Louise finds me on the third-floor looking for a private room and having a total freak-out. The last of the pink mist has faded from my mind. My body is shaking. I can't tell whether it's withdrawal from whatever drug was in the drink the bartender gave me or from the humiliation of realizing how I've been acting and what's been done to me.
"What the actual fuck," she says. "Can you not go five minutes without getting yourself in trouble? You look like you got way to comfy with some succubae."
"It's a long story."
"Tell it to me sometime when I need a laugh." She opens the door to her room. "Get in here before you start bawling in the hallway."
I go in and sit on the bed, taking deep breaths to calm down a little. Louise stands there and stares at me with her hands on her slim hips.
"Well, if you were hoping to look like a loli porn star, you nailed it."
This tips me over the edge, and I throw myself into the pillow and cry uncontrollably. Louise sits down on the mattress next to me and pats my back. "Hey. Hey. I'm sorry. It's just not my style. That's not to say you look bad. You're super cute like that, in a trashy way." I wail burying my head deeper into the pillow. "I guess that's not helping. People always tell me I'm too harsh with my words but pigtails and tramp tattoos, really?" I let out another shrieking sob. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Talking isn't working. Maybe if I did something different with my mouth."
Louise moves down on the bed, and suddenly I'm aware of how the dress has ridden up and is around my waist. Hot breath coats the crevice between my legs and warms my nether lips. A tingle runs through my body. Her hands part the fatty flesh of my thighs and her tongue runs along my slit.
"Ah-eeeeey! What are you doing?"
"Shhhh," she says, and the syllable vibrates against me. "This will help you relax."
I'm sick of being everyone's plaything. She can't just do something like this to me without even asking first. I should stop her, but she's really good with her tongue. It rotates in a little twirling motion as she explores the area around my entrance.
She works me over with only her lips and tongue. Licking, kissing, teasing, tickling. My tears turn to mewls of pleasure. Keeping me on my side, Louise slides her head between my thighs, until her shoulders are pressed against the ledge of my butt and her mouth is level with my pussy. All her attention is concentrated on the top of my slit, her mouth dancing agonizingly around my clit. By not touching it, by kissing and running her tongue around it, she makes it into the only part of my body I care about. It throbs with each heart beat, drawing every bit of my conscious mind into it. The ache of it not being touched is overwhelming. I cry out, "Aaahhhhhh!" Half in ecstasy and half in torment. And just as I'm about to beg, her mouth latches onto it, and I spasm as though an electric current is running through me
She's attached to me, and the suction on my nub is stronger than any I have ever known. In my old life, I had the occasional blowjob, but with those. the pleasure was divided between the sensation and the performance. This is all sensation. Times a thousand. It's as though she's drawing my soul, me essence into her from my little button. She keeps sucking and running the tip of her tongue over it, until I'm panting. With each breath, I buckle over and make a "Uuhhnn" noise. Then, the world turns white with fiery bliss. There is no up. There is no down. There is only my clit and her mouth and the explosion of rapture surging through me.
Louise disengages from me and gives me a moment to recover. I lie back gasping for air. My face is slick with sweat. I'm spent.
"See I told you it would relax you."
"That was fucking amazing. Oh my God, that thing...you did. I never...No one ever has..." Words aren't my friend at the moment.
Louise laughs. "Didn't anyone ever tell you vampires suck?"
That makes me smile, although I already had a great big, dumb, grin on my face. It falters however, when she gets on the bed next to me and her face turns serious.
"That really worked me up." She hikes up her gown and begins to pull down her panties. "Now, I think it's fair to say you owe me one. Two if you count helping you this morning. It's time for some payback." She spreads her legs and presents her mound covered in a soft down of blonde hair.
"You want me to go down on you?" And as I ask, I realize what a stupid question it is.
"If you prefer..." She flashes her fangs at me. "I could take some blood instead. It's your choice."
It doesn't seem like much of a choice, so I work my way into position between her legs. My damn dress releases it's hold on my boobs and they swing free. From the lascivious expression on Louise's face, she enjoys the view, so I leave them out, swaying pendulously as I get down to my snack.
The smells of turned soil on an autumn night with a hint of animal musk rises off of her like a miasma signaling her need. It's not something I would ever expect to find erotic, but my mouth grows thick with saliva when the scent hits me.
I start slow, trying to tease her into arousal, but she's already eager. Her juices run over her lips and glisten the pale skin around them. My small kisses sops it up.
"Just get to it," she orders.
I part her opening with my fingers. My pink manicured nails gleam against the darkness of her hole. I run my tongue around her entrance tasting every inch of it before plunging in. I run my tongue down the folds and wrinkles of her vagina, stretching it as far as it will go until I feel the pain of the strain in my mouth.
