Chapter 26. Change of plans?.
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Today was one of those nostalgic days of winter, with cold weather, cloudy skies, and quiet streets.

Within the Laschyu Family's territorial expanse, Asherit and Thyriel walked leisurely, both looking identical to Barkh Laschyu and Flor Laschyu respectively.

They traveled at a slow pace because they had been enveloped in the nostalgic atmosphere, and their minds were full of past memories.

It was only when they reached their destination that they both came to their senses and after giving each other a smile, they entered in a gigantic mansion.

"Did you see it?, The young master and the young lady seem to get along much better than before, what has happened in the 3 days they have been away?" It was one of the guards guarding the entrance to this mansion, the mansion of the Head of the Laschyu Family, who spoke.

"Idiot!, If someone hears that you are generating rumors, you won't even have enough time to make your testament..." His partner, quite scared, scold him while reminding him not to talk about sensitive topics.

“Also, the young master's guard squad and the young lady's elite bodyguards went to look for them the night they did not return, my brother-in-law is part of the young master's guards, and I heard from him that they were both in that hidden house of the brothers Laf and Leof”,

"Apparently the young master and the young lady went to invite them to the party that they going to celebrate, but those brothers proposed to have an unforgettable party and the four of them spent day and night planning such a great event..." With a sigh of admiration for the passions of the young people whom he did not understand, the guard commented showing off his information channels.

"What?!, 3 days just to plan a party?, Wouldn't it be more like that they attended one of those parties that those brothers usually organize...?"


A big bang was heard when the guard who asked this was reprimanded by his partner.

"Are you crazy?!, If you want to die young, buy yourself a rope and don't try to take me with you",

"There were several elite guards taking care of the youngsters, although in our family everyone is free to do what they please, since the Grand Elder is very strict, it is different for the young master who is engaged with the young lady...",

Listening to his partner, the guard who had spoken too much only got angry with himself for how nosy he had dawned today.

“My brother-in-law even told me that he and several elites of the guard of both youngs were ordered by them to send the invitations of the celebration to the most talented young people of the 5 great families, also in the invitation quite strange requests were made and was mentioned more than once that this celebration would be a great watershed for the history of the 5 great families…” With a voice full of curiosity, the guard mentioned.

"Isn't that exaggerating too much?, Besides, what were those conditions?" In an incredulous tone, asked the guard who had previously been indiscreet.

“My brother-in-law told me that only the people who received the invitation and the high ranks of the 5 Great Families will know, as to whether it is exaggerated or not, my brother-in-law said that if everything goes according to what these 4 young people plan, our elites will undoubtedly double and our overall strength may equal that of the great families in the capital...”,

"Whaaaat?!!!" Hearing the last thing his partner had said, the prying guard was stunned in shock for a long time.


Meanwhile, Asherit and Thyriel had already reached one of the most central rooms of the head of the family's mansion.

In front of them a grown man was sitting behind a desk while going through some papers.

"Third uncle, as I was telling you, I need some things from the family cellar for the preparations of the event that I will carry out" When Asherit accessed Laf's memories, he realized that the Laschyu cultivated two very special types of herbs.


In this world there were magic herbs that while they grew they absorbed the mana of the world around them, some grew only in very special areas such as poisonous swamps, active volcanoes or even in areas with extremely cold temperatures.

However, not all magic herbs were that difficult to cultivate, although their properties would not be as absurd as those that only grow in special places, they were still very helpful for magic and body cultivators.

The Laschyu had their own magic herb crops, and out of the dozen species they cultivated, Asherit took an interest in two.

The Fenugreek of Buffalo, a plant that grew to only 50 centimeters in height, had leaves composed of 3 oblong leaflets, that is, these leaflets were longer than they were wide, and had a white flower. It was a magic plant with anabolic effects that helped mages and warriors of a certain level to increase their strength twice as fast.

And the second was a very special one for a family as lewd as the Laschyu, the Abject Tribulus, a plant that usually grows prostrate to the ground, with branchy stems, pinnate leaves and solitary flowers with 5 bewitching petals.

This magical plant had revitalizing properties and also properties that stimulate the increase of strength, however, they were not as significant as the previous one mentioned, and despite this, for many of the Laschyu family it was more important than the previous one, because apart from these properties were a plant capable of increasing the libido of those who consumed it.

