I finally find Foxy Fiona in one of the quieter bars downstairs. The place is decked out like a library. Or maybe it would be better to call it a used bookshop, as the walls are full of shelves holding a sparse collection of the most battered and beat-up books I've ever seen. The demon behind this bar almost looks like a gargoyle. She doesn't appear to be wearing any clothes and her skin is smooth and gray like stone. Wings stick out a good three feet on either side of her, and her horns curl away from her four head and add eight inches to her height. She's also not moving. She just stands with both hands on the bar staring out over her domain. It's creepy.
But I'm not planning on dealing with her. No eating or drinking anything else while I'm here. I've learned that lesson. Although, it took me long enough.
Fiona is sitting at a table reading from a tome with a busted binding by the light of an oil lamp. Beside her is a drink that looks like milky beer. Unlike last night, she's clothed and wearing a loose, dark blue dress. It's wrapped in front with a deep V-neck and is tied at the waist with a belt of the same fabric. When she sees me, she says, "Hey! You changed your hair. I like it."
"Um...thanks." I tug uncomfortably at the end of one of my pigtails. "Can I talk to you."
"Certainly. Want a Griffon Stout? It's the specialty of the house."
"No thanks." I say, perhaps a little to quickly, not even wanting to guess what part of a griffon made it look like foamy eggnog. "Do you remember your...um...toy...the one you..."
Her face lights up and she yanks the dildo from a bag beside her. "Ooooh, you want to take another ride on Big Blue. Should we go to my room or do it right here?"
Damn. Why did I still have to be so horny from my time with Louise? This shouldn't be so tempting. But fuck, it looks good, glistening in the lamplight. I snap my eyes away as I feel myself becoming mesmerized by it.
"Actually," I say. "I just wanted to ask you where you got the slime for it?"
She looks disappointed but doesn't put it away. She holds it, twisting it in her hands idly as she talks. "Planning on building one yourself? I have to warn you the slime isn't much good without the magic to bind it, and that's hard to come by. I can hardly believe I was able to find someone to teach me. I wish there was a book that would have that kind of information, but hell if I can find one. I've been going through everything in here looking for new spells but..." She leans across to me and eyes the bartender nervously, then whispers, "They're all rubbish. Most of them are romance novels although there's some erotica here and there." Louder, she says, "This is the first one I found with any reference to magic, but even then, it doesn't actually explain how to do any of the spells."
"So, are you a..." Witch wasn't the right word. Marie was a witch and told me it had nothing to do with casting spells. The only other term that comes to mind sounds dopey, but I say it anyway. "Are you a Wizard?"
"A sorceress, actually. Or at least, I'm trying to be. But it's hard. Everyone knows a spell or two, but it feels like I'm the first person to try to make a study of it."
I tell her about the one's I've learned already, and she says, "The will-o'-the-wisp one is interesting but the other ones are pretty common. But you see, that's what I mean, it's all word of mouth. No one takes the time to write them down."
"That's not entirely true." I take out the papers I have and show her the spell. "I found this."
"Huh." She studies the page and then the others. "This is interesting. I've seen something like this before. Wait!" She starts flipping through the volume in front of her, until she comes to a loose page. "Here it is. And look!" She lifts the sheet to the others. It's the same size with a similar torn edge.
"Let me see," I say. It's another section of the map with a few lines of writing at the bottom.
These lands of the dead are not for the foolhardy. Each is fraught with it's own perils, and although the prior realms were far from easy (I bear the scars from them on my body and soul), The Sea of Nightmares is most aptly named and I barely made it through with my humanity intact. Beware the sirens and do not venture near the Deep Ones. I would also caution a traveler not to attempt the passage unless one is capable of enacting the Gillanious and the Heart-of-Stone spells (both of which are detailed on the following pages).
The map shows a route through The Sea of Nightmares making use of a network of islands.
"Are there any more?" I go to grab for the book, but Fiona is already carefully sifting through it.
"No, it looks like it's the only one. The whole book is filled with random things like that. It seems someone was trying to compile anything with any mention of magic to create a catalog. But that's the only thing by that author. Why is this so important to you?"
I explain my plan to return to the Upperworld and how these pages are all from a diary of someone who journeyed from there into the Underworld. I go on to say that the reason I need blue slime jelly is to pay a guide to get me to the Dusty Road and from there I'll go on to The Sea of Nightmares.
"I just hope I'll find more of this map along the way, so I can find my way home. Can you help me? Can you get me the blue slime and let me have this page?"