"Oh, yes! That's it! Do me like that!" Louise says, her voice rising an octave.
I slowly withdraw my tongue and push it back in building up a rhythm.
"You look so cute down there, Sabina." She says and takes hold of my pigtails. Then, pulling my hair, she grinds my face into her pussy. She draws my head back, then forward again, matching the pace I've set with my tongue. Each time I dive in, my mouth is shoved against her. The pain in my scalp is meaningless. She's making me face-fuck her and it gives me a joy I cannot explain.
"Oh, yeah! Oh, Yeah!," she's moaning. "That's a good girl! Get in there deeper. Deeper. oh-oh-oh!"
And for a few minutes, I'm just her little sex toy, fucking her like she needs me too, not much different than a dildo she's ramming into herself.
Suddenly, she clamps my head with her legs and arches her back. She howls almost wolf-like. Hot love juice soaks my face as she squirts over and over as though she hasn't had release in years. She lets go of my hair, and I lap the overflow up off of her, until she's clean. I look up at her and our eyes meet. She pats me on the head and tells me, "You are a good girl, aren't you?"
I'm at the wash basin cleaning up, not only the sex mess I'm covered in, but also the makeup from earlier. Louise is still a little out of breath. She says, "You know, you're not really my type but after that, I'm damn tempted to turn you into my pet. Would you like that?"
I'm a little horrified that I consider this for a second. Would it really be so bad having someone like Louise taking care of me in this place? But the thought is probably only the product of how horny I still am. I do just want to stay here and fuck some more whatever the cost is.
But, no. Bianca's is turning into a trap. If I'm not careful, I will never leave here. This is like the Pleasure island from Pinocchio, but instead of turning into a donkey, it's making little by little into a submissive slut who only wants to lie around and be used for sex all day long. Even as I think it, it doesn't sound so bad a fate.
I whisper, "Home," into the water in the bowl.
A bedroom from the real world comes to mind. It's not the one I remembered before. The one in the old building with a mattress on the scarred wood floors, but it's somehow connected. It's years later. I new house, but the same people. The room has too much furniture: two dressers, a wardrobe, a lounge chair and ottoman covered in laundry, and a full size mirror in a gilt frame leaning against the wall. I'm alone in bed and everything is a dusky gray except for a small ray of light breaking from a crack in the drapes. I smell bacon and coffee. From downstairs, a woman calls out. At first, she's too far away for her words to reach me, but as she moves toward the stairs, I hear: "Are you getting up?"
But it is the missed words that bother me. One of them was a name. My name.
I try and will myself to get up and look in the mirror. See who I am. Was. But I'm no longer there. Its all gone except for the scraps of the memory.
"I have to get home," I say. And dry off my face. I glance in this real mirror in front of me and wince at the sight of the girl with pink hair. Rubbing at my eyes and lips, I say, "The makeup didn't come off."
"Yeah, that stuff the succubae use is pretty durable. It lasts a long, long time," Louise tells me. "It will fade eventually but not anytime soon. And so you know, your hair is probably that color now. They don't use dye. They use magic."
Just great. I go to take the ribbons from my hair. I may have to live with the color but I don't need to have it tied up in pigtails. However, my fingers hesitate when I try to untie one of the bows. There's a twinge in me that says it would be wrong. It would hurt to not have the pretty ribbons. I need the pretty ribbons.
I recall what Keith told me about how the pink drink affected him and how he can't wear anything but that frilly dress now.
Just fucking great.
I need to hire that guide and get out of here before anything else happens to me. What was it she wanted anyhow? That's right, blue slime. It's not the first time someone has mentioned that to me. That girl, what was her name? Fiona? Her strap-on was made of the stuff. Maybe she can tell me where to find some to pay Ramona.
Thinking about her strap-on makes my butt tingle and pucker. I really have to get the hell out of this place.
@DemonRose The hair and makeup is cute, but I would feel bad for her if she can't somehow get rid of the tats. Love the story so far though. Can't wait to hear about the next alteration she receives, hopefully nothing too strange though since she is trying to get back to the living world. BTW, the whole thing with temp/semi-perm/perm changes from pretty much anything she does, or anything that does her
, in the afterlife is a marvelous concept.
Yeah, I do feel I went too far having her inked. I almost cut that out a couple of times before posting. But I set up a rule when I started writing this that I would let what ever happens happen. But things are only permeant until something else changes it. Ad to be honest, I don't know what state she'll be in when she gets back to the land of the living or how it would manifest there. It's a long way off. She's only halfway through the swamp and I have at least three other lands planned for her after that.