Seeing these two plants on the Laschyu production list only caught Asherit a little bit of attention, however, it wasn't until he got some of Barkh's memories that he had a clearer conception of his next plan.

Barkh, unlike the brothers Laf and Leof, focused a lot on creating bonds with the other great families of the city and within his knowledge, Asherit found that one of the great families cultivated a very rare type of magic plant, the Radiant Buspar.

All cultivators had moments where concentration was what they needed the most to break their limits and advance one step further, however, in their long training path many carried internal regrets, guilt, disappointment and the like that turned into heart demons.

When someone with said evil tried to break and advance one more level in their cultivation, their heart demons could distract them, cause them to have a Qi deviation or their Mana to become chaotic causing them to suffer serious injuries and fail in their advance, and in some cases, when the heart demons in a cultivator's were too strong they could cause their death in their attempt to advance.

The Radiant Buspar was a plant that while it could not eliminate the strongest inner demons, it could suppress them for a while, helping cultivators break one more step in their cultivation.

For cultivators this kind of knowledge about magical herbs was normal, however, Asherit's knowledge went much further.

While he was only a little over 6 year old boy, that was enough for the greatest cultivator and sage of these times, his mother Elizabeth Empyreal Ignis, to train him by teaching him things that elite cultivators can only dream of learning.

His mother taught Asherit about the characteristics, properties, rarities, uses and other things of all existing and even mythical magic plants, with all this knowledge and by finding these three plants in the memories of Laf and Barkh, the mind of Asherit I quickly devised a plan that would shock the entire world.


"Mm, I know what you need but the whole family also needs these plants, besides, I don't even know what you want them for and even if it was for something important, that decision can only be made by the upper echelon of the family..." With a strong voice and impressive speed when speaking, this third uncle of the Laschyu family commented.

“I thought you would say that and I have already sent a letter with my plans to the Great Elder, the Uncle Liaf and my father, the truth is that if all this works it, will put the 5 Great Families of the City of Abundance on a scale of power not too far from that of those great families in the capital” Hearing Barkh's words, the third elder was first surprised, but after thinking more deeply about this, he questioned.

"Ooh, if that's what you say, why do you want to carry out everything in that little ceremony where only children will attend?, Wouldn't it be better if you give us all the details and let us adults perform?" Understanding the third elder's intentions, a playful smile appeared on Asherit's face as he said.

"Haha, the third uncle must be joking, first of all, the method we will try came from the brothers Laf and Leof, such a method may have been given to them by Uncle Liaf, or their grandfather the Great Elder Leaf or perhaps some of his connections…”, upon hearing this, the third uncle lost some color, the invitation for this celebration also came to the hands of his son, and being a rather nosy father, he made his son tell him everything.

Leof, Laf, Flor and Barkh, were asking for the resources of several families so that their youngs could attend the event, according to them, all these resources would be used to carry out a miraculous method during the celebration, a method that could help them break a full range in his cultivation.

No doubt such a miraculous method was hard to believe, but what this third uncle was sure of was that the person who organized all this would have access to an enormous amount of resources.

Knowing this, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and try his luck trying to take control of this operation, however, when he heard that this method possibly came from Liaf Laschyu, all his ideas vanished.

Although Brankh Laschyu was the head of the family, Liaf Laschyu was much more feared and respected than he, there were even some rumors that Liaf had recently surpassed the level of strength of his father, the Great Elder Leaf.

On the other hand, if the idea came from the Grand Elder, he wouldn't want to meddle with this renowned old man either, and lastly, if the method came from this pair's connections, they were amazing and very powerful people, so he had nothing left but to do step aside obediently.

"Second..." Hearing Barkh speak again, the third uncle came back from his thoughts.

"This method is experimental, with something like this, it would not be wise to bother the upper echelon of the 5 Great Families who currently dedicate all their time to other matters..., so I think it is best for young people to start trying it" After the words from Barkh, the third uncle nodded but then said.

"Even so, what you are asking for are too many resources and this needs approv..."

"Lord Lymbh!, Lord Lymbh!" Lymbh was the name of this third uncle and when he saw someone interrupt him, he was upset and was about to scream when he saw that the person who was shouting his name was the personal messenger from the upper echelon of the family.

"Tell me what's wrong" With an urgent noticing the agitated messenger, the third Uncle Lymbh expressed.

"Sir, I bring a message from the Great Elder, Lord Liaf, and the Head of the Family" Hearing that the message was from the three people with the greatest position within the family, Lymbh inadvertently sat up straighter.

