Chapter 05 : Compulsion
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Sage sat down, scowling at the witch across from him. He silver eyes weren't glowing, so if anyone saw his eyes, they'd probably think he wore contacts.

"Why didn't you let me compel those two kids? Do you want them trying to enter such a dangerous world?" Hearing Sage asking about the two young masters who ran gangs made her smile lightly.

"When I crafted your sun ring, I made you promise me a favor. I want you to enroll in the university alongside the two of them." Hearing the witch, Sage eyes widened as he looked at the witch's face with incredulity.

"Why do you want me to join humans? Aren't you supposed to be trying to kill me or something?" Sage asked while rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair.

"The wolves might cause trouble with them, especially with Francis, the alpha from last night."

"Even then, you'd want a vampire hanging around in your territory? I doubt the other witches who hate vampires would like this."

"I don't care what they like, I'm myself and not them. What about you and your fellow species? Wouldn't they die of laughter if they heard that you were allying yourself with a witch?"

"Wait, we aren't allies, I'll do you a favor for making me a sun ring. I don't have any form of identification so I'll have to go register somewhere."

"While some humans are aware of the supernatural, the others are pitiful, not knowing that the beautiful flowers are the most dangerous. Everything about you draws them in, your beautiful features, your voice, and even your scent."

"Well. I was dying when I to became a vampire, I didn't have the luxury of choosing, and even if I did, I'd rather be a predator than prey."

"Spoken like a truly selfish person. However that isn't so bad, now your most base instinct is self preservation."

"I'm surprised Twilight sounds similar to real vampires." Sage stopped a passing waiter and ordered a cup of coffee.

"Vampires made Twilight. What better way to hide your existence than to make a movie of it? Now it's just preconceived notions and fiction that prevents normal humans from accepting the true face of the world."

"Oh, I just remembered that I ordered and don't have any money to pay, mind sharing with the less fortunate?"

"Go compel someone for their wallet or something. Don't try to break any of the wards I've set up, I'll know if you try."

The witch, who Sage found to be quite amusing walked off leaving a ten dollar bill on the table.

'She puts up a strong front. She's just like Kim-!'

'Shit! What am I going to tell Jasmine and the rest? That I was turned into a female vampire and convince them that it's safe to be around me?'

What made him feel worse was that he wasn't sure he was safe to be around. His ears tracked every slight movement and noise, while his jaw faintly ached.

Sage left the ten dollars on the table and left the small roadside cafe. And decided to head to anger dealership. 

Using the roofs to move about, to keep his scent out of the noses of the werewolves below, he landed lightly in front of a sports car dealership.

If a human were paying attention, it'd be like Sage appeared out of thin air. His hood was pulled up and his face had sunglasses covering most of it.

'I tried to compel someone last night, and I did. Doing it again isn't that hard, I just have to impose my will on their minds.' He thought as he entered the dealership and a cool wind enveloped him.

While being in the sun didn't particularly bother him, he couldn't help but still feel apprehensive of whether the ring he wore fell off.

According to the witch, whose name he didn't yet know, vampires could last half a minute in the sun before they truly perished.

When Sage walked up to the desk, the man behind the counter looked up and smiled politely as he saw the clothes Sage wore.

"What's the most expensive car here?" Sage asked, not even bothering to compel the man yet.

"Oh, nice to meet you miss?" Hearing him asking him for his name, Sage smiled lightly and replied.

"I'm called Sage." The man gulped his saliva as he imagined Sage's face behind the sunglasses and hood.

Seeing his absent look, Sage raised his hands and removed his sunglasses. He wasn't sure when it happened, but his eyes returned to a more normal green, which shimmered like emeralds.

"I want you to transfer everything in this company's account to this account." Sage didn't really know why he didn't choose a bank, but the risk of something going wrong was higher.

The man blinked as if he were puzzled, however his eyes turned blank and he went to the computer and started typing.

Sage knew that when his compulsion wore off, the man would regain clarity, so he also ordered him to forget seeing him.

Sage took out a new phone and looked as several hundred thousand dollars were transferred from an offshore account to his account.

He had taken the phone from a rather generous man and made the latter forget seeing him.

A notification popped up and a notice saying several hundred thousand dollars being transferred to his account.

He smiled in satisfaction and inwardly realized why vampires were always rich in the movies.

They were simply excellent thieves. Sage waved at the man happily and left the dealership and vanished from the area.


Sage lay on a kingsize bed, his hair scattered around as he lay in his underwear. He had bought a hotel room and booked it indefinitely, making it his temporary home.

The name of the hotel was Evergreen Heights, a pricey place that most people wouldn't even book a room.

Finding the place convenient as it was close to the University he'd soon attend. With a city under he control of a pack of werewolves, he was careful to not leave his scent on the main areas werewolves frequented.

Though he could absolutely dominate a werewolf in combat, before they shapeshifted, a transformed wolf had speed and strength comparable to a vampire.

Werewolf saliva carried a strange property that weakened vampire cells, making it easier to tear a vampire to pieces and slow regeneration.

Werewolves could also regenerate, however fatal wounds would be able to kill them.

Along with strength superior to humans, they could become dangerous foes in human form, however they wouldn't be able to contend with a vampire for too long.

Sage had read up on the supernatural when he was with the witch, so he now understood the general situation.