Chapter 03 : The Transformation
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Sage felt a cool stream spreading from the area the fang's punctured and slowly crept up his arm, not at all like ice as it used his blood to travel around his body.

"You are now a vampire should you survive the transition. I'll leave you in a safe place until you can recover."

Sage nodded weakly as he was nearly completely devoid of blood. However the cool stream kept his brain and heart working.

His eyes closed and he failed to see the vampire lady smile lightly. With her breathtaking features, she looked like a fallen goddess!

Her silver eyes rippled as she picked Sage up and leapt out the window. When he does touch the ground two meters below, she gracefully shot into the air and landed on the building opposite.

As for the man at the receptionist desk, he was laying half on his desk, his neck twisted at an angle impossible to achieve with normal human means.

His head was completely twisted around! The vampire lady left no prints, however the same couldn't be said for Sage.

He had left his bag and gun in the apartment, while the vampire didn't even bother to grab his stuff. She went from roof to roof and landed silently near an abandoned ship yard.

A massive crane stood high above the area, and the vampire leapt down from a trailer and headed into the maze of trailers.

After she reached one that was locked, she yanked the chain off with a shocking amount of strength. She placed Sage down on the floor and scanned the trailer.

'This should be good enough. I'll leave a letter for him.' She leaned against the wall and wrote quickly before leaving the paper on his chest.

She turned and left, vanishing from the area with a slight breeze left in her wake. Even if the wolves tracked her scent, it'd take a while for them to arrive, which gave more than enough time for Sage to transition and then hunt.


Sage was immobilized, as if something heavy were pressing him down, making him unable to move. If anyone were to see his current state, they'd think he was already a corpse.

'I have to endure! Even if I feel like I'm dying, I still have people I like and things to do!' Gritting his teeth, unable to keep them from chattering otherwise!

His limbs were cold, and not a bit of warmth existed, and as the cold spread further into capillaries, his body turned pale.

At the same moment, where his consciousness nearly faded, a red glow appeared in his body, pushing against the cold, and sending warmth through his body.

After a while, his body reached an equilibrium. Then as if they were alive, the two forces attacked each other, turning the air frigid and scalding at the same time.

As the force in his body burnt hotter, Sage's body which had been above six feet shrunk down a few inches, and his bones started to emit cracks, signifying them undergoing changes as well.

Sage was in a state of calmness, even as his body seemed to burn with flames and freeze with ice. After some time, Sage felt a warmth in his chest, as well as his butt and his groin.

A tingling feeling sent a chill throughout Sage's body. Soon both forces were at the end of their ropes, exhausted and unable to contend against each other anymore.

Instead, the two forces merged and headed straight to his still beating heart. When the two forces entered hsi heart, Sage could feel his heart start to slow down.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba- . -dump.

After skipping a few beats a minute, his heart stuttered once, and then twice. The third time, his heart fell silent, and the absence of sound made Sage realize that whatever happened to him was over.

It was instinct that told him the change was over, however another wave of genetic information told him he had to feed before he actually perished.

'I'm no longer human. But I still don't feel any different, well aside for a few things.' He subconsiously reached for his groin and felt around, however the absence of his little brother made him freeze.

'Where is it?! No. No. No. I'm certain it was there! It wa just right there!' He got up and didn't realise how easy and naturally his body moved, a far cry from his old body.

He dropped his pants and looked down and saw nothing but a beautiful slit, with pristine white skin. He also realized he now had balls of fat on his chest.

With a defeated look, he leaned against the wall, not moving in the slightest. He regained a bit of clarity and realized that if not for the change, his life would have ended under the werewolf's claws.

Despite being against it, he couldn't deny that he'd sacrifice anything to live, much less his gender. In a battlefield, it didn't matter anyways.

'Okay. I'm not okay with this, but I still need to figure everything out. First I need my bags and my ID, wait...'

He reached to touch his face and felt smooth supple skin! His scruffy beard was gone, however it wasn't to bad.

If he still had his beard, as well as breasts and a you-know-what, he'd have been a bit thrown off. His eyes then took in the surroundings and and realized he was in a trailer!

The door was closed, but bright light streamed in from the outside. He walked to the door and peeked through the rusted metal, however aside from a trailer blocking his view, there was nothing to see.

He put his hands in one of the rays and realized that it didn't harm him. He slowly walked outside and looked up.

Brilliant stars glimmered far above the clouds, and the moon cast it's gentle rays down on the world below.

He looked back into the trailer and saw a paper lying on the side. He walked back inside and picked it up.

[You need to hurry and find a witch to help you craft a sun ring. Make sure to avoid the werewolves as they often hunt in packs. Don't reveal yourself to humans, and kill your prey when you finish or compel them to forget. Avoid the sun at all costs before you get a ring.]

'She didn't even leave a name.' Sage sighed as he left the trailer and looked around. Aside from trailers, there wasn't much else.

He walked into the maze of trailers and realized he was lost when he reached a dead end. 'Seriously? Who even made it like this?' He ran and leapt to the trailer's ledge, or rather he meant to.