Asherit on the other hand had a smile on his face, thinking that his plan was working perfectly.

"My Lords say: Grant Barkh, Flor, Laf and Leof the resources that they need, also prepare transportation and guards for their trip to the Crimson Mansion, if they need anything else, do everything possible to provide them, IT IS AN ORDER!" Hearing that message, the two youngs inside the room had a smile on their face while the third Uncle Lymbh still couldn't close his mouth from shock.

"My Lords also spoke with the upper echelon of the other families and they agreed to provide the resources that were required of them ..."

"Whaat?!, Did the gentlemen give their word for the plan of these children?" With a scream filled with horror, Lymbh exclaimed.

And it is that, one thing was to grant the resources for a possibility of success to their children and grandchildren, but, giving their word to the upper echelons of the other families was very different, without a doubt it was a risk that nobody would want to take.

“Lord Lymbh, when the four young masters sent a letter to my lords, they got some of the resources they needed on their own and were able to just create a small portion of the miraculous medicine they plan to make, that medicine was sent along with the letter…” Hearing this, Lymbh's expression turned solemn as he paid more attention.

"Lord Liaf had just broken his rank and is now a D-Rank Mage, however, he still needed half a year to stabilize his cultivation to that of a true Low D-Rank Mage" Hearing this far, Lymbh now confirmed the rumors, as the Grand Elder was also only this rank.

"However, when reading the letter, Lord Liaf wanted to take responsibility for what his children were up to and used the portion of medicine himself",

"And after a day of digesting it, Lord Liaf stabilized his cultivation at that of a Low D-Rank Mage..."


Hearing this, Lymbh was so shocked that he didn't realize he smashed his desk while standing up.

A medicine that could shorten the training time from 6 months to just 1 day was something that would possibly shock the entire continent, more to know that what was shortened was the training of a D-Rank Mage, then, at lower levels this medicine would probably bring more absurd benefits.

If he could get some of this miraculous medicine, Third Uncle Lymbh firmly believed that he could break out of the Low E-Rank that he had been locked in for a long time and reach the Medium or even High E-Rank Mage.

Hundreds of ideas and fantasies flooded into Lymbh's head, but when he turned his gaze to the two youngs in the room and saw their playful smiles, these ideas turned to fear as he remembered how he wanted to win something from this.

"N-nephews, I apologize if I misunderstood before, this old man has become senile with the blows of time, please do not take it into account..." speaking quickly but this time with a tone of pity and apology, the third Uncle Lymbh bowed to these young men.

“Third uncle, how could we do that, we understand that you only want the best for the family,” laughing inside himself, Asherit commented, “Third uncle, now that approval has been granted, we could rush the process, we have a lot to plan and we will probably leave for the Crimson Mansion early tomorrow. "

"Su-sure, let's go to the warehouse right now.."

"Lord Lymbh, Young Masters.." As Asherit, Thyriel, and the third Uncle Lymbh were about to leave, the messenger stopped them.

"Is there something else?" Asked Lymbh with some doubts.

“When My Lords met to talk with the other people from the other great families, they all understood that although it was a test in the young people that would not cause harm, if it was achieved and could be expanded in our elites, this would go down in history...” Imagining the scene of the most outstanding people of the 5 great families reunited discussing the ideas of 4 young people, the third uncle could not sweat a bit as he nodded in understanding.

"So, at this time, the operation that the 4 young masters will conduct is considered only the second one to which being carried out by My lords and the high echelons of the 5 Great Families...",


Swallowing some spit, the third Uncle Lymbh could only stand firmer to continue listening.

"As this is the case, 30% of the elites that still remain here to protect our territory will accompany them, the other great families also promised to contribute with elite squads of their families",

"In addition, the 5 Great Families spent astronomical amounts of money to obtain 4 interespacial rings with storage capacities of 100 m2 so that the necessary resources are transported more safely and this operation is carried out in complete secrecy from outsiders..." Hearing this, Asherit and Thyriel had a pleasant smile on their faces, while the third Uncle Lymbh had his mouth open from the great shock that he had taken.

Normally, average cultivators would not possess an interespacial ring, only a few high ranking cultivators with sufficient resources would have one, and a fairly common one, with the capacity of 18 or 20 square meters.