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! It really means a lot. It's so hard to know if people are enjoying this. Thank you
Sabina seems to be how old with her new look?
Now that I stopped to think about it, the succubus that did makeover at Sabina appeared to be how old? And how tall was she? Is she a loli?
Thanks for the chapter
The current Sabina, would you like to dress like this dullahan loli from the picture below?
In the underworld of your novel, would the dullahans be death-related fairies like in Celtic mythology or undead like D&D?
I didn't really think of her as looking younger, although the hair might make her look a little younger. The mention of loli was mainly because I couldn't think of what other type of person would have pink pigtails, and not so much because she was matching the description overall.
The succabus was loli-like at 4'10" but the demons here have more of a young adult look. Say 22ish.
I haven't really thought too much about Dullahan's (nice dress BTW) for this. Let me consider it.
@DemonRose Here is an article on dullahans for you: http://planesfordummies.blogspot.com/2018/03/dullahans-are-fairies-not-undead.html
@Gin0001 Thanks! I'll give it a read.
@DemonRose You're welcome! If you need references for some kind of monster girl you can ask me whenever you want.
@DemonRose This image with the dullahan in the white dress and the ruby sword is the dullahan form of the MC of the novel "Rose Princess of Hellrage". Have you had time to start reading it?
@Gin0001 Thanks for the offer! You do seem to know a lot. At the moment I have a good idea about the next "monster" I plan for Sabina to meet. But I don't have things planned much beyond that.
No, I haven't read that one yet.
@DemonRose I think you will like "Rose Princess of Hellrage", since despite being a story of revenge for an undead princess, it also has girl's love even if only as a subplot.
And in case you're wondering how Rene's head in the image above is in place, even if she's a dullahan. This is because she has a magic circle made of her own blood on both sides of the cut that keeps her head connected by an invisible force. But this force is like that of a magnet, so if you hit it on the head it will end up loosening. And the red tattoo on her neck is the externally visible part of the magic circle.
@DemonRose I forgot to tell you this before, but the definition of loli that I told you before is the one used by weeaboos and otakus like me, usually for fictional characters.
But it can still be used for real people, however it gets complicated, since it has other interpretations due to the word "lolita" from which "loli" originated. One refers to "lolita fashion" and the other refers to the book Lolita basically meaning "preteen or teen girl who is attractive and sexually responsive."
I'll leave a link for you to check these two interpretations in more detail: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lolita
@Gin0001 Yes, that's definitely more what I was going for with the term loli here. I think in general I was introduced to the term through the Lolita fashion trend. And recently discovered that in fiction it can mean something a bit different.
I'll have to check out that story.
@DemonRose Did you discover the meaning of loli in fiction because of me or another source?
@Gin0001 You gave me the first actual definition I ever read. But I'd been coming across them in stories and realizing they weren't just women with a particular sort of costume.
@DemonRose I understand, after all, loli characters are very popular nowadays.
Can you tell me what are the titles of these stories? I wonder if I know any of them.
@Gin0001 Mostly stories from this site. I was reading on here without an account for a while. I tried a bunch of stories with lolies as characters, but the only one I stuck with was What Do You Mean All Dungeons are Girls. The other ones didn't grab me, and I won't say what they were because I don't want to be negative about other writers.
@DemonRose I understand. Have you tried to read The Vampire's Templar?
@Gin0001 No I hadn't come across that one before. But I've added it to my reading list.
@DemonRose I guarantee you will not regret it.
@DemonRose You know? in the comments of Chapter LXXXVIII of "What Do You Mean All Dungeons are Girls" I showed my personal definition of lolita (loli) to JCountry and asked for his opinion. And he said it fit very well.
@DemonRose Thanks to the loli characters from JCountry I understood that even if the apparent facial age exceeds 13-14 years a little and reaches 15-16. A girl can still be considered a loli as an exception if her face is cute enough and fulfills the other factors.
@Gin0001 Reading WDYMADAG, I almost felt JCountry was making lolis into their own "species" like elves or something like that. I know that's not what the story actually says and lolis exist there in many races. But it has the feeling that once turned into a loli the person will stay that way and not grow up or dress differently.
@DemonRose I also thought the same and when I asked if they were eternal lolis, which would remain lolis until the end of their life expectancy, JCountry did not confirm, but also did not deny. And Arlie is already a perfect example of an eternal loli, don't you think?
@DemonRose Not to mention Kuwi, the goddess of Cute Little Girls who is a lolicon lolita. She is practically the personified ideal of the type of lolicon that most lolicons have dreamed of being at least once. And JCountry himself admitted that when I asked.
@Gin0001 Yes, it would seem that by the rules of the story, Arlie won't ever change and is immortal.