I’ve Been Missing for Three Days…
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Author’s note: Hey ya’ll I understand this might be a trigger story for those who have been heavily impacted by COVID. As a preface, I want to impress that this prompt below is in the point of view of someone who believes COVID is a hoax. If that is not something you wish to read, you can always skip to the next chapter. These chapters are not related, and each new post within this series is set in a different time, different characters, and different feelings and scenarios. I also want it to be known that my personal feelings and thoughts on COVID do not reflect the same as is written below. COVID is real, it has ravaged our world and affected many people, including my own friends and family. Please be safe out there, and remember to love each other. -TR]

I’ve been missing for three days. I can tell because there’s a tiny, high window in here and I’ve kept myself awake since they threw me in here and locked the door, but that’s all I know. I assume the entire Secret Service isn’t sleeping either, considering my safety is their most important gig, but who knows, this could be an inside job. I was on my way to the store, a simple task, nothing too obvious. Just some milk, eggs, toilet paper—you know, the essentials. And on the way there, I’m just overwhelmed by how crazy the world has become. Crazy right? One moment I’m standing in the middle of this mask rack, and the next thing I grabbed the masks and started throwing them down. It’s ridiculous and nuts that people and corporations are buying into this bullshite. All these masks would do is mark the sheep, and target the fools into believing this conspiracy. I know better. The secret service knows better too. After all I’m their girl. 

The corporate pricks don’t stand by, they yelled at me to stop but I don’t. I mean, I’m just done with the stupid. I’m done being told what I have to do. For the common good? Be compassionate? Wear a mask? I will not adhere to the stupidity.

I had gone home after that, my distaste for that corporation had left a sour taste in my mouth. How could they? I knew better. But they didn’t. 

And that’s when I was taken. Story getting crazier yet or what! I’m in my home and these brainwashed guys in a pretend uniform comes by to take me in. For destroying a conspiracy! They must have been scared of me. The power I had rocked the fundamentals of their mission to suppress the people. I knew—I wouldn’t be tricked by their stupidity. I have the President on speed dial after all. They weren’t listening to me though—and I got taken in by a couple of uniformed pricks who abused the system. Of course no one helped, they all just stared. They obviously didn’t know how important I was, or they wouldn’t have done what they had done. 

It’s crazy, the world is just going to shite and I can’t help but wonder if they’re the ones who are winning. I mean, the secret service told me that I would be great one day. They told me that I had a mission, to bring an end to the craziness. But these conspiracies, the madness everyone believes. Viruses, diseases, contagions spreading like wild fire. I call bullshite. It’s all just a hoax used to gather the sheep and bring about destruction. I know better. After all, I’m apart of a higher calling, and this room with open bars and the little window will not keep me for long. Soon these people will know, soon my people will come to free me from these harsh conditions and let me rejoin in the mission to fix the world. 

But first a plan. Yes, I should develop a plan to destroy those masks! All that it does is flock the sheep’s into their control. Yes, I need to get a message out to my people. It’s all their fault. And it’s because of them I’m here. Yes, I’m missing. But I won’t be. I will wait and bide my time. But what if the secret service jumped ship and traded sides? What if I’m the scape goat? What if—no, I can’t doubt myself. I don’t know who I can trust anymore. After all this could be an inside job. Yes—I won’t be fooled. I will just have to appeal and use rational thinking.

One of the lackey’s came by with keys, Hah! I knew they were freeing me at last! It was only a matter of time! And they took me out from my prison. I was walked into another small room, where the lights were dim and sitting down at the table was a dressed up suit with two other uniformed men. So it’s interrogation time. Fine. I won’t talk. I won’t disclose my mission. They would like that, wouldn’t they? Well I won’t speak. 

The nonsense the talked about at me wouldn’t hold. They were unlawfully holding me, but here they were discussing some jail time and community service. Hah, they think to break me. Well I won’t fall for it. I know better. 

The man in the suit looked at me. He said he’s on my side. But he’s not. He’s working with those corrupted cops. All cops are bad, Am I right? They go silent, waiting for me to bring forth my wisdom. This is where I change things into my favor. 

“I said it before, and I’ll say it again, The Secret Service will save me from this hellhole. I’m not speaking of my plans nor theirs. I refuse to follow your stupidity any longer!” See, I’m not a blind sheep! I’m not afraid to tell the truth! 

They stared at me, probably shocked by that truth I just spoke. I should write a book. I’m such a great speaker!

“Maybe we should have her take a psychological exam and file for insanity.” This man in the suit was against me. How dare he insinuate I was crazy! The other two guys seemed to be in agreement with him. How dare they think they can get away with this...this outrageous order! 

The meeting was ended, but I was not granted my freedom. I was dragged back to my hell screaming. Three days I survived, I would continue surviving until I get rescued by my friends. They won’t keep me down. They won’t keep me silent. I will fulfill my duty. And I’ll start by burning down all of their precious mask shrines!


[Author’s Note: This was actually inspired from a real situation that occurred recently involving a lady in Target destroying a mask display. I just took that and rolled with the prompt that I was given. I’m experimenting with a Complete the Story series, so here’s to many different one shots to come! Thanks for reading! TR]