His body flashed and appeared on the trailer, landing gracefully. Though it was a blur to humans, he could see every minute detail as he moved that quickly.

Sage then went and leapt from trailer to trailer until he neared the warehouse where he could see people moving about, even from a hundred feet away.

His eyes could see every detail on a man's face as he walked to a trailer and opened it. Sage knew that some people probably smuggled something in, but he didn't move as it wasn't his business.

After a second, he appeared where the man entered the trailer and entered as well. Inside the trailer, there were small lights, and the man stood in shock as he watched a beautiful woman with a perfect face and fiery curves walk in.

"Excuse me ma'am, is there a reason you're in here? Only workers can come back here." The man looked at Sage and thought she was some young miss of a big family that ran away.

His clothes didn't fit, however despite the slightly large shirt, or his pants which he had to tighten, his body figures was unparalleled.

Most vampires were beautiful, as it was one of their means of hunting. Who didn't like a beautiful face? Sage spoke to the man, and the man's voice paused.

"Sorry for coming back here. I was just angry at my dad and decided to come and we if something I ordered arrived yet." Hearing an explanation like that, especially with Sage's beautiful voice, the man relaxed.

 "Its okay. Do you want me to lead you to the front?" Sage shook his head and walked out of the trailer with a sigh.

'The man is just doing his job, I can't just outright kill him or feed of of him right?' Sage had killed in the military, however then it was kill or be killed, and though now he still needed blood or he'd perish, he decided to find someone who actually deserved a near death experience.

The man came out a moment later to make sure Sage left, however when he looked around, not a shadow was in sight!

'I must have seen a ghost!' He took out his cross pendant and made a warding of evil gesture.


Sage walked on top of a one story building, his main objective was to find someone who fit his description of bad, and the next was to get more clothes that actually fit his new body!

He swung his legs as he leapt to the ground and looked around the rather empty street. He moved stealthily as he came to a stop selling clothes, however they were closed.

He walked to the handle and twisted it open with inhuman strength, snapping the lock off. He pushed open the door and looked around.

Despite the darkness, the store was lit up in his eyes. He walked to the underwear aisle and picked a few and tried them on. 

As a former special operative, he knew how to avoid cameras and surveillance systems. He tried on several pairs until he found one that fit snuggly.

He couldn't lie, he felt extremely weird wearing panties, however if he wore boxers, that'd just be weirder.

He found a bra and put it on, and surprisingly, his breasts didn't hang down, as if it were defying gravity. When he put a bra on, he finally felt a bit more comfortable.

Picking more clothes was more relaxing as he tried on different clothing, and stopped when he came to a mirror.

In the mirror was a beauty with a pale face, not sickly pale though. His lips were pink and supple, and his eyes were different.

Silver irises and a vertical pupil with flecks of red in his eyes. His brown shiny hair hung to his waist, and his body gave off a pleasant yet mysterious scent.

He left the store and headed towards the inner city as he didn't find a single candidate to make a meal out of.

After getting stared at by men, while some just openly oogled his breast, he resisted the urge to flash his fangs at them to scare them off.

He wore a black sweater with a white shirt beneath. The hood was up, and his pants were jeans that fit him rather well, however they were also black.

His shoes were boots, and not the strange kind. He didn't know the store he broke in to was a designer store with many different brands.

His outfit alone probably costed upwards of ten thousand dollars. His shoes were a limited edition boots, with only a few worldwide.

He wanted to get a coat as well, however his outfit would have looked strange with it on. He pulled up his hood and walked faster as he heard someone's heart rate increase as they chased after him.

When he entered a rather secluded spot, a youth with dyed red hair and a lustful expression on his face approached Sage.

"Hey missy. How about you come play with big brother. I'll make sure you're compensated well." Sage froze as his lips formed a pouting expression, hidden by his hood.

'Is he old enough to count? If he tries anything forceful, then I guess he'd deserve it.' Sage turned to walk away and felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"Missy, if you don't want to spend the night with someone else, it would be best if you didn't enter Skull Gang's territory."

Hearing the youth, Sage turned around and scanned the youth's clothes. Despite it being a torn up jeans and a jacket, they seemed to cost a lot.

"Kid, who are you?" When the youth heard Sage's voice, he couldn't help but gulp instinctively. Sage's voice was just to beautiful!

"Ah, I'm Jack Goodwin, the leader of the Azure Gang." Seeing a chance to show off, he raised his nose into the air with a proud expression on his face.

"How many people do you have?" Sage was truly curious as to know whether this boy was truly a lease of a gang.

"With me excluded, I have fifteen brothers who fight alongside me. I wasnt joking when I said I'd compensate you." Hearing the youth still trying to bed him, Sage's eyes rolled.

"Okay, thank you for the information, you ca-" Sage stopped as he heard multiple heart beats coming from behind him.

He turned and looked as several men who looked exactly like thugs on TV walking behind a youth about the same age as Jack.

"Azure Gang? Don't make me laugh! If you think that you really are a gang, why not fight it out and sees who wins..." Hearing the new youth, Sage couldn't help but wonder why gang leaders were teenagers these days.