Fiona leans back and plays with the end of her long red hair while she thinks. Eventually she says, "That would be quite the voyage. I'm almost tempted to go with you, but my path leads the other way, to the Black Forest. I have a lead that there's an accomplished spellcaster there. But I'll help you. However, first you have to understand: slime and slime jelly are two different things. Neither one is easy to get. A slime-person has to give it to you, and they'll only do that if they like you. Luckily, there's one at Bianca's at the moment, and I can introduce you. Even put in a good word."
"That's great! When can we—"
"Hang on. Let me finish. This part of the diary belongs in this book, which belongs to that demon." She points her thumb at the staring woman behind the bar. "If you want it, you'll have to arrange a deal with her. And..." She holds up the page in question to me. "From what's written here, you need two spells—two very advanced spells—if you want to have any hope of completing your journey. I know these spells. So, I can put you touch with a blue slime-girl and teach you these spells, for a price." An evil smile grows across her face.
I almost don't want to ask "Um...what's the price?"
"Well you see, I need a willing Guinea pig for a nymphomancy spell I came across."
Back in her room, Fiona wastes no time and starts lighting candles and drawing patterns on the floor. This is no simple hand gesture like the others, and there's no possible way of learning it just by watching her. Not that I suspect a "sex" spell will ever come in handy. And I really don't suspect that I'm going to like what it does to me. Whatever arousal I felt is being dampened by apprehension, and I stand by the door with my arms tight around my body.
"Will you relax." she tells me. "This is going to be a lot of fun. Now, strip. We have to be naked for this." She undoes her belt and takes the dress off like removing a jacket. She's not wearing any underwear only her fox-tail. Her double-Ds flop free, jiggling until they settle into their pert position with her hard nipples pointing straight out.
Despite the fact my dress constantly wants to come off my breasts and butt, it isn't so easy to remove and I squeeze and wriggle out of it in the most awkward, unsexy striptease of all time. By the time it's off, Fiona is standing in the elaborate circle she drew, sporting Big Blue. I didn't see her do it, but she's cast the spell so it sits on her groin without support as though it's a natural part of her. It almost looks like ice, pale blue and clear. She's 5'2" like me and it's hanging off of her like the third leg of a tripod.
Is it my imagination, or is it bigger than last night.
"Come. Stand there." She directs me to a spot opposite her.
I get into place, and ask, "Why has it been so hard to get someone to do this?"
"Well, I wanted someone I was really attracted to. I also wanted someone who can fuck like a bunny. And...most people I asked were scared it would make them insane."
Before I can flee, she recites a passage of nonsensical words and waves her arms around. I notice at various places in the incantation, she points to symbols in the chalk design. As I watch, the symbols and the circle begin to glow, until a flash blinds me and my body fills with a warm tingling sensation. Then, the spell is over.
"What...what did you do to me?"
"To us," she says, pleased with herself. "It's a spell of sexual empathy. It will make us all feel what the other feels."
"I don't understand."
Fiona grins at me, hauls her arm back, and brings it down to swat her own ass. This all seems strange until... "Ow!" A slap rips across my right butt cheek.
"Understand now?" she asks.
"Wait. So, do you feel this." I twist my nipple. I do it a little too hard and it's more pain than pleasure. I curse myself for my roughness.
So does Fiona. "Bitch! Careful," she says, rubbing her boob.
"Okay. So, the two of us feel the same thing no matter who it happens to. I guess I can see how that will be fun."
"Wrong. The three of us will feel the same things." When I glance around to see who else is in the room. She takes hold of Big Blue, and delicate fingers wrap themselves around a phantom cock, I didn't know I had. "The slime in this baby is technically alive so the spell worked on it too. Are you beginning to get the picture now?"
I nod, almost terrified by the possibilities and the lust building up inside of me.
"Get on the bed. Let's start with doggie-style."
It's embarrassing how quickly I move, but, yeah, I want to try this out. Shuffling to the center of the bed I notice I can feel her tail in her ass. The plug seems to be the size of a doorknob. How can she even walk with that up there?
Fiona gets into position behind me. "This is so weird. It feels like I'm leaking out down my thighs. I was going to ask if you want lubricant, but damn girl, you're gushing. Welp, I guess we better put it to good use." She positions the end of her toy at my entrance, and I can feel my own heat spreading over its tip. It pushes in, and I'm both being penetrated and penetrating my tight pussy.
"Oh, fuck," is my astute comment as my brain shatters into a million little pieces.
