No windows, No Doors…
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No windows, no doors, not a single crack in the wall as far as I could tell. I had woken in this white room minutes or hours before—time seemed to have stalled—and hadn’t heard a sound. If this was a dream, it wasn’t like any dream I’d had before. No, this was very real. All at once my senses stirred. My eyes adjusted to the white canvass surrounding me, all six sides of the floor, walls, and ceiling. There were no functioning lights, yet my eyes could still see as clear as day. I could smell the stale odor of a cleaning product—maybe peroxide? 

What brought me into this strange place? Where was I? Another stemming question I should be asking is who am I? Or maybe who I was…? Thinking back, I didn’t seem to possess any tangible memories.  That drew another stream of questions, how would I know if I was an existence in the first place or not? Where did I get the notion that I was someone or something? Where was this strange white box floating in the universe—wait is this even a universe? What is a universe? 

There I sat—pondering my existence and whether I was or was not. Such a strange conversation to have within one’s self as the white walls remained as they were. 

Why was I even there in the first place? How did I gain access into such a place as this? Was this even a place? More questions piled and yet I still had not one answer to them. Such a strange dilemma. All I can do now is wait and see what will happen. If anything happens at all. Maybe I’ll just be alone—forever—however that would signify that time worked. Was time working now? Did time even exist here? Was this even a place?

The questions kept piling. 

I look down. I see nothing. No feet nor hands to see—no body—no limbs to stretch. Did I even have a body? What was a body? Did I even have one? Did I like it? How would I know to stretch? Huh. What were feet. 

I notice subtle changes. The smell of peroxide increases. The walls start to change colors. They go from white, to gray, and slowly transition to black. I start to notice the lights going dim. Huh. Is this the end? What is the end? Did I make it? What was a—