"Thank you for the help, I'll take my leave." Sage turned, but when the youth opposite heard his voice, his eyes became lustful.

"Hey baby, why not stay and keep me company for a few drinks." Looking at the undisgusised lust on the youth's face, Sage felt Jack was better as he was straight forward.

'If I accepted a drink, you'd probably try to drug me and then have your way with me.' Sage didn't say anything and continued walking.

Seeing himself being ignored, the youth sent a man to block Sage's path. When the brawny man stood in front of him, Sage could see that other than being muscular, the man was a complete novice at fighting.

Everything from his stance to his posture was wrong, screaming amateur! Sage looked up at the man, and when he saw Sage's inhuman eyes, he shuddered.

It felt as if a poisonous snake had wrapped around his neck and was poised to strike! Sweat ran down his shining bald head.

Sage walked around the man, and when the man relaxed, he immediately distanced himself from Sage. 

"Why didn't you grab her!?" His subordinate smiled with a helpless gaze. How could he tell his boss he felt like his heart was being torn apart when he stood before Sage.

"Bastard! All of you go grab her. When I'm finished with her, you guys can have a turn.

"Why does everyone think I'm a beauty? I'm just average." Sage said with a helpless tone.

"That's for me to decide!" Hearing Sage's voice once more, he was convinced that Sage must be an absolute beauty!

Sage sighed as he saw four men rushing towards him. It had been a while since he actually fought in hand to hand combat.

When the man stretched his large arms, relative to Sage, he grabbed the man's wrist and swung him aside like a toy!

He crashed into another thug and both fell a few feet away. The other two hesitated, but charged at Sage from both the back and the front.

Sage smiled and gracefully evaded the duo, and with his other leg, he slammed hid knee into the thug's chest.

With a cracking sound, the man flew back several feet and landed with a heavy thud.

The other thug didn't waste much time running. Sage let him go and then smiled at the arrogant youth.

"You were saying?" Sage took a step closer and the youth paled and turned to look at the one thug who went first.

"Y-you bitch! I'll call my dad and make him deal with you-!" Hearing his mouth run and spouting nonsense, Sage grabbed the youth by the shoulders and punched him once in the stomach.

The youth dropped to the floor and curled up like a shrimp. Sage kicked him lightly and the youth slid a few feet.

"Well, wasn't that fun?" Sage rolled his eyes and walked towards the last thug with a calm look. 

"I'm, ma'am, I'm sorry. It was the young master that told us to-" Sage appeared in front of the man, his nose twitching.

He smelled a foul scent, like that of a dog that had been soaked in rain and then rubbed in something smelly!

"Nasty." Sage turned his head and spat out one word. Both Jack and the man wondered what he meant.

Sage was about to consider killing the man as he remembered the scent, it was on the letter the vampire who saved him.

Along with the word werewolves, Sage figured that this man had been around quite a few wolves.

After remembering how close to death a werewolf left him, his fangs nearly sprang out on their own.

"Where are they? No, where is he?" Sage grabbed the man by the shirt and lifted him off the ground in a single hand.

"Who? I don't know! I'm went to the high rise in the city and met a few friends. Who are you talking about?"

Sage growled, literally and threw the man aside. The man hit the wall, and before Sage could move, he sensed and heard something hurtling through the air at him.

He caught it out of the air and realized it was a stake, with the tip aimed it his heart!

"Who knew that I'd find one of you demons in this city? You're just a changeling, never even drank the blood of a human, I can let you die peacefully." Along with the sound of a heart beat, a man wearing a coat and holding a crossbow walked into the area as well.

"Who are you?" Sage felt a moment of confusion as the man calmly loaded another stake in the crossbow.

"Me? Just a nameless old man trying to eradicate your kind once and for all." Hearing the man speak, both Jack and the arrogant youth stopped and listened.

'Why does it sound like he means this girl isn't human? If she isn't a human, then what is she?'

Sage flicked the stake back at the old man who dodged out of the way. He never thought that Sage would use his own weapon against him!

Sage appeared to the man's left, his arm about to punch through his chest, but the old man threw a bottle into the air and the contents landed on Sage.

"Agh!" Sage hissed in pain as he staggered back, his skin blistering and steaming as if he had just been doused with acid.

Watching Sage who could seemingly 'appear', the youth on the floor we horrified. Sage's hood fell back and his flawless face was revealed, along with some red areas from the liquid the man tossed on him.

Both the youths and the man who smelled like a werewolf gazed at her perfect face that was healing until the red burns were gone, replaced with pristine white skin!

"You damned vampire! I'll make sure to-" Sage appeared in front of the man and grabbed his throat.

"Since you want to die so badly, I'll grant your wish." Sage's fangs extended and Sage's cool lips sucked the blood from the man's neck.

The man tried to resist, however Sage's hands locked the man's own in place. As the blood ran over his tongue and went down his throat, his eyes turned bright silver, and his strength and speed increased as well.

His still heart started to circulate blood without beating. His body trembled as every cell seemed to be energized!

His fangs slid out the man's neck and he fell to the ground, his eyes filled with disbelief. He had been ranked as a master at hunting vampires, however he was bested so easily by a vampire?