though.” 

They turn their head to me and smile and, god dammit, it is a bright smile. They pat a cozy looking spot on the roots next to the grave, and I take their invitation, curling up beside them. 

“I’m afraid I don’t quite know your name yet.” 

I look up at them and tilt my head. Why would they know my name? I’m just a fox after all. Yet somehow, I feel I could trust them with my name, were I able to give it. 

“How rude of me, though. Please, know me as the lady named Penny.” 

I hope my smile is apparent. She has a lovely name. I give her a nod, and she gives one in return. 

“My friend has not brought anyone here in a long time, you know. Let alone one as…foxy, so to speak, as yourself.” 

I wonder just what she means by that. It’s nothing to worry about though. I am a fox, after all. 

“Then again, I’ve not brought myself to her home in quite some time either. It’s rather rude to walk into someone’s house while they’re out, though, isn’t it?” 

I would laugh if I could. Breaking and entering is all I know. 

“...You’re a peculiar one, aren’t you? I hope to continue to meet you, here, if you’d like. It is much more pleasant than my very very distantly great granddaughter seeing you, though, I do hope that, in time, she will come to see you in the same light I do.” 

Penny’s hand comes down atop my head, gently running through my fur as my eyes begin to close, and sleep takes me once more…


...And I awaken. It’s morning, a bright morning with the sun shining through my window and onto my bed. With a yawn and I stretch, I throw my covers off me, forgetting that I’d not bothered to change into sleep wear my feet oh my god my feet. The fox inside has spread further outwards, claiming my once bulky, stompy feet. Now, in their place, I see from my calves downward has turned into fox legs, digitigrade and all. Well this…shouldn’t be too much of a problem, right? Shoes might be a bit uncomfortable, but I’m sure I can maneuver well enough in them despite the changes.

It’s odd. Not the changes themselves, but rather, that I’m growing increasingly less anxious about them. Sure, it’ll be a pain to fit in with them, but… I like not seeing the large hairy feet I had before. Well, hairy in a human way. Whatever. As much as I’ve given up on ridding myself of the changes, it still feels like a dream, and that I’ll wake from it at any moment, returning to the harshness of reality. Okay, too early in the morning for this. I get out of bed and--

Whoa. Okay. Feet. Gonna take some getting used to. They’re strong, but they’re delicate at the same time, making me feel so dainty atop them. It’s okay, though. It’s not as if walking around on tiptoes is new to me. I get some clothes out for the day, resisting the urge to borrow something from Cat’s wardrobe that probably wouldn’t fit me anyways, but I like the idea of it. No I don’t. Stop.

Opening my door, I see Cat has gotten up and out at just the same time as myself. 

“Good morning, kitty.”

Her expression immediately brightens with a smile. “G’morning, Fox! So, uhh. How ‘bout them feet.”

“Please don’t say it like a weirdo, Cat,” I beg her, the girl snickering at me as we walk towards the kitchen and prepare some breakfast. 

Looking down, though, I see her transformation is in sync with mine. Those are definitely cat paws. Honestly, the more I think about it the less I even want to bother with shoes, it sounds way too uncomfortable.

Socks should be fine enough.