Vol 03 Ch08: Lycan #13
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Chapter 08A: Lycan #13 – Lycan Vs Owari (Perspective: Lycan #13)

“Stay back, Lilicia-san,” I shout as Owari and I charge towards each other.

I feint my run and flank him from the side. However, my swift claw suddenly feels like I'm pushing it through dense water. Owari swiftly dodges my slow attack and slashes at me with one of his katanas. I grab my attacking arm with my other arm, pull it back and jump back to safety.

“For a fighter like you, my power is the worst possible match up.” Owari states confidently.

“That Energy Absorption trait is truly a pain.” I state back. That's right, that's why my hand suddenly slowed down whilst I was attacking him. He was draining the momentum in my claw's kinetic energy.

“As you are a Hex Class, Lycan, you should know that isn't all I can do.” Owari smiles and suddenly disappears.

“URGHH!!” I yelp in pain, Owari's katana is lodged into my leg. He released so much kinetic energy and moved so quickly that even I couldn't react.

“LYCAN-SAN!!” Lilicia-san's scream is enough to distract my attention from the blood coming out of my thigh.

I can't let myself become that monster.

“You do know that Kinetic is not the only energy I have control over, don't you?”

“URGGHHHAA!!” I scream as Owari releases electric energy through his katana.

But now is my chance. I grit my teeth and bare the pain as I slash Owari with my claws. Owari shows a shocked expression, but quickly jumps back.

I miss his vitals but my claw slashes his shoulder and fresh blood pours out, Owari doesn't seem concerned about it though. I use the pain in my thigh to distract my senses and stop myself from becoming that monster.

I pull the katana out my thigh and charge, using my speed I attack him from behind. However, I feel no resistance when my claw slashes his neck. An illusion.

Using my other senses I feel a presence behind me. I quickly turn round.

“I told you, kinetic isn't the only form of energy I control.”

He used light energy to create a mirage of himself!! Owari slashes at me, I side step with quick movement and slash with my claws,

HHAAARRGGHHHHH!!” Owari suddenly screeches before my attack can connect.

“”URGGGHHHHHH!!”” Lilicia-san and I scream in agony as the horrible noise reverberates. For me who has super hearing, that sudden loud noise was very effective. I jump back whilst holding down my wolf ears. Blood trickles out from them, the horrible sound ruptured them.

“Kinetic, Thermal, Light, Electric, Magnetic, Sound, and even Nuclear. I can absorb, convert, and release all these different forms of energy.”

His screech before was a usage of Sound Energy. Being able to use such a variety of abilities makes him difficult to fight against.

“Energy Conversion?” Lilicia-san says from the distance as her body shakes. She understands just how frightening of an ability it truly is. A completely different type of power from me.

“However, Lycan, even though due to its nature I've had to seal away nuclear for this fight,” Owari stares at his bleeding shoulder, “To think that you were able to wound me. As I thought, your rank as the number three may come more from the fact that you can't be controlled.”

Like I care, I was never in the Hex Class because I wanted to be!!

“However, I've played with you long enough. Bind Thirteen.”

What!? The restraining collar I'm wearing suddenly changes colour and my entire body loses all of its strength. He could have bound me any time he wanted. From the very beginning he was just toying with me. I never had any hope to start with.

“Lycan-san!!” Lilicia-san shouts, but my body can't move.

“Damn it!! You dirty scum!!

“One way or another, victory would certainly have been mine, this just speeds up the inevitable.” Owari smiles as he brandishes his katana, “Now you receive the death suitable for a traitor. Die!!” The blade edges to my neck when.

“Lilicia-chan!!” Another voice emerges. Owari's blade stops prematurely. I turn to its source, standing there with a white dog at his side is Yuichi Shiro.

Chapter 08B: Lycan #13 – The Meaning Behind The Wolf's Tears

After running for god knows how long we've finally found Lilicia-chan. But what's going on? Who is that about to kill Lycan?

“Yuichi-niisama!!” Lilicia-chan cries, don't worry, now that we're here everything will be fine.

“Change of plans,” The man says, “You can make yourself useful, Lycan.” He states as he draws a small knife from his pocket and stabs his hand.

Just what kind of sick masochist is this guy? He puts his mouth to his hand and drinks the blood and then grabs Lycan, forcing her to look at him.

“No!! Nii-sama, please stop him!!” Lilicia-chan shouts. I don't know what's going on, but I create a silver javelin and launch it at the guy. But before it connects my silver suddenly loses its power and falls to the ground.

“What the hell!?” I scream in shock. “What did he do!?”

“Such an attack is worthless, Yuichi Shiro.” The man smiles confidently as he forces his lips onto the wounded Lycan.

Shit! what's with all the sexual harassers I've been meeting recently?

“Damn!!” I create and launch another javelin. But the attack falls powerlessly to the ground again.