Interespacial rings of 100 square meters were only legends for many, even the high echelons of the 5 great families possibly did not have one, and this was because their prices were astronomical due to their scarcity.

Now however, the important people of the 5 Great Families were granting 4 children, 4 pieces of such precious treasures in which, possibly they spent a decade of savings just for this mission, without a doubt this would leave anyone astonished.

By reaching out his hand and taking the 4 little rings, Asherit felt quite satisfied, on the other hand, the third Uncle Lymbh could only put on a smile at this.

"Nephews, now that you have such great magical artifacts let's go to the cellar for the resources, as for you Wille, you can pass the message that I take care of everything with the highest care" After Wille the messenger nodded, he left to a far away, highly guarded place.

Meanwhile, Asherit, Thyriel and Lymbh headed to the family cellar where both youngs collected all the necessary magical herbs and other things which Asherit found useful or interesting and to which Lymbh could only nod regretfully.


*Brother Asherit, now it will be something troublesome with all those elites guarding that mansion and the party...*

*Hmm, showing them that medicine was their most logical course of action, but this was necessary for them to entrust us their resources, and since that's the case, let's switch to the long plan and make these 5 Great Families strong enough to stand up to whoever…* Asherit and Thyriel were walking towards a small mansion with small mountains and an artificial lake, this was where Flor Laschyu lived with her grandfather Leaf Laschyu.

The two communicated via spiritual sense and upon hearing what Asherit planned for them to do, Thyriel obviously understood what he meant and was quite surprised by his decision.

"Little Sister Flor, we have arrived at your house, get ready and rest well, tomorrow we will leave" Hearing Asherit who was imitating Barkh say goodbye, Thyriel felt a stitch in her heart.

They had to pretend the identities of these two very well so that no one would suspect, and for that, at least today it was necessary that they stay in the abode of the deceased Barkh and Flor, however, this also meant that they were going to separate for today.

They were both aware of this, there would be missions that would not even see each other for months, however, on thinking about it, this would be the first time that they would part since they met.

"Mm, see you tomorrow Big Brother" Hearing Thyriel's dejected tone who imitated Flor Laschyu's voice with a certain technique, Asherit also felt a small lump in his throat, and he could only nod as he quickly walked away.

"Did you see that?, It seems that the young lady and the young master are getting closer every day."

"That is obvious both are committed, in addition, with the power and character of both it is impossible for them to approach someone else..." Several servants looked out as these youngs separated and when they saw the reactions of both, they all thought of the good and rare couple they made while remembering the rumors of these two.

On the other hand, after seeing Asherit disappear, Thyriel entered the house to look for things that could serve Asherit and her.


Late at night, Thyriel was in a room decorated like that of a young princess, since she did not want to use the bed that Flor Laschyu had used before, she took out from her interespacial ring a mat and a set of clean sheets.

As she sat in the lotus position, a bittersweet feeling ran through her chest as she remembered everything that had happened in her barely short life.

Born and raised as a slave, being attacked by a lewd young master and watching her parents die in front of her while defending her, leaving behind her siblings who asked her to run away and stayed behind as a distraction.

From that point on, she thought that her life would be full of bitterness, and yet when she first saw Asherit, a feeling of closeness was born in her towards this cold young man.

With the passage of time, when she met the kind side of this young man who taught her everything without reservation and who helped her day by day, the bitterness of her heart gradually calmed down, although every night she slept thinking about her family, she was thinking of this young man too whom, without her knowing it, had already won a place in her heart.

Although her desire to save her siblings and avenge her parents was growing urgently, so did her desire to spend much more time with Asherit.

In addition, although she had never questioned him about his past, she knew a little from rumors, she could more or less deduce his burden and clenching her fists, she began to cultivate, since this was the only way to help Asherit and her siblings.

On the other hand, inside the Mansion of the Head of the Laschyu Family, in the middle of a luxuriously decorated room, Asherit was lying on some clean sheets that he obtained from his interespacial ring.

When he said goodbye to Thyriel a while ago, he had similar feelings to when he said goodbye to his mother, it was then that he realized the great affection he had taken for this little girl.


'I separated from them because I am weak, I need work harder in my cultivation...' Clearing his mind of any other thoughts, Asherit began cultivating as usual, like a madman and secretly...

Thus, these two youngs, who had painful memories and who had a difficult road ahead to go through, spent their first night quite far from each other since they met, while both sought the strength to help their loved ones.



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