With hands on our hips, We're pounding our huge, throbbing cock into our hot, wet hole. The need to fuck and be fucked creates a never ending feedback loop of hunger. There's no grace or tenderness, just wild pistoning. Thighs slap against thighs. Hands work their way up to breasts and begin to kneed them greedily, while another set of hands clutch the sheets until their knuckles turn white. We're gritting our teeth and spreading our mouth open in a wide O to moan at the same time. All girthy, eight-inches slams in over and over.
We can't hold on long. It's all too much. Both Fiona and I scream. "Ghhaaaaaaa! Oooohhh-aaaaaah!" Multiple orgasms in multiple bodies hit me all at once. We collapse together with Fiona on top.
She gasps for a gulp of air and says, "Having fun yet?"
I answer, "Mmmyyyaaa." A gush of viscous drool rolls down my cheek.
It takes us both a while to recover, but once we do, we're eager to go again. Fiona gets me up on my knees and stands in front of me, wobbling slightly on the mattress. "Time to suck some cock," she says.
"Fuck no!" I tell her. There are somethings I draw the line with. "I don't want to do that."
"Are your sure about that?" She smiles mischievously and runs a fingernail down the translucent blue shaft.
"Unngh!" we say to the incredible, thrilling sensation.
"This is yours as much as mine. Just give it a little lick."
She puts her hands on her hips and leaves it swinging in front of my face. I try and resist, but it's begging to be touched. I'm begging for attention to be paid to it. If it really were mine, it would take every ounce of willpower not to hold it, rub it.
My fingers wrap around the shaft, and it rears up at the warm touch. My hand feels so fucking good, but I need more. My tongue darts out tentatively and tastes the tang of my pussy on its tip. A shiver runs through both of us. Without any conscious thought, my lips enfold it. Then, God help me, I start sucking it. My adolescent fantasy of blowing myself has come true. I try and resist but the phantom dick between my legs doesn't want me to stop. And the thing between my legs was always good at getting the last word. Now, it wants me to go further. My head bobs, drawing it in deeper. My lips taut around it and it slips over my tongue dripping my own juices.
"Soooo gooood!" Fiona says.
She grabs my pigtails and pulls me onto it. I expect to gag when it hits my throat, but the long-term effects of Samantha's venom just makes it stretch, and soon I'm deep-throating this blue monster. Fiona uses my hair as handles and drags me back and forth over its length. Any disgust I have at doing this is lost in the pure pleasure of having it done to me. This cock wants to be thrust into my throat and I'm happy when Fiona does it for me, when she starts fucking my mouth with long, hard, thrusts.
She's screaming, "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've never felt anything like this before. Oh...my...God! Yes! Yes! Uuuuunngh!" Then, we're cumming. The orgasms roll on themselves as each one launches the next, until she finally pulls out and lets me flop bonelessly onto the bed.
Fiona lays her head on my belly. "Next, I think we'll have to give that ass of yours a try. But first, I'm going to need a minute."
When I speak my voice comes out raspy, "How long? How long does the spell last?"
"Huh," she says, realizing something. "I never thought to ask."
To perform a sex act on Sabina Votes: 1 8.3%
To have Sabina perform a sex act on her Votes: 1 8.3%
To force Sabina to drink one of her more interesting cocktails Votes: 8 66.7%
To have Sabina strip for customers at the bar Votes: 2 16.7%
To have Sabina complete a dangerous quest Votes: 0 0.0%
Oh dang I've always loved the idea of experiencing what the other people are feeling to
I really struggled to come up with a s*x spell that wasn't simply about arousal or enhancing body parts. Even did some research into nymphomancy for it, but it was all variations on the same. I'm so happy I came up with this for Sabina. It was fun to write and even more fun to contemplate,
Fiona could already feel the pleasure of Big Blue even before launching the spell of sexual empathy, right?
A slime-person is more like which of the images below?
Thanks for the chapter
Fiona couldn't feel pleasure from it in the same way as with the spell. It still provided stimulation from the friction against her clitoris, but she couldn't feel what it felt.
Image #3 is the closest to what I have in mind. Maybe not spilling out all over the ground so much though.
@DemonRose Okay, I understand now.
Now that I stopped to think about it, even though Sabina drank and ate she didn't have to go to the bathroom to relieve herself once. Don't the dead generate waste, by any chance?
@Gin0001 No, biology works a lot differently here. The bodies aren't as burdened by the normal functions. Near the beginning she also went several days without eating or drinking. So food and drink is more of a source of pleasure. I may explain this all in a later chapter, I just haven't found a reason to do so yet.