“Calm yourself, Master. You're just wasting your energy. I don't understand the reason, but he must have some sort of barrier.”

“He's absorbing the kinetic energy,” Lilicia-chan shouts, “That man can absorb, convert, and utilise different forms of energy.” She explains.

“Uhh, Wolfy, what does kinetic mean?” I ask.

“Movement, Master. He stole all the energy being used to launch the silver, that's why it fell to the floor. That is one nasty power he has. And it may not be limited to just kinetic.”

Is now really the time for admiration?

“Lycan-san!!” Lilicia-chan's scream draws my attention to the wolf girl, who's eyes lose their life and are replaced by something much more ferocious.

I shoot another javelin at the man but the result doesn't change. Does this mean he simply can't be harmed in any way?

The man releases Lycan, “Unbind Thirteen.” He says. Lycan's collar changes colour and she glares at Wolfy and I with menacing eyes. But I notice something out of place.

“She's...crying...” I whisper, stunned from the sight.

“Master!!” Wolfy shouts, breaking me out of my trance quick enough to dodge Lycan's sharp claw.

She moves way too quickly.

“Nii-sama!!” Lilicia-chan shouts, that man is holding her,

“Damn you!!Knowing I can't hit the man, I create a silver chain and throw it more skilfully than any cowboy to Lilicia-chan, but the man moves in the way and grabs the chain himself.

“URGHHH!!” I scream as I feel a jolt of electricity run through my body. I instinctively disperse the silver chain and fall to my knees.

“NII-SAMA!!” Lilicia-chan screams.

“MASTER!!” Wolfy shouts, I turn around to see Lycan charging, her claws ready to slash. Due to suddenly being electrocuted I can't dodge, and I can't manifest my silver quick enough to guard the attack.

“GRAAAHH!!” Luckily Wolfy is a lot more alert than me and rams her with his body. She stumbles but remains on her feet.

“Sorry, Wolfy.” I state as I create my Silver Sword and get back to my feet.

“I leave them to you, Lycan.” The man states as his and Lilicia-chan's body begins to turn transparent.

“Lilicia-chan!!” I scream at the fading figure.

“Nii-sama, she's a victim, please save Lycan-san.” Lilicia-chan says with a tear filled smile as she disappears.

“NOOO!!” I failed again. “DAMN IT TO HELL!!”

“Master! we need to concentrate on the enemy before us! We will definitely save Lilicia-sama. Remember, even though you may slip a few times, you will always receive the best ending to any situation. That's what makes Master, Master.”

“You're right, Wolfy. It's not like they're going to kill her. By the end of the day I'll definitely save her, or else I'm not Yuichi Shiro, beauty incarnate.” I declare with renewed determination as I stare at our opponent.

Lilicia-chan's last words, please save Lycan. And those tears, there is definitely more to this girl.

“Wolfy what do you think?”

“That wound on her leg was caused by that man's blade. Judging by her scent she is the one who was accompanying Lilicia-sama. I don't understand the reason, but she was definitely trying to help before.”

“Well, Lilicia-chan asked me to save her. Wolfy, avoid causing fatal blows, we're taking her alive.”

“Understood, Master.” I enter a stance with my Silver Sword. As Lycan glares at us like a beast ready to pounce.

“Silver bullet!!” I shoot several small pieces of silver aiming for Lycan's legs, but she dodges with swift movement despite her wound.

Wolfy shoots a fireball, but Lycan tears it in half straight down the centre and charges at Wolfy.

“Wolfy get back!!” I shout as I manifest a wall of silver in front of him. Lycan slashes right through it but it slows her down long enough for Wolfy to escape her deadly claws. I have the remains of the wall turn into spikes and shoot at her, but she disappears from sight. I feel a presence behind me and dive to one side without turning around, a good decision on my part, as Lycan slashes where I was stood just a moment ago.

“Her speed is unfair.” I remark.

“No use complaining, Master.” Wolfy states as he shoots several fireballs. Lycan jumps in the air to dodge them and then kicks off the side of the wall, towards the opposite wall, and then towards me, I quickly roll backwards and avoid the incoming claw as Lycan skids across the floor.

“Silver Cube!!” I call out another attack name, I should stop making a habit of this. A bunch of silver surrounds Lycan from every angle encasing her in a box, but...

SCCRRCHH!! - Oh yeah, those claws. Lycan cuts a huge chunk out of the silver and escapes.

“She's not making this easy for us.” How on earth did Alicia manage to face such an opponent by herself?

Several Lycans suddenly appear like she performed a clone jutsu. Damn, she's moving so fast she's leaving after images.

“ARGGHHHH” I yelp as a scraping pain in my back forces me to the floor.

“Master!! URGHHHH!!” Wolfy turns in shock only to meet the same fate as me. In that split second she attacked us both with almost invisible attacks.

“Gah...” Wolfy and I force ourselves back to our feet.

Lycan's ferocious eyes shed more unnatural tears. Watching this for some reason really aches my heart. Her tears, they're conveying her true emotions. They increase every time she attacks. It's like her body and her will are acting in complete reverse.

Nii-sama, she's a victim, please save Lycan-san.” Lilicia-chan's words echo in my mind as I finally understand what she wanted to tell me. I don't understand everything, but what I do know is this girl before me is not fighting us right now by her own volition.

“Lilicia-chan...I definitely will!!” I fix my glare on Lycan with power flowing into me. “I shall free you, Lycan.” I declare.

I didn't want to use a highly draining technique so soon, but unlike last time I still have a lifeline, and I'm not going to use such a vast quantity as before, therefore... “Liquid Silver.” I manifest my silver in its liquid state with enough of it to fill a bathtub.

“Here I come, Lycan!!” I shout as I charge in with my Silver Sword. Its time to end this. I have my liquid silver create a ring around my body.

Lycan charges at me when suddenly she multiplies like before. Here she comes. Now, if she is anything like last time then.

I turn around to notice Lycan's claw push through my Liquid Silver. Just as I thought. I don't know whether it is instinct, but she has the habit of attacking her enemy's back. And she can't cut up something that isn't solid with her claws. I solidify the Liquid Silver back into a metal, restraining her around her elbow joint. Lycan shows a surprised expression. Before she can process what happened I trap her other arm at the joint as well. “Gotcha.” I state. Her claws maybe razor sharp, but if I restrain her at the joints, she can't use them.

“Well done, Master.” Wolfy congratulates as I create more silver and restrain her against the wall by her wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, and neck.

“Grahhh!!” The beast ravages meaninglessly against its restraints.

“Time to wake her up then.” I state as I walk up to her.

“Do you have some master plan to do that?” Wolfy asks in amazement.

“That I do,” I reply as I turn back to Lycan and raise one of my hands.

Slap!! - “Wake up.” I order as I run my hand across her face. I don't want to be violent with girls, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

“GRRRR!!” The beast continues to glare at me.

Slap!! - “Wake up.” I order again as I slap her other cheek with my other hand. The monster continues to snarl at me.

Slap!! - “Wake up.” I reward the snarl with another slap.

“This is your great plan, Master?” Wolfy asks.

Ingenious I know, but please don't break my concentration, I'm starting to get into a rhythm.

Slap!! - “Wake up.” I continue.

A few minutes elapse and finally my plan produces the desired result.

“My cheeks, feel really hot.” Lycan states.

“That's because you're talking with a great guy such as myself.” All girls feel hot in the face in my presence.

“Or because you slapped her god knows how many times.” Wolfy retorts.

Well yeah, I guess that could play a SMALL part in it. But my beauty is definitely the main reason.

“Thanks, for stopping me.” She begins. As I thought, that monster wasn't her true self.

“Can you tell us what happened?” I ask. Lycan nods and explains. She tells us about how she came to be, how she was trying to help Lilicia-chan, and how she was defeated by that samurai man named Owari.

I grit my teeth in anger at hearing how she was used in a human experiment. I didn't think Cock or Disturb could anger me any further, boy how naïve I was.

“Lilicia-san has most likely been taken to the main Crusader where Disturb is.” Lycan explains

“In that case our destination has been decided.” I state as I begin walking.

“Wait, Master. We still need to take care of the power in this Crusader if we want to get to the Alpha Crusader.” Wolfy instantly throws cold water on my plan, “And also...” Wolfy remains silent for a moment, “One of our orders was the capture or death of the Hex Class members. Even if she was being used.”


“I'm not saying this because I want to, Master.” Wolfy grits his teeth, he's just as upset as me.

“It's fine,” Lycan states, “I've lost count of all the horrendous things I've done. Spending my life in prison will be a paradise compared to being Disturb's killing machine.”

At hearing her words I reach for the black collar and sadly stare at it. This is a device that sends the one wearing it to a prison kept in another dimension. “Put it on me,” Lycan further urges. “I won't be of any use going with you. The other Hex Classes can likely activate the restraining collar just like Owari, so I'd only be dead weight at this point.”

Lycan nods at me with a small smile. I wrap the dark leather around her neck, fasten the buckle, and connect the padlock.

A dark shadow begins to encompass Lycan's body, further restraining her. As her body begins to fade, “Lilicia-san desires a hero, you. Make sure you become her knight in shining armour, Yuichi Shiro.” Lycan smiles bitterly as her existence disappears from this plain.

“You don't have to tell me that, what other reason do you think I came here for.” I stand tall and manifest my Silver Sword to show my determination, “Lets go, Wolfy.”

And Lycan, don't get too comfortable in that prison. I don't plan on leaving you